I was at the mosque this evening and met an old friend, who had his secondary education in Indonesia, thus his thinking had been 'Malay' all along. To him the Malay world is everything...I told him that Bahasa Melayu is still young and only a communicative language and has not become a language of knowledge...As for the internet is concerned, the language now is English, not knowing the English Language, one would not be able to navigate the internet and as such would not be able to use the full potential of cyberspace... This put the Malay who only know the Malay language at the disadvantage with the other Malaysian, especially the Chinese Malaysian, whose language Mandarin is a very advance language, it is not only a language of communication but knowledge as well, therefore to students who know Mandarin, they are at the advantage in gaining knowledge...Even if the Malay take seriously acquiring a second language, English, they would be still handicap to the other Malaysian...The Chinese Malaysian have their mother tongue and if they go to Chinese School, the would surely be fluent in Mandarin and of course English the second language in all Malaysian School...If the Malay know English, they would still have two languages, Malay and English, whereas the Non Malay would still, at least have three languages, their mother tongue, any Chinese languages, Tamil to the India Malaysian, there are still one up as far as language are concerned...With the Malay language [Bahasa Melayu] still a language of communication, the Malay who continue to shun the English language and Mandarin would be left behind, in acquiring knowledge, as such would continue to fall behind the other races, that makes the Malaysian society...So to me if the Malay want to survived and continue to prosper in the new millennium, they have to be serious in acquiring English and or Mandarin as well ...Failing to do that would left them in a limbo and possibly continue to lack behind in all fields of human development...The Malay should put away their Malay nationalism, for in today's world of globalization, thinking global would take one a long way...Nationalism has its days and it is gone..Today is globalism and it is here to stay....To the Malay my advise is to acquire knowledge and to do that they must master the English language and better still Mandarin as well...Ponder hard on this and I am sure the Malay would realized the important of learning more languages.....