Well that lady from Russian did received my return mail.... So we are in communication now..... She say she did received all my mail.... I was afraid that the virus might got all those mail and divert it to other places..... Now that she has replied..... My antivirus software's are doing a good job so far..... It makes thing simple..... I hope that she would continue to read my blog..... And perhaps exchange ideas as to how to makes this blue planet of ours a better place to live and enjoy life..... On the internet front, I have just received an offer to start an email from Gmail.... A googles.... I have accept the offer to try this new email address and hope it would be another great email address that are available to us cybernuts...... I have already start to use my new Gmail and it look like, it is a simple to use and I believe it is going to be a very popular email address in the year to come..... For an email address to work for the cyberpeople like me.... First it has to be 'friendly', that mean it is easy to use and would store all those new addresses that we are beginning to use.... It look like it is doing just that.... Great..... In cyberspace thing had to work fast or else it would be a waste of time and the snailmail culture would return..... I hope those at Gmail would give us user an icon to put on the desktop.... Now we have to choose our own icon.... I believe those guy at Googles are thinking of this..... Have a nice day and thanks those guy at Gmail for giving us cyberpeople another tool to use ......
Friday, April 30, 2004
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Well time passes by fast and I have been lagging on my blogging for a sear reason I was a bit depress after being elected as a secretary of the Volvo club...... Well after I retired I told myself that I am not going to hold any post in any organizations for I wanted to be a free person..... In an organization especially when one hold post, especially as secretary....one had to get committed to the job..... As a person that want to do a good job always.... I thence to get committed and that mean I am not free.... Of course there are other reason that I do not want to get committed..... Since that traumatic incident in nineteen ninety six...... I get depress easily and I found out that to get our of it I had to free my mind and in doing so I became normal again and could enjoy life as it is...... A secretary job is not easy.... It is in fact the life of the organization and if the secretary do not do his or her job well and efficiently then the whole organization would not function properly and this would surely be a great lost to the organization itself....To me the organization is an important institution, this institution is actually a means to an end and in the case of the Kelab Volve Klasik, the club is the mean.... To me it is not so much the owning of a classic Volvo and driving it around, it is more then that.... In this case the common factor is the Volvo classic car and because of this common factor people come together and that is a good start to start toward something bigger, perhaps bigger than life itself........ So for the club to succeed in its vision, then the secretary must be able to work efficiently and stay focus and do the job well .... I know that for sure, for I had held many such post during my working life in the government..... I love to be given a responsibility and did my work very well indeed...... And after I retired and especially after the happening in nineteen ninety six, I found myself to be in need of more freedom in order to continue living a normal life......Freeing my mind to roam is one way of making my faculty healthy and by that able to enjoy life to the fullest..... So my dear friends in the KVK, hope they understood.... Why I did not want to hold on the post of the secretary of this great club..... I would rather contribute my thoughts and times in the background, of which I felt that I am able to do so......So lets go forward and get someone else to do this job of the secretary...... For no one is indispensable....... Together we will be able to bring the KVK to a new height.......
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
It is the twenty seven of April, a friend of our daughter, a Bangladesh lady say she is making a stop over in Kuala Lumpur and would meet us..... So we waited for her.... According to her, her plane would arrived at the airport early in the morning and that she would take the fast train to the city.... so we waited and at about ten in the morning she call saying that she has been put up at a hotel in Seremban, a city nearer the airport and south of Kuala lumpur..... Actually when she boarded the bus from the airport she did not know that the bus was heading toward Seremban.... Apparently she got into the bus and slept all the way..... She only knew the hotel is in Seremban on arrival... Well lucky for her that Seremban is not that far from Kuala Lumpur and connected by a commuter train at regular interval..... What would have happen if the bus went to Timbaktoo or some other places, then she would be lost in wonderland.... But then those thing does not happen in the beautiful Malaysian..... So she is safe..... When she phone in..... I told her that she should take the commuter train to the Sentral station in KL and the proceed to KLCC by the LRT and we shall meet her there for lunch....... So we waited again and eventually at just past one in the afternoon she call from KLCC.... Saying that on arrival at the KLCC, she go 'lost' and was wondering around trying to find a phone..... Apparently she did found a public phone.... In this era when everyone in this country carry a cell phone, the public phone would soon be a dinosaur......... Since KLCC is just a three minutes drive from our house.....it was just easy to get there..... and we eventually met her at the destinated place...... It was indeed a change of plan..... Well we can only plan and sometime even good plan would get haywire.... Anyhow happy that we found her, we went to have lunch at the food court....... She crave for 'Nasi Ayam' Chicken Rice' so She and my wife had that while I took a chapatti meals..... We chat and since she had to get back to the airport but six in the evening.... We had in a way to rush things up......She wanted to buy a memory stick for her camera.... So I told her that she should visit our computer 'mad house' at the Lowyatt Plaza.... I then drove to this shopping complex at one end of the Bintang Walk.... The traffic was heavy and it was indeed a slow drive...... We inch away and eventually arrived.... went straight to the shopping area where she and my wife for the first time are exposed to this computer mad house, where everything on computer are available here under one roof..... To me it is an interesting palace to be if you are looking for 'things' computer .... The whole complex on all floors were full of vendors selling all brands of computer, computer parts, cameras and of course cell phones.... It is a paradise of a sorts for those computer nuts....... We scout around for those memory stick she wanted... but unfortunately the one she was looking were not available.... She was looking for a 512mb chips for her camera..... Well ordinary person would just do with a 64mb memory, so memory stick with that amount of memory would not really sell at a place like this, anyway we scout around and eventually found one that it cost about three hundred dollars.... and then we continue to look and since time is not on our side and it is almost five and she decided not to buy any and that to proceed back to the Sentral station for her train to the airport....... So I drove to the KLCC and park my car there and together with her took the LRT to the Sentral Station..... in a minutes we arrived and she check in at the Express train to the airport..... Since this is the first time that my wife and me had visit the Sentral station......We decided to brows through and see the place..... It is indeed a huge station and the whole place were crowded with people..... A transit point for trains to other destinations in the country, a commuter hub, as well as the LRT hub as well..... It is a place where transportation are well connected.... It resemble the Grand Central station in N.Y city........ well being at this Sentral one would not feel that we are still in a country that the west call the third world.... We are actually a develop nation in this part of the world..... Come and see and you would agree that Malaysia today is a well develop country comparable to any countries in the west......... After browsing around, we had coffee and then took the LRT to KLCC.... Took our car and then drove back home....Oh! What an interesting day.... Hectic.!!... But enjoyable..... She must be wondering in Sydney by now.... Hope that she did not get into the wrong bus again and landed in another city..... Australia is large.... Another city means thousand of kilometer away...... Well I supposed she has learn from the incident in Malaysian..... She is a smart lady..... Shimo Have fun..........
Monday, April 26, 2004
Well it look like the virus is still somewhere there, I am determine to get rid of it all.... It would take some time...... As for the email front.... Great I just received an email from that lady at the huge petroleum company..... She has not replied to my mail.... I thought that the virus had sent it elsewhere..... I just want a confirmation and she did received my mail and had been procrastinating on it for days...... Well life is like that and we human sometime just are too lazy to do things, knowing very well that it affect other.....Like this email.... I just want a reply, even if it is just a computer generated reply, saying that one had received the mail.... That life would be better..... Well some people are too busy.... Chasing the rainbow..... Or I just do not understand anymore.... Money.... Well I believe some of these people had plenty of it already...... And are not spend enough of it..... Maybe position in the organization.... You might think that you are due for promotion..... But then you have the boss.... And if he or she think that you are not up to it..... then you just stay put and do your job... Do not be frustrated about it..... Life is like that...... Like you want to get married and when at last at an almost golden age you get married to someone you 'love' and settled down..... And at that age you think that you both should not have children.... And to me what is marriage without children.....Some couple just could not have children..... One way is to adopt one and if you have the money then there are science and technology to see that you get an offspring.... In the case of the person I had in mind, surely she had the money in the world to do just that and have children.... But maybe she forgot that having offspring is a biological process only this species could do..... The man just could not do it alone.... Have a nice day.....
Sunday, April 25, 2004
It is Sunday the twenty fifth, and today the Kelab Volvo Klasik is having their Annual General Meeting.... I am now a member of this club, so this will be the first time I am attending this meeting which is held at the Federal Auto, the company which sell Volvo. The gathering started with a breakfast session of the traditional Malaysian buffet.... The AGM started at about eleven in the morning.... And the surprise thing is that they decided to elect me as their next Hon.Secretary..... actually I did not want to hold any post in the committee and would like just to be an ordinary member.... But then what can I say.... It is a democracy and they adamantly want me to be a secretary..... So I accept and told them I would try to do my best...... Most of the previous committee members did not want to continue to be in this year committee, so in the end we now have a new set of committee members with Mr. Simon Suresh and young chap being elected as the President of the Club.... Mr. Simon is in fact the founder members of this club which was registered in nineteen ninety seven.... He is the first member of the club..... So now I had a job to do and hope that I would be able to do the job well.... It was to me a great meeting of the young and old.... and it went very well indeed.... We had lunch together and happy that this year AGM went well with a new set of committee member.......
Saturday, April 24, 2004
I am still receiving unwanted mail.... Hope my antivirus works and that those unwanted mail would not be seen again.... I also hope that those mail that I had send recently reached their destination.... Like the email I send as a reply to that lady in Russia.... I hope the email that she sent to me is from herself and not from some virus.... I was thinking that this lady wrote the email after visiting my blog.....So I immediately reply to her email and up to now I have as yet to get some indication of whether the email is true and that she got my reply.... I did send a number of email to her.... The reason being that my computer was infected with virus and I had to spend almost a whole day to get rid of those virus..... I am still not sure whether I have got rid of all those virus..... Anyway I had to try to communicate to those email that I received..... I hope the lady from Russia read this and appreciate a reply so that I could put this case to a closure...... Well life is like that .... There would be always the up and down..... Sometime it is the computer virus.....Sometime the server stop working..... Sometime the computer hang...... Well we all have to live with it all the time.......
Friday, April 23, 2004
It is Friday again, the weather has been a bit gloomy and hot, and the virus is making a havoc to my email address..... I call a friend Paul to seek his advise as to how to deal with this virus problem.... He say that he is having the same problem, probably it came from me.... Well I do not know about that.... May be the virus did that.... Pick up an address from my address book and create a havoc with his computer.... I also found that it is not me only that got this virus problem.... Our daughter in Boston is also having virus attack and some of my friend overseas are also having the same problem.... So I seek Paul know how on this problem and he say why not us an antivirus program available in the internet and he has done that and managed to get rid of the virus in his computer..... So he gave me this address housecall and with his advise I tried and this software found the virus and got rid of it and I continue to scan and later found that there are no more virus but I am not that sure as yet..... I have to wait and hope the virus are really gone...... What can we all do in cyberspace.... These virus are a smart lots and they are just doing their job of creating havoc, obeying orders its creator want.... Just to give us human more headache..... I hope that we can always stay one step ahead from these virus and hope for the best.... So if my friends had not received any reply to their mail.... Do excuse me for I did reply to all those email that I received.....If they did not received it..... Surely it is the doing the these virus...... Well lets hope for the best for all of us are new in the cyberspace and are learning the system every minutes..... As usual we human would get over it and survived.........
Thursday, April 22, 2004
I am not that sure what to write today..... In Iraq the war is not getting better.... on the home front the economy is getting better and the new government headed by the new Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi has promise a better government and good governance...... It is indeed a good new for all Malaysian......And the OIC is meeting in Kuala Lumpur to discuss the recent development in the Middle East..... I notice that most of the OIC members are not taking seriously this meeting in Kuala lumpur;and only a few countries did sent their foreign ministers to the meeting, the rest just send low ranking government representatives or their ambassador in Malaysia to the meeting.... Well as far as I can recollect the OIC as an organization has never really work.... Sometime I wonder why at all have this organization .... Just to have meeting!!..... And remember every meeting cost the taxpayers their money, so I hope that those responsible look on the seriousness of this dilemma.... And solve their in house problem first before trying to solve the world's problem...Well what can I say except say what I believe and hope for the best...... As for the war that is going on in the Iraq, Afghanistan and the Palestine/Israel.... I sincerely hope that those leaders and the big powers would come to their senses and solved this problem fast before it gets out of hand and spread to other part of the world..... Remember the angry youth in these places would act with emotion and this would not augur well for the peace loving world..... As for Malaysian I am indeed glad that our leaders have govern this country well and because of that we now have peace and harmony and that the people are enjoying a better life then they had ever before.... But to ensure that all this good life continue we Malaysian should not be too complacent and be on guard all the time so that outside influence does not subvert our society and create instability, thus would ruin our peace and harmony that we have develop all throughout our independence...... I believe We Malaysian would treasure our peace and harmony more then anything else..... For we are a peace loving people..... And remember that motto Malaysia Boleh, Malaysian Can...... We are a proud nation and Malaysian Boleh.....Let us keep it at that and continue with our daily life as a peace loving Malaysian...... Have a nice day.....
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
With love from Russia... Yes.. That is what the email in a way say...... the surprise email that I received from St.Petersburg city, Russia.... A lady by the name of Anna visited my site the other day and decided to complement me for my writing..... I am indeed happy that I have found a friend in Russia or the other way around, a Russian have found a friend in Me.... A Malaysian..... Thanks Anna for writing, your mail really makes my Day... I am indeed very happy that someone in faraway Russia did read my blog.... What a wonder the internet and cyberspace is to us human.... for distance and political boarder of countries ceased to exist anymore and in cybershpere .... We are all one now... A cybercitizen of cybersphere.... Of a kind no human generations have gone before.... As I have said time and again the internet is the second best invention by man after the wheel... for it gave us human the freedom to reach out to anyone in this whole wide world of ours.... And here today without the wildest dream I befriend a Russian that I have not met as yet, except now in cyberspace.... A Russian from St.Petersburg city, a great and historical city that I had long to visit and hope sometime in not too distance future, I would be able to visit this great country especially St.Petersburg..... anyway our daugher, an MD, did visit St.Peterburg on an official business some years ago... and she brought back interesting souvenirs that we still keep as a memento of her visit to the home of the great Russian tsar..... I have always hope that my blog would reach as many people as possible, for my writing are just my daily experiences, that I am sure would in some way contributes to the reader's interest.... As a person in the golden age.... I have gone through life and like any human on this planet that we share.... I am just passing through and in my journey of life I have gain some knowledge that only person on such a journey could ever gain.... No school could teach us all the knowledge that we gain on the journey of life.... From childhood to Youth and to this great golden age.....We accumulate knowledge and perhaps some wisdom.... I believe that all knowledge would be useless if we did not share with our fellow being.... So my writing are in a way... my way of sharing ..... Toward making this world a better place to live..... and perhaps prosper together and with that enjoy life in this global village of our.... Like any village where we grew up, we normally live in peace and harmony and continue to do so even when we leave our village to a greener pasture..... the memories of those great days in our little village and our friends linger on and on and we shall never forget those great days of childhood and the growing up..... So I believe it would be the same if we in this global village could continue the tradition of friendship that are part of us human, are born with.... then our world would be as peaceful and harmony as our little village were..... We human, a species with great intelligent..... I believe, we could do it if we all put our heart and mind in nurturing love to our fellow mankind..... After all we were born out of love not out of hate..... We all have love in our heart and we all should nurture it so that the next generation of mankind have more love in them..... For a start let us use the cyberspace as a media to sow the seed of love all over the blue planet.... For if we sow love now......Surely we would eventually reap love when the seed grows into plants and then flowers and eventually would bear the fruits of love...... For God is Love and let us make Love contagious and spread like wild fire all over this blue planet of ours... Like what is happening in this space of time..... A lady from Russia send her welcome signal of friendship through cyberspace and here Me on the receiving end.... Accepting it with open arm..... We have a saying in Malay ' Kecil tapak tangan, Nyiru ditadahkan ' translated into English ' Kecil tapak tangan ' the small palm of a hand. Nyiru' a large flat container usually use to put in rice, ditadahkan ' to put in'....... So my friends Anna, let together make this world of ours a better place to live and enjoy life.... My friend... Welcome to cybernation.... our country.... a boarderless world........Have a nice day.....Terima Kasih
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
The first quarter of this year saw the population of Malaysian rise to twenty five million, a growth that is expect so that it would be an economic population as the country progress...... the country must have a population of seventy million for it to be self sustained and able to generate a healthy economic growth from consumer spending. As it is the country had to relied on export to boost its local economic growth..... Since independence in nineteen fifty seven the country has remain stable and progress well and today it boast of a high standard of living with low cost..... Thus a living style comparable to those advance nation in the west.... With political stability and good economic planning together with national unity with it citizen live in harmony.... the country is poise to develop faster and became more prosperous as it reach a developed nation status in the year twenty twenty......
Monday, April 19, 2004
Sunday.... A day of rest... It rain again off and on.... Wet so I stayed at home and watch the TV.... the news on the war front in Iraq and the middle east were not promising.... It look like things are getting from bad to worse.... in Iraq it look once again like Vietnam to the American.... Fight a war without a cause and more and more young American got kill... Imaging the feeling of those parents at home..... And as for the Iraqi, life is not getting better after Saddam.... More people get killed everyday and the resentment again the occupying power is growing every minutes..... It look bad for the American and the other occupier troops.... To add to the mess... Now there are kidnaps of foreigner.... making it a new turn in the fight for Iraqi 'freedom'..... It seem that the Western Power never learn that colonization do not pay and that more and more of their young would die and the result is still unknown...... I hope some of the western leaders come to their senses quickly and leave Iraq to its own people to decide..... There are many intelligent people in Iraq and I believe they would find a way to solved their problem and bring back some civility to this once proud nation.... Remember no people in this world want to be colonized..... They would fight and the result that more and more innocents people get kill.... Look at the Palestinian and the Israel conflict, it has not ended because those leaders did not want to see the truth.... It is very simple to solved..... Set up a Palestine state and the Israel return to it boarder before the ninety sixty seven war and get the United Nation to guard the boarder of boarder country.... I believe peace would come instantly to this trouble are.... And as for Iraq.... the American and it allies should leave Iraq and hand it to the United Nation to conduct an Election and then hand over power to the new elected government..... This is the only way to end this American made conflict...... Come on we human could solved all of these problem if we want to...... Must we allowed all those five young man and woman die and their parent's life shattered..... the answer is no.... We all want peace.... So let work toward peach.......
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Saturday, April 17, 2004
See how time passes by and it is already Saturday..... It rain this morning.... It has been like that for the whole of this month..... Wet and dry and wet again..... Sometime it shower..... one of my car would get really wet..... What can I do except to wipe it up.. one of those things that you had to do to keep thing in its proper perspective.... A friend is sick and I had not visited him, so today I decided to see him at his home..... I took the Volvo and drive to his home..... on arrival at the front of his house.... I horned and He was real surprise to see me with this vintage car..... He had a Volvo once, in fact we all had Volvo before when we were young and working for the government.... But not the Volvo 122.... He had a Volvo 144, so do myself..... It was a great car then and I continue to change cars and eventually bought a Volvo 240 and later on the Volvo 244.... But then the Japanese cars invaded our market with beautiful and cheaper cars.... So like everybody else I opted for a Japanese car after that and have ever since use Japanese cars..... But now with my vintage Volvo 122s.... I now have a Japanese Honda Civic and this beau that I drove to my friend's house this morning...... He has just got out of hospital recently.... Some sickness... Of old age I suppose.... He is recuperating at home and indeed happy to see me, especially the Volvo 122... A vintage.... He say he had wanted to buy that car at that time... but due to some reasons that he did not explain.... he eventually bought a Volvo 144, a bigger car and an expensive car of that time.... It is only those senior government officers and the businessman use these Volvo, for they were the few that could afford to buy these cars..... As for me at that time I was just a junior officer and could not afford to own one...... So happily he talk about his liking of this Volvo classic and it seem the chats seem to revolve around the subject of the Volvo.... He say that the motto of the Volvo is "Volvo for life".... It is not to mean that one would use Volvo for all his life.... It actually to mean that Volvo is a very safe car and it saved life..... Now I know what its meant when people say ' Volvo for life '.... Well it was indeed an interesting chat that we have had and I am indeed happy that this friend of mine is getting well... and that seeing my Volvo classic makes his mind active again... I am indeed glad that it is in a way makes a friend happy..... Time passes by and since it was about lunch time.... I invited him for lunch.... but he say that.. let do it the next time.... With that I parted happy the my dear friend is on the way to a complete recovery... in a way thanks to my 'new' Volvo classic...... Well as I always said.... Life is like that... And some time little things like this Volvo of mine do have an effect of a person memory and it jolt some great past events..... Which bring joy and happiness..... It was to me a really great day with a friend.......
Friday, April 16, 2004
Oh! What a surprise.... All the time I have being wondering what has happen to my dear friend that got married last year.... At that time She told me that she is going to get married.... She was in her late forties at that time and that she had met someone older then her and are going to get married.... Well as usual I advise her to get through it fast since her age is catching up and that she had waited that long to get married.... And after an exchange of a few mail in which I advise her to check everything including the health aspect of her husband to be since she say that the man which is much older then her had not married before, to me man that does not married at almost fifty or older must be exceptional and not normal.... Unless he is...... Anyway may be this is a special kind of man but I told her that they should have health check to be sure...., I had a feeling the she did not like what I say....So I guess that is why I lost contact..... I know very well that people in love are blind to so many things, and sometime do not stand to reasons.... Anyway what are friends for... If you do not give good advice at the time of need, even though you know that it could be a bitter pill to swallow..... And since there were no communication after that, I soon forgot all about this events and wish her well and hope that she would really get married this time and settled down..... And today of all the day I got an email from her .... after I forward a good joke to her..... It was a long mail , telling me that she had married for more then a year already and that she is happily married and still a career women.... An emphasis on the Career Woman.....Good for her and I replied.... and wish her well and told her that she should have as many children as possible and then enjoy of having grandchildren like me now.......For old folks like us, grandchildren are indeed a blessing and a sorts of a bonus.... So how do you get grandchildren if you do not have children in the first place..... So I told her that she should have as many children as possible and that in today's world, with science and technology age would not be a factor in having children.... I hope she realized fast and have children soon....... You know..... This career thing are sometime misunderstood by some woman..... To me it does not mean that 'career' mean not getting married and no children..... For I believe that woman should be first Motherhood and then Career and not the other way around.... Well what can I say other then that for I believe that God created women for a special purpose.... First is Motherhood and then the rest like career and so on........ I had known this lady from her university's days and later when she graduated she start working with a huge petro chemical company and doing very well indeed and now one of the top executive..... I know many people like her in the course of my work in the government agency, that deal with young people and she happen to be an active member of a Youth organization that I give advise from time to time..... As usual with me we continue to communicate whenever we could.... For friendship are very important to me and I treasured everyone of then..... For as we continue on our journey of life, we would soon realized that friends are indeed a very important aspect of our human culture, for we would be real lonely without friends, especially so in our golden age where friendship became a treasure that you cannot do without... where we more often share our sadness and our joy....... When we are young we do not really understand the real meaning of friendship.... It is when we get to this age that we realized the true meaning of friendship.... I am indeed glad that I have many friends and keep making more....even through cyberspace.....I had always believe that strangers are friends that we are yet to meet..... So do keep all your friends even at time friends sometime, for good intention hurt you.... for what are friendship if you do not care to advise when you find that things are not right.... the reason is because you care... If you do not care....then you just do not want to get involved in other people's life..... Friends....That is life.... Believe me age bring you wisdom and these wisdom should be share with others so that others may also benefit from the knowledge in this wisdom..... I hope my dear friend that I mentioned in the piece do not get angry for my telling this story to the world..... Let us share and may be we would eventually learn something from this experiences..... May be our value system differ but then we are from the same specie.... How are we to progress if the female counterpart adamantly want to remain 'career women' first and do not want offspring.... If this happen then that would be the last of our species.... Like the Jurassic period we would disappeared from the surface of the planet and perhaps other species would take over from us........ I guess that would happen if we tempered with evolution..... So if we want our species to continue to roam this blue planet.... Do have offspring.... the only way we could preserved our species..... Have career by all means but do not forget that your species have other purpose on this planet.... That is motherhood....... Have a nice Day.....
Thursday, April 15, 2004
The renovation works of my patio has just finished..... So it is time to redo my small garden again .... It took the contractor six days to laid the slate slap for the front patio and because slate had to be properly settled first before a coating could be paint on it.... I had to wait for almost twenty days before the slate were properly dried.... for my contractor did not want to do a sloppy work.... Being a good artisan who love his work, this person did not want to rush to complete the job.... Instead he would rather wait and then do a good job of it..... I had know this contractor for almost twenty years already so whenever I had a job to like laying tile or any stone works, I would call this person who I refer as Tek Sing..... a Chinaman who love his job of laying tiles...... So today he did the final touch of his handy works and I am happy with the good job done...... With that I had to start to put the place in a proper order so that it look presentable and pleasing to the eyes... To me any renovation to the house had to be done with the artistic view in mind, for what is a renovation if it would not look good after.....Materials for any renovation works could be easily bought at the market places.... It is the workmanship that makes the difference, a sloppy work would not achieve your reason for a renovation works... You renovate so that you get to see a new look, which should be better the the previous scene.....the new renovation should enhance the look and this is the reason that I had chosen slate instead of man made tile for my new look patio... for I love the natural look of slate, as there would never be two pieces of slate that look the same.... It is the difference in each piece of slate that make it more artistic, which in turn create a natural look and it blend well with the small fish pond that I had already created at one corner of my patio.....I had tried to create a sort of a garden with ponds and running water.....Creating an atmosphere of nature with a touch of green here and there..... What else we city folks could do except to try to create an environment that have the look of the green of the rural areas..... It is for these reasons that I decided to do this renovation to my small patio in front of my home..... With the arrangement done..... I am proud to say that it look better and am happy about it.... Thanks to the Chinaman that did a wonderful work of laying those delicate slate.... We now have a new look patio..... Indeed it is a work of arts..... My friends.... That is living..... With the technology and the know how we have today we could easily create any look with a little bit of imagination and creativity...... Knowledge takes us all a long way..... To a better quality of life.... And enjoy......
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
You know the contact I had in Bali.... the matahari of a sorts.... the one that I lost contact.... Yes I got contacted again just briefly.... At least I know that She is still there doing her job as the other half of my dear friend who is a Boss of a sort in a hospitality industry there...... I am indeed relief to get connected to her again and hope that she would continue to furnished me with her amazing adventure story as a matahari in that far away places.... one thing that I know for sure is that she is having a great time living like the rich and famous...... We just could only dream to live like one but she is really living like one...And being paid to do just that.....Some people are just born lucky..... Well that is life and as for me I just pretend to be one whenever I stayed at our condo in Malacca..... It is a really nice place with swimming pool and a beach just about two hundred meter away.... and not far from this condo of ours live my dear friend who hobby is boating in open sea and fish all days... He have a few seafaring boat and love to go to the sea and enjoys angling.... The last time I was at his house in Malacca, we really had a great dinner of fish that he just caught the day before.... It taste great and We did enjoy that sumptuous dinner prepared by his dear wife.... A charming lady who love to cook...... Well that is life... Some people love to fish, some love to be rich and famous and me I love to toy around with my vintage Volvo...... Crazy old man you might say..... Well we in this golden age had work real hard from our youth and now that the children have grown up and have kids of their own.... it is time that people like us enjoy life with hobby that only people like us understand to appreciate.... Some of my friends love to play golf, some just love to chat at the coffee shop every morning.... Some just love to wonder to the rural area in search of some peace of mind..... Well there are all sorts of people in the world.... I guess that what's makes this world of ours interesting....We old folks have our own way of passing our time and try to enjoy the life in this golden age.....As time passes by.....Thing began to changes.... I am not that sure for the better of not..... I hope it is for the better.....So that the future generations would inherit a better world ....... After that short message from my matahari in Bali... I have as yet to receive her report of the happening in that part of the world.... In the meantime let all find something to do and contribute to making this world a better place to live and enjoy life..... Oh! Ya!....Eh! What has happen to my friend that live in the California desert who had sold her house and move to another place.... I have not heard from her for quite sometime already....Hi Mary....How are you doing... I hope you get to read this blog and let me know where have you settle now.... I hope that you and Leo are in the best of health..... We are all OK here.... Would be glad to get some news from your end....... Take care......
Monday, April 12, 2004
It has been a bright day and as usual at this time of the months all the bills have arrived and it is time to settled it..... So I went out to the local town centre to settled the bills... Now with the one stop payment centre it is much easier to make payments.... Unlike before when one had to go to various centers to make payment..... in just mere fifteen minutes I had settled all the bills and then went to the mall to do some shopping for my daily needs..... Of course I stop for a teh tarik and roti canai at the Mamak shop.... There were many people have their breakfast there, met a friend at the telephone shop and then went home..........Work on the new blog for the Volvo club so that this 'Kelab Volvo Kelasik' would have another medium to inform its members as to their activities.... At the same time this blog would expose the club to the world.... I had volunteer to do the blog and still finding the best way to do it..... As all those bloggers know too well, starting a blog is not that easy, it would take some doing to get it right and make it presentable to the public.... Info had to be collected so that the club's blog would contain all available information for its members. It should as well be an interesting blog to visit from time to time..... in a way it should make the club members proud to own a blog of its own..... I have done a test blog and hoping to get some feedback from members so that whatever changes could be made and then the blog could be lunch officially by the President of the Club..... In the mean time just wait ........
Sunday, April 11, 2004
It is Sunday.... the weather has been somewhat gloomy.....It has been like this since the beginning of this month and in the evening it rain..... So it has been quite a wet weeks..... I decided to stay at home and do some work on my front yard.... the fish pond had to be clean and the little garden had to be rake..... Then I took a spin on my vintage Volvo that I got recently...... Everywhere I went I would get a curious look by passerby and when I park, there would be people looking at this vintage.... Interesting eh!! This vintage car.... It is thirty eight years old.... So it has to be care of with kindness and with gentle touch..... This morning when I was washing the car and wiping it off the morning dew.... two young boys that live nearby stop by to see this beau.... They were still in their teen and as such this car are from another world.... I use to see this two boys first when they were just a few years old and now the are big and drive a local mini..... This well mannered boys stop by and say Hello to me .... And I showed them the engine of this vintage Volvo 122 classic.... They were impressed with the look of the engine, which has been partly chrome..... And when I started the engine it just run smooth.... Just like a new car..... Satisfied their curiosity.... They ask me about other oldies like the mini and the Volkswagen..... I told them it is a good car and that when I was young those were the cars that we dream of having.... They say that they would like to have one of this old classic especially the mini like the one use by Mr Bear in the TV series...... Happy they left and Me of course I am happy and felt great.... especially knowing that these young boys are having a dream, just like Me when I was at their age.... I dream to own one of the Volvo 122 and now at this golden age I did at last own one.... A beau..... that I drive from time to time just for the fun of it all.... And now I am also a member of the Kelab Volvo Klasik.... A club of those people that own this classic car......Well there is another toy to play and enjoy..... What a life.....So another Sunday just passed by and Here Me still at my laptop writing this....A journal of my daily ritual.....Trying to make it as interesting as possible and sharing it with the world and hope that it would in some small way contributes to making life more entertaining for those that read this blog.... I suppose my foster daughter in Italy is reading this and would laugh at this thoughts..... Yes... I just got an e greeting card from her and it really make me happy, for just a day ago I was thinking of her and it keep lingering in my mind... Then the e card arrived..... What a coincident....Or was it!!!! Let leave it at that..... Thanks Joan.... You really makes my Days.......
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Hi everyone, it is the weekend again, the happening in Iraq seem to not getting any better, what in going to happen I believe non of us know......According to some news report it is worst then during the Saddam era.... I read a Blog from inside Iraq [Baghdad Burning] and found the situation is worst then it is reported..... I am indeed sorry for all those that had to suffer living in such situation and as for us especially Malaysian we should thanks our lucky star for living in a great country, with peace and prosperity all throughout our independence history...... To Malaysian and others who live in a peaceful country, we all should appreciate all that we have and thanks God for all the good that we have had and we all should continue to guard our independence and never allow any foreign power any excuses to invade our country...... It is our destiny and the future of our children are at stake not those foreign power...... So let us all work toward peace and hope that Iraq after this happening would, like phoenix raised from the ashes to became an Independent and a prosperous nation again...... It is really sad to see all those happening on our TV day in and day out..... and there seem to be still no light at the end of the tunnel......I would like to thanks the writer of this Baghdad blog for her writing.... At least it give us another view of the happening inside Iraq..... Do go on writing....... We all appreciate and understand what you all are going through.........Our sympathy are with the Iraq people...... We are sure that after all this pain, Iraq would raised again.......God willing......
Friday, April 09, 2004
There is a Malay saying ' Sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga ' translate into English ' you fell from a ladder and the ladder fell and hit you" or misfortune never hit once .....and that opportunity only hit but once....... Well we all have gone through some sort of misfortune and some opportunity in our life time .... That is life and if we are smart we should learn something after every events in our journey of life..... and perhaps have more wisdom to carry on and continue to enjoy life.... as I have being saying I have lost contact with the matahari in Bali..... I believe No news is good news and hope they are well and enjoying life in the paradise they are living now.... Good for them and I do not believe I should pursue this any further.... They are enjoying life like the rich and famous and I share their joy in the hours of their achievement..... Let turn to some other subject so that life become more interesting..... Of late my computer have being receiving many unrelated email from some people that I do not even know..... I suspect this is the work of some virus so I decided not to open any of these many mails, delete it immediately and got rids of it out of my computer.... I also check my computer for any virus and as yet to fine any.... Hope it stay that way... It is rather nuisance at time to receive unknown and funny mail.... It waste my time and energy and if I am not careful it would ruin my computer..... Well this virus are getting smarter everyday, so we all have to be careful and be smarter so that they do not overtake our computer system...... With all those virus I have to be extra careful nowadays and hope that whatever mail I send did reach their destinations.... Like all those mail that I send to the matahari in Bali.... It has remain a mystery for I do not know whether the other party receive those email or the virus has sent it to someone else.... I just do not know....Unless the matahari in Bali reply to my many mail.... I am hoping for the best..... Anyway what can I say.... It is cyberspace that we are dealing, it has it our culture, norms and value..... which we are just beginning to learn and understand..... So I have to just wait and see what really happen.... in the mean time I have to try to communicate again and pray and hope for the best....At least get a short reply.... Well.. life is like that.... If it is not like that, then it would not be interesting... so whatever happen life goes on........Have a nice Day.
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
I have lost contact with the matahari in Bali.... Do not know why.... My emails have been unanswered..... May be she is busy or she got intrusion from her other half to shut up and not to provide informations to me anymore.... May be she is angry with me for making some suggestions, which she did not like..... As a friend in the present circumstance I had to advise her whether she like it or not.... What are friend for when in a time like this.... Just to keep quiet..... May be she did not like when I say that '' falling down means that you have to learn to stand up, you would not be able to understand what fallen down mean if you did not fall before". To me I believe in the Malay saying " Jatuh itu untok bangun" translated ' fall down is so that you could stand up .... Most people blame others when they fall down....... They never want to blame themselves.... Fallen down is past happening.... No.. We could not stop that which has happen, except if we could take control of time and reversed or playback the incident.... but we just could not do that at least as yet.... I do not know what the future is..... So if you fall... You should take it in strike.... Get up with all your might.... And start thinking why did you fall..... Analyzed it and start to understand the cause and learn from it and go forward with greater zeal and with pride... Remember if you do not fall.....How are you to know how to stand up.... So stand up and stand tall and look forward and you would gain more from the fall. you would not understand the meaning of fall if you had not fallen........ Anyway I hope to make contact with the matahari again once she realized that I meant well..... I also told her that if you want others to change, you yourself had to change first...... We live in a very dynamic world and thing changes every minutes..... If we stick to the old ways and refuse to understand the changing world, then we are lost for ever..... A friend of mine is trying very hard to change the working habit of his work forces in an establishment and he is getting depress since the local work forces has not really change to his liking..... I told him to look at the cause of his problem.... May be he did not like what I say..... Well He is the Boss... Boss always think they are right even when the are wrong.... That was the old philosophy.... It work then.... But in today's world it would just not work.... Your just could not dictate now..... It is a democracy...... and in a democracy you do not dictate... You get people to work with you to achieve a common goal.... That is how it is done now.... So if you still believe in the old way and still bossing around.... then you can forget about the productive of your work forces.... They would only do their work whenever you dictate and once you are not around, they would just not work.... They are not committed and this would give you more headache, like what is happening to my friend in this far away establishment that he is made to run......So that is the way thing are now..... Thing changes and that's what make life interesting.... Full of challenges...... Call it an adventure...... It would not be interesting if the adventure is just a straight line..... There must be obstacles on the way and while on the journey you try to get through these obstacles..... You would find a way to solved the problem encounter on the way and then when your reach your destination you are rewarded with satisfaction...... The journey of life if like that... There are no easy way..... But you can make it easy or hard depend on how you look at things..... If you take it as a challenges then you would surely succeed..... For leaders are always prepared to accept challenges and with his intelligence would eventually succeed..... That is the way to success......
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
It has been a great day, just went to Malacca to have a look at our apartment there, did some maintenance and stayed a night... Met the CEO of the Management team, had a long talk about tourism and the hospitality industries...... He is from Kuantan, my home town but from his youth had being living in Australia... It all started when he was sent to Perth, Australia to study on a government scholarship...... He completed his study in accountancy but did not return, instead he married an Australian girl and settled in Sydney.... Now He is back.... First he tried his fortune in Kuantan..... After the trial and error of the business world He eventually struck gold when he venture into real estate.... With this success he venture on and now took over the management of the Merak Mutiara Beach Resort, a condo cum hotel for holiday makers....... I am indeed happy that this holiday resort of back after almost in a delirium...... I hope this new management could bring back this resort to it fomer glory...... The first part of the journey to Malacca, the highway part was indeed pleasant but as we took the country road via Alor Gajah.... It started to rain and with the Construction all the way.... part of the road became muddy and I had to drive slowly.... When this part of the road is completely upgraded it would surely be a great drive from highway to the resort at Pantai Putri.... It was known as Pantai Kundor but has since be change to a new name Pantai Putri..... A more appropriate name for such a nice place along the beach....Translate into English Pantai Putri means Princes Beach...... The resort is situated beside the beach and a very ideal place for a family getaway on the weekend as it has great condo facilities and swimming pool both for the adult and the children.... It is situated far away from the hassle of the city and as such it would make a peaceful holiday atmosphere especially those from cities..... This holiday resort was once know as the Mutiara Malacca Beach Resort and now it name has being change to Merak Malacca Beach Resort...... So the next time you are looking for some place to spend your weekend...I would suggest this resort.... It worth a try..... I know for I have a condo there and enjoy staying there whenever I am in Malacca.... Have a nice day.
Monday, April 05, 2004
The other day I posted a remark to a stranger's blog and today I got an email from the writer of this blog... It was a sort of a welcome note and a very pleasing one too.... I guess we just got connected..... Great that is how friendships are made..... Stranger became friend via the cyberspace.... I am indeed glad to get to know this new blogger who seem to be of my age group.... What a life these goldenager have now with this tool call blog... in mere instance, stranger became friends.... We have start to exchange more info on ourselves, so that we may eventually meet in person..... Remember with the internet we now could only transmit bits and as yet to be able to transmit atom.... which I believe would one day be possible..... Once we human found a way to transmit atom, then we all could be transported to any spot just with a click of a button, like just like what we did now with bits through the internet.... We could then meet in cyberspace in person!!!. It is not an impossible feat and I believe man would achieve this in this millennium.... Remember 'nothing is impossible to a willing mind'..... God create man with huge brain and we are now just using one tenth of it only..... So as we expend our thinking horizon and use the other parts of our brain to explore all the possibilities.....surely we would achieve the 'impossible' in the future..... It is only a matter of time ..... I believe that we would be able to transmit Atom.... Like we transmit Bits now through the internet...... Twenty years or so ago no one would believe we could transmit bits [ including moving images] to anywhere is a span of a second and with a touch of a button.... But then for us who have live through the years found that the 'impossible' of the bygone days are now not only possible but a reality today.... Making our lives more interesting.... Just like what had just happen in the last minute... Coming back from Malacca I look at my email and found an email from a stranger..... As usual I respond quickly... otherwise it would became a 'snailmail'.... Then just in a matter of a few minutes I got another respond from the same person and we seem to click well.... with stories of a mutual friends, who seem to be in a sort of a 'distress'.... With these info we soon knows that we are of the same age... What a life.... " Quote: Strangers are friends that you have yet to meet - Roberta Lieberman".... All these acquaintances are I believe Godsend.... For we are mere players in the grand scheme of things.... So let us play to the tune of the good melodies and make life as beautiful as possible.... That is what God want us to do on this blue planet of ours...... Welcome bloggers to this beautiful world of cyberspace and continue to contribute our thoughts so that we may continue to prosper in every aspect of life..... For what is life if it is not use to the fullest..... God created life ... Not to be wasted........ It is to be enjoyed.......That is life......And never forget to thanks Him every moments for all the goodness of life......God created Love so let us makes love our philosophy of life....... Make it contagious so that it affect everyone on this planet.....
Sunday, April 04, 2004
It has been raining in the evening and some time it shower with strong wind.... This always happen during this period of the year... and there would be flash floods at various low lying spot in and around the city..... I love the rain for it keep the air fresh... You could even smell the freshness of the air but it is also has it not too interesting effect.... the cars get wet and had to be clean after every shower or even a small drizzle, if it is not done then the car would look just dirty with dirt that got stuck to the wet surfaces, with that it became smoggy and dirty..... So every time it rain, I had to do an extra job of cleaning the cars..... for I never like to see my cars look unclean.... I would like to see my cars all the time spot shining...... Actually when the cars get real dirty, I would sent it to the car wash to get it done.... but then it would not be that economical to send the car for was every time it get dirty.... So in between sending it to the car wash.... I would do it myself.... Just to sweat a bit and also just for the sire fun of it all...... Now that I had the vintage Volvo I had to do extra work of keeping both my cars in good looking condition.... My covered garage could only fit one car, so one car had to be outside at one time and this means that I had to see that the car that is outside is clean every time it rains..... Well that is life.... You get you you deserved.... You have an addition surely you have an extra load of work.... Anyway it keep me busy everyday and that is great at this golden age.... Where time is mine to do what I like and so the extra job of washing the car..... Anyway who am I to complain.... It is my own doing and I am happy about it... Life is like that..... So I might as well enjoy doing it and be happy about it.. come rain or sunshine...... Have a great day.
Saturday, April 03, 2004
Friday, April 02, 2004
Surprise!!.. What a surprise when I am told that one of my article in my Blog was put on a front page of an internet newspaper dated the thirty first of March The World Star Gazette. It is indeed an honor to have been selected.... A reward that is priceless.... Thanks to the editor of this Newspaper for selecting the article for the world to read.... It is my hope that whatever I wrote in my Blog, would in anyway contribute to the well being of everyone that read my blog.... For thoughts are just useless if it is not share with others...... So again I am indeed grateful to the editorial board of this Newspaper for reading my Blog and found an article that is worth the front page status.... Thanks again.... You people really makes my day..... Thanks again friends....It is indeed an honor, for me writing my thoughts is a hobby that I love and hope that it would contribute to a better life for all...... For we on this blue planet are one global village and for us to live in peace and enjoy life, we should share whatever we could includes our thoughts....... I know many people read my blog from time to time and I am happy that they do.... It is the same with me, from time to time I do visit as many of other people's blogs as possible... And did enjoy reading it...... To me, like I have said many time before.... the blog is a Godsend tool for us to put our thoughts in writing for the world to read..... Thanks Blogger for providing this tool for us to use and contribute and at the same time enjoy doing it..... To all those bloggers, let us continue to contribute to the blogger world and share our thought through this new media, the cybersphere..... For cyberspace is a wonderful place to be, where political boarder ceased to exist and our world continue to become small... A village.... A global village that we share together.....
Thursday, April 01, 2004
It is the First of April.... It is the April fool Day...... We use to play April fool those days when we were young during the school days of the colonial era.... It was fun but now not many people understood the meaning of April fool and April the first just passes by in a wimp.... nobody care and life goes on as usual...... Well time has changes and so are the people. I guess they have better things to do then to make joke or fun of some one... Well those were the days and it bring fond memories of the good times.....so let us move forward and help our own kind to progress and give more love and peace so that this world of ours continue to be a better place to live and enjoy life.......My friends on this April Fool day.... Just have fun and enjoy, forgive and forget.... If you remember the day we share those jokes, then it is good, for me for I had my fun in those days when were all young.... We are now in our golden age..... and be thankful for all that we have had and hope the the days and months ahead would be as enjoyable as today, for we have no reason not to be happy.... Remember we are yet given another day to live and enjoy life.... So let live and give as much as we could so that others may enjoy as well..... Have a nice day...
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