So what is this KVK. First let me explain what is this all about. KVK is a name of our club in the Malaysian national Language. It is an abbreviation of the Kelab Volvo Klasik or the Volvo Classic Club, whose members are those crazy folks who own old cars of the Amazon series, the Volvo 122, 121, that was produce in the sixties and sold millions of units all over the world. We are the owners of these classic and are very proud of it. There are now some hundred and fifty members as registered in the club manual but the active one are but a few. Anyway the club did well to gather those folks and from time to time held get together as a mean of meeting and exchanges notes. Like going on a trip to nowhere or to somewhere like the National Parks. At time we would have a breakfast do to just enjoy each other company. Most of the time our spouse would follow along making it a sort of a family get together. For those of us who has retired these events gave us chances to rejuvenated and enjoy a better quality of life. So in a way the activities of this club is actually a mean to an end and it served it purposes well. It keep us folks active, thus bring enjoyment that we would otherwise could not do it alone.
On the evening of November twenty seven, we all attend a dinner at the Lake Club, a club which is a reminiscence of the British colonial era. This dinner was organised as a sort of a farewell get together to the club president Mr. Simon Suresh who would be going on a new adventure in the white man land, to take up a new position and perhaps getting richer as well. A lawyer by profession he is the founder of the club and since he was rather young at the time the club was registered, other veteran took over the presidency until recently when the club decided that it is time that this now not so young lawyer take over leadership of the club. And as years passes by he decided to look for a new and greener pasture and eventually found one in the UK, the former colonial master of our motherland Malaysia. So soon he would depart for his new world and before he left we the club members decided to give him and his charming spouse a farewell party, thus this Dinner at the Lake Club. As usual with such event, it became a sort of a family reunion, part a happy occasion and partly a sad one. Parting is always like that. Anyway in life that is the nature of things. So for the enjoyment of everyone that evening we had dinner of Chinese food. As usual with such dinner some would not go without the wine and hard liquor. One such person that I believed enjoyed most is our friend the veteran owner of a classics is a Mr.Michael who were enjoying his drink to the fullest. I told him that if he drink too much he cannot drive. His reply was that he would just walk home. So that would solved his problem with the law and I believe by walking he must have arrived at his home in PJ early the next morning.
As usual over dinner we chat and yarns with jokes thrown in between making everyone laugh, especially so to those who had one too many. We chat on various subjects like the recent happening such as the Bersih, the Hindraf, the Proton and about the recent election in Australia where the ruling party lost and the opposition would be the next Australian government. Changes are always good and we always hopes for the best when things changes especially the government. I am not sure that would happen in Malaysia but in a democracy anything could be possible. Well let see when the next election come, maybe early next year and see what changes it would brought about. In the meantime we all could dream and dream of a better Malaysia tomorrow. Not that Malaysia is not better already but that has been the nature of our species, we always yearned for some changes, hoping for a better better. So while enjoying the sumptuous foods we yarns along and like any great time it has to end.
Before we parted one of the spouse on behalf of the club presented a mementos to Mr.Simon and he was asked to unwrap the present. To add some excitements to the evening and before the gift was given to the outgoing President of the club, Mr. David a veteran member and also the VP of the club gave a short colorful speech, which in a way trying to throw light as to what is in the package and at the same time trying to confused Mr.Simon as to the real content of the gift package. And because of this I believe it in some ways worried Mr.Simon in unwrapping the package in front of his spouse. What if it might contain some items that might embarrassed the ladies. Remember members often do such thing just for the fun of it all. So it actually took him some doing unwrapping it before it came to the real gift, which turn out to be a watch. I not sure why a watch was chosen as a gift, perhaps as a token to remind him of his friends in beautiful Malaysia if he ever got lost after a drink in a pub somewhere in the UK. Anyway it does not matter to me since a gift is a way of showing our appreciation of his tenure as the President of the club. Like a big Thank You with something solid like a ticking clock. And at the same time would made him to remember of the joke that I told of the man and his watch back in rural Africa in a era gone by. I believe he would laugh if he reflect on the hilarious moment at the party that night. Laugh on hearing the last part of the joke. I believe the next time he is in an English pub, this joke would makes others laugh as well. And of course it would remind him of the great time we all have had as members of the Kelab Volvo Kelasik Malaysia that evening.
Friends. the party went well indeed and we all really enjoyed the evening. To Michael, the angle I believe by now is quiet sober and would be able take his classic car for a spin around the town without flouting the law. That my friends was a great evening with the KVK members. Have a nice day.. [Please click on image to enlarge]
On the evening of November twenty seven, we all attend a dinner at the Lake Club, a club which is a reminiscence of the British colonial era. This dinner was organised as a sort of a farewell get together to the club president Mr. Simon Suresh who would be going on a new adventure in the white man land, to take up a new position and perhaps getting richer as well. A lawyer by profession he is the founder of the club and since he was rather young at the time the club was registered, other veteran took over the presidency until recently when the club decided that it is time that this now not so young lawyer take over leadership of the club. And as years passes by he decided to look for a new and greener pasture and eventually found one in the UK, the former colonial master of our motherland Malaysia. So soon he would depart for his new world and before he left we the club members decided to give him and his charming spouse a farewell party, thus this Dinner at the Lake Club. As usual with such event, it became a sort of a family reunion, part a happy occasion and partly a sad one. Parting is always like that. Anyway in life that is the nature of things. So for the enjoyment of everyone that evening we had dinner of Chinese food. As usual with such dinner some would not go without the wine and hard liquor. One such person that I believed enjoyed most is our friend the veteran owner of a classics is a Mr.Michael who were enjoying his drink to the fullest. I told him that if he drink too much he cannot drive. His reply was that he would just walk home. So that would solved his problem with the law and I believe by walking he must have arrived at his home in PJ early the next morning.
As usual over dinner we chat and yarns with jokes thrown in between making everyone laugh, especially so to those who had one too many. We chat on various subjects like the recent happening such as the Bersih, the Hindraf, the Proton and about the recent election in Australia where the ruling party lost and the opposition would be the next Australian government. Changes are always good and we always hopes for the best when things changes especially the government. I am not sure that would happen in Malaysia but in a democracy anything could be possible. Well let see when the next election come, maybe early next year and see what changes it would brought about. In the meantime we all could dream and dream of a better Malaysia tomorrow. Not that Malaysia is not better already but that has been the nature of our species, we always yearned for some changes, hoping for a better better. So while enjoying the sumptuous foods we yarns along and like any great time it has to end.