Wednesday, March 31, 2004
You know the Volvo 122s classic that I bought recently..... the one that is thirty eight years old.... It has attract lots of attentions..... My friends talk about it and nostalgic about it..... Wherever I park people look and ask to see the engine..... Well I obliged and they are indeed happy to see this vintage is still working in perfect condition.... Being the owner of this beau I am surely happy with all the attraction that it has had.... Little that I know that this car would get this kind of attention from the public especially the young.... Most of the young that look at this car are as yet to be born or are too young to remember, when this car was first driven on our roads... It was then nineteen sixty six..... I was then young and use to see this beautiful car being driven on the roads in Kuantan where I spend my youth.... Little did I realized that thirty eight years later.... I would assumed ownership of one of this Volvo 122s.... the dream car of that time.... There are not many left of the roads now and I am among the few that own this vintage.... A car that I dream of having in my youth and now I own one in my golden age..... What a life..... It is indeed a great pleasure to drive this car, though a little bit hard on the steering without the power steering that we are used in today's modern car.... but once on the road, it just run like any new made cars of today's technology...... Everyone that saw this car admire it and some say that it bring back nostalgic memories of the era gone by....... when most of us were in our youth..... Today a young Doctor, a friend of our son in law came over to see this beau and He was rather amused as to the good condition of this old car.... A vintage of it own class...... When I mentioned this car to a friend in the UK.... This friend say that this car is built like a tank.... Solid and though.... It still look like it even today... What a great engineering this Swedish car is.... Advance for its time and today it does not look to be out of place among the new cars..... So another toy to play with in this golden age......
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Monday, March 29, 2004
Actually I am not that well today.... Got that Flu.... You are neither sick or well sorts of situation..... I am not that sure how I got this virus...... And it seem that from time to time I got this Flu virus..... As we all know too well there is no real cure for this kind of sickness..... Took the usual medicine and try to stay active.... It is my second week with this Flu.... Out of the blue got an email from a lady friend in Kuantan..... They were not happy with the political situation and from the tone of her letter they do not support the BN party and for once plaster their house with these opposition flags and banners as a show of protest.... Well we cannot have our way all the politic some party win and some party loose..... Well in this Election the BN won with a big majority.....And like before they would rule this country for the next five years..... So far they have govern well and today this country has prosper and we Malaysian have a high quality of life.... I do not see any reason to complain... That is democracy.... It is not a perfect system but it is the only one that is good for us... and so far it has served the people of Malaysia well..... My friends in Kuantan is obviously supporter of the opposition parties.....That is democracy and the reason we have a choice is that because we are a democratic country.....Well Fad.... Take it easy and tell Md to think seriously.... Would He be what He is today had it not been for the good governance of the present government.... I believe that the BN has provide us well and I have no complain..... Life have been good and why change for something that you do not even know..... Let stick to the party that you already know, even it is not that perfect..... Have a nice day.
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Sunday the twenty eight, the last Sunday of March..... It a sunny day.... took a rest and in the evening went to a wedding party of a friend.... There met may old friends especially those that served in the state of Sarawak in the mid eighty and early ninety..... It was a sort of a reunion of friends and their spouses...... We all decided to sit at the same table and chat while enjoying the sumptuous dinner, typical of a Malay wedding dinner..... There was the usual 'Bersanding' ceremony, a colorful tradition that had made Malay wedding one of a kind...... Bersanding literary means King and Queen for a day..... It was indeed a glittering ceremony......
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Got two email today, one from the 'spy' in Bali, the holiday paradise and the other one is from a 'matsalleh' in the UK, known as Paken..... This spy, a sort of a 'matahari' has just send me a long report of her activities in this haven..... Listing all the problem and the actions that has been taken to reactivated this golden resort into a greater haven then it was before..... A new CEO was recently appointed and He is on the go.... day and night without sleep to get this lost paradise into action so that more and more of those rich and famous would come over and stay at his resort..... As usual with new CEO..... the first six months is a trying time...... If possible you want to change everything.... if possible get all knew staff so that they would dance to your tune.... But as we all know this is not possible..... I was once a CEO..... I would love to change everything in the office..... get in my set of people that could work well and effective with me.... but it is just not possible.... the are standard rules we CEO had to obey or else we would be in big trouble...... so I guess it is the same with this CEO in Bali....... We all know that changing people habit and attitude is not easy..... But it could be done.... I believe that given the right motivation people would be productive..... As CEO we have to look at the fine things and try hard to answer the question of the Why and How..... And once you find the real answer to these questions..... You would be on the way to getting the work forces really working.... Another aspect we all have to look is the human factor that link to their pay package.... like what they really take home..... not what they are paid.... these are two different things.... We all know that most CEO are paid well[beyond the wildest dream of the local] especially those foreigner.... but the local are paid less for the same job...... so we have to try and look at the incentive that could be given to those local staff.... like more set of uniform, a family day for their family.... training for the staff in house which should includes motivation courses....... I have done this before and it works..... We all must remember that work culture now has changes from the past ..... If CEO continue to practice old work culture.... Then He is doom to fail...... We have to be in tune to the present and not the past.......get it and you would eventually succeed......
As to my friend from the UK, this guy is a special friend ..... He love Malaysia and would be here almost every winter..... And He has money to spend and he say he is going to visit another country in old Europe this April.... According to Him before all these small countries in Europe all adept an EEC culture..... and would not then be that interesting to visit anymore. I guess by now he has visited all those European countries, the new and the old.... This time he send me a really long email..... He admit that He was drunk at the time of writing..... I believe Him... for drinking is His daily ritual and norm.....He cannot live without drinking....... Anyway I did not see anything not right in this long mail..... He discuss many things and most of it very interesting indeed...... He even introduce me to his drinking partner in Malaysia, and ask me to contact this guy.... so with the phone number given I did call this gentlemen and We soon became friend.... Another stranger just became my new friends.... Thanks to Paken and cyberspace......... From the tone of his mail.... I believe he is planning to come here for good or more regular..... I would love to have him stay in our little house in Kuantan and then He can have all the sea and sunshine all the year round.... You know He was once one of those British soldier that served Malaya in the fifties and because of it, these soldiers are decorated by the British Army.... A sort of Medal were given to those braves..... and now he is looking for the original medal.....but to no wail..... Well we have to keep looking.... He is mad about getting one of this original medal.... He is of my age group and have travel well but has not visit the America or the Australiasia..... He did not seem to like the American and those down under.... I have ask him to come along with me to visit America but he seem just uninterested but love to come over to this part of the world, especially Malaysian and Indonesia.... Well what can we say.... He has fallen in love with Asia.... Countries that have long civilization, beautiful and full of sunshine and great seaside and the weather is perfect all throughout the year..... A paradise of a sorts....... You are always welcome...Ken......
As to my friend from the UK, this guy is a special friend ..... He love Malaysia and would be here almost every winter..... And He has money to spend and he say he is going to visit another country in old Europe this April.... According to Him before all these small countries in Europe all adept an EEC culture..... and would not then be that interesting to visit anymore. I guess by now he has visited all those European countries, the new and the old.... This time he send me a really long email..... He admit that He was drunk at the time of writing..... I believe Him... for drinking is His daily ritual and norm.....He cannot live without drinking....... Anyway I did not see anything not right in this long mail..... He discuss many things and most of it very interesting indeed...... He even introduce me to his drinking partner in Malaysia, and ask me to contact this guy.... so with the phone number given I did call this gentlemen and We soon became friend.... Another stranger just became my new friends.... Thanks to Paken and cyberspace......... From the tone of his mail.... I believe he is planning to come here for good or more regular..... I would love to have him stay in our little house in Kuantan and then He can have all the sea and sunshine all the year round.... You know He was once one of those British soldier that served Malaya in the fifties and because of it, these soldiers are decorated by the British Army.... A sort of Medal were given to those braves..... and now he is looking for the original medal.....but to no wail..... Well we have to keep looking.... He is mad about getting one of this original medal.... He is of my age group and have travel well but has not visit the America or the Australiasia..... He did not seem to like the American and those down under.... I have ask him to come along with me to visit America but he seem just uninterested but love to come over to this part of the world, especially Malaysian and Indonesia.... Well what can we say.... He has fallen in love with Asia.... Countries that have long civilization, beautiful and full of sunshine and great seaside and the weather is perfect all throughout the year..... A paradise of a sorts....... You are always welcome...Ken......
Friday, March 26, 2004
Since I bought that Volvo classic, I have being toying with it and having fun driving in the vicinity of my neighborhood... people look as the car passes by.... they are really curious as to the type of car..... it is not a new model and it look rather unusual.... the look of a car from another era..... it is really something to see and admire.... Well I believe the present youth with the exception of a few, would not want to drive on one of this.... They would prefer to drive those stylist Japanese cars that are aplenty on the market.... That is youth!!.... Always wanting something new and the excitement that comes with it.... Like getting a brand new car with the latest technology... the Lexus, the Honda, the Toyota, the BMW and enjoying driving it around or with their young families.... Once it is said that Malaysian youth are crazy of the three 'C', that is Car, Credit Card and Condo...... What a life these young Malaysian are having...... Enjoying life when they are still young.... Good job and well paid.... I guess these are the benefit of a prosperous country.... the result of good governance and a productive work forces.... That is Malaysia..... As for me this Volvo is a dream come true.... and I am enjoying toying with it..... fun.... that is life......
Thursday, March 25, 2004
It is the last week of March and the weather has been somewhat... a sorts of rain and sunshine.... Its a headache for keeping you car clean..... You wash it and suddenly it rain and all your effort gone to waste...... It is the tropic remember.... It is like that ... It is just difficult to tell whether it would rain or not in a given day..... We can only forecast but then nature has it ways and command..... Like yesterday I went out, it was a bright sunny day and there was no sight of any rain cloud..... We enjoy the short trip and then on our way back we saw the road were all wet.... so it must have rain here and not at another location before.... We drove on and about two kilometer away it is just as dry... It is like that sometime, it just rain here and there..... Well the weekend is approaching again and we have another wedding to attend this Sunday.... A friend daughter's, so we are planning to attend this wedding..... I believe it would be interesting and an opportunity to meet more old friends..... probably those that were serving in the state of Sarawak in the eighties..... Many people from Peninsular Malaysia went to work in the State of Sarawak and since the culture of the Sarawakian is a bit different from us on the mainland..... we thence to be more close to each the friendship grew day by day and when we return to the mainland.... we continue to contact and at a place like this wedding more often then not, we would meet most of these old friends...... A nostalgic past of the great time we had serving in the state of Sarawak, the land of the Hornbill..... I served Sarawak from nineteen eighty six till eighty nine..... It was one of the best place to work and I enjoy every minutes of my stay in this state...... I guess so are my many friends that had the opportunity to served in this state..... Hope that at this wedding party..... many of those old acquaintances would be there.... A wonderful get together.......
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
You know I bought a new car today.... No No it is not a new car..... I just bought a car.... Well I am confused ..... I did bought another car..... Yes I did bought a car..... It is not a new car.... then what it is.... a second hand car.... No it is not..... Well I just bought a vintage car..... That's it... A Vintage car..... A Volvo 122s manufactured in nineteen sixty six... So it is thirty eight years old..... That is my second car now.... A new toy of a sort to play around.... It is in a almost perfect condition and I love it..... so is my wife.... Crazy you say buying an old car and happy about it.... Yes... Many of my friends in the 'Kelab Volvo Kelasik [Volvo Classic Club] own these vintage and there are some hundred over of them that still have this old classic, are members of this club in Malaysia.... So I am not alone owning this vintage car..... so there are many crazy people around I supposed..... like me..... So how do I start to get into this crazy vintage affairs.... It all started like this..... In the sixties when I was rather young... at that time we could not afford to own a Volvo.... Only those 'rich and famous' at that time of our history could afford to buy one..... We just could admire and just dream of getting one..... It was beyond our budget at that time..... I just had to be contented with the Fiat six hundred...... Japanese cars were unheard of during that time... not like now, Japan makes the best cars and I love those new Japanese cars and at present own one of the latest...... In those days it was the continental cars, which most people could not afford to own one......Well as I have relate in my blog sometime ago.... I use to joins trips organized by the KVK whose members own these Volvo classic and after a few trip I got interested or somewhat renew my liking to this Volvo that I once admire..... As we all know that they do not make this model any more and so I start the search for the car..... And after a while with the help of my dear friends in the club..... I was told of a really good car which is for sale from one of the club's member..... A Volvo 120s built in nineteen sixty six, a Vintage ...... Without even looking at the car I decided to buy and Boy!!!.. It turn out to be a really good buy.... the car was in a perfect condition..... It was indeed Godsend, a sort of a gift, a dream came true..... A dream in my youth and realized in this golden age...... Well with that I am now eligible to be a full pledge member of the Volvo Classic Club [Kelab Volvo Kelasik]..... Now that I own this beautiful classic..... I had to learn to drive it.... it did not have an automatic transmission and no power steering...... since I am use with the modern technology in the cars of today's.... It take some doing to get this beau moving..... It actually did not take long and I am already driving it around my neighborhood..... A crazy old man driving a vintage Volvo..... the only one in this vicinity..... What a great laugh!!..... On the first day I took our grandchildren around in this 'new' car and they were delighted and amused to be riding in this grandpa's new toy... Well there were three generations in the car at that time... Me, the grandpa, their dad and them.....Having fun in a old vintage car, that their grandpa once dream of having one in his youth and only now He did own it......It is just like a time travel... in a movie.... but in this case it is for real.... A car built in the sixties and still running around in this millennium...... What a Machine!!... What a life.....Fulfilling grandpa's dream.....A piece of history in the development of technology..... the Volvo 122 S......
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
You know that friend that I lost contact.... the one that has got a job in Bali...... Well I soon found out from a reliable source that He is now working in a sort of a haven... You know those five star resorts where only the rich and famous goes for holiday.... True He is indeed a fortunate person ....They, He and his spouse not only have became somewhat of a rich and famous but that they are also being paid to live there..... What a bless for this friends of mine.... It is indeed a God send opportunity..... Since He is so busy putting this 'haven' in a proper order so that those guess would really feel like those rich and famous, that he has not found the time to communicate with his friends..... Anyway for me.... I guess that I am the fortunate one..... His dear other half has been communicating with me after a lapse of some time..... Anyhow I am happy that they are now happy living in haven.... in a way I envy them..... But then not everyone are as lucky as them..... I guess He is the chosen one..... but living in this haven is not that easy especially when you are the one in charge..... You have to see that the rules are followed and you yourself had to show the example.... Like leadership by example.... I know one thing for sure, this friend of mine, who is the CEO of this establishment now, has leadership quality..... Well we were in the same scout troop in our young days.... and also he has spend all his life being in this hospitality business, so as a veteran he should be an expert by now..... But like me, age is catching up....So my advise to him is to just slow it down a bit.... Delegate some of those power.... I know some leader do not want to delegate..... Afraid of loosing some of immense power.... That is human..... the power that put a person in charge.... could be the same power that can destroy a person..... So be careful with power..... It is an invisible thing but have power to do good or otherwise.... Well I hope that He is well and realized that He is not that young anymore..... and I hope to get some news from Him some day when He is 'free'.... In the mean time I had to rely on a second hand news but I thing it is better then nothing...... I did send him another email recently and hope that He would find the time to reply...... Ok. Ok..... I am not going to deal on this matter anymore.... Thought that it is wise to write something on this blog.... At least someone would read and perhaps would gain some knowledge and wisdom.... in passing...... That is life....... Things are never the same.... I guess that what makes life interesting......
Monday, March 22, 2004
Sunday, March 21, 2004
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Friday, March 19, 2004
It is Friday again and it is just two days away to Polling Day... this year Malaysian General Election...... As I have describe before, the whole country is decorated with bunting, flags, poster and banners of all the color of the political parties, It is like a scene in a carnival..... this festive scene would last till the election day and after that all this publicity materials for this election had to be taken down.... it is part of the rule of the Election commission and the Local Authorities..... Those parties that put up those banners, poster etc had to take it down after the election is over..... so from Monday onward these colorful scene would slowly vanished and life would return normal again.... It is the Malaysian way of practicing democracy...... once in five years when it is time to vote during the general election.....this is the year two zero zero four, ...... the eleventh election of the country........
Thursday, March 18, 2004
I took our grandson from his house for a drive..... It is the school holiday now and Grandma want him to come over, so I went to fetch him........ While in the car, to my surprise He ask me whether I support the BN party...... Taken aback and for a second I was silence and wonder why He ask this question.... He is rather young to be asking about politic.... He just start schooling and now in standard two.... Anyway with all those bunting, flags and posters all over the roadsides and near his house.... and on TV and Radios..... I just could not blame him for getting exited for the coming election..... Well I reply that I am indeed a supporter of the BN party.... And his reply in that He support this party too.... He is just eight years old and already understand politic.... He keep talking about the election and the party he like and dislike.... And He give reasons for disliking a particular party..... I am .... Surprise... That my grandson has got into politics at this age...... I am not a politician..... although I am member of UMNO, one of the party that makes the coalition of the BN.... but just a member and not that active.... In fact my membership started in nineteen fifty eight, just after we got independence and I was then just nineteen years old.... And party politic is just beginning to get the interest of the general public.... I guess that is why I join this political party at that time..... It was the only party that was fighting for the Malay's right and the country's independence from the British....... Although I do not take active part in politic.... I do take great interest in the political development of my country.... So that is why this election is important to me..... We have since develop and there is a change in leadership now.... And I strongly believe that the present government should be given a new mandate to rule under this new leadership.... For I do not see any other political party that could form a good government other then the BN.... So to me the best choice is the present coalition parties know as the BN. ..... friend is my belief and I think most of Malaysian think like me as well.... Anyway come election day..... We shall see what is the choice of the Malaysian voters..... I believe my grandson would also want to know whether the party he support would win the election.... He cannot vote as yet but he is one of the potential voters in the year to come..... It look like ... That Malaysian learn politic fast these days...... At such a young age too..... It augur well for the Malaysian society as a whole and indeed it promise a great future for this country and its people........ So come election day.... My friends.... Do cast your vote.......
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
He must be really busy, my friend who has just got a job in Bali..... It is said that he now work fourteen hours a day...... Well I guess if you love your job then time is not that important to remember, I have done that before when I was working..... I work all day not caring about the time and I enjoy every minutes of my working life...... Of course if you put a good input you would surely get a good output as well..... Then I retired and ever since have been enjoying life with no care for time....I guess that is the reward for the doing the job well...... Since He left for Bali I have not got any message from him, even an email, although I have written a few direct to him, but so far did not get any reply..... I guess he is damn busy and could not find the time to reply to my email...... Well what can you do when one is busy with work and have no time for other things...... But then I remember we have twenty four hours a day and it is one thousand four hundred and forty minutes and surely one could spare a few minutes on the internet.... Like replying to email... But then since it is not that important and the work is more important then spending a few minutes is not important at all...... Well that is life.... You can only advise friends but you cannot make them do.... It is their privilege and the time is their to do what they like..... Anyway I wish him luck in his new job, which at this age I would not want to venture...... For I believe in my strength and knowing that I no longer have the youth energy, that I use to have, to do a great job... Greater, I would prefer that the young be doing the job now and we old folks should just retired away and enjoy life.......... I know why my friend need the job now and I believe that this is a Godsend job for him to get going or is there a hidden agenda for him in this Job... I believe it is so.... For as we grew old many things happen and because we now have more time and wisdom.... We began to analyzed thing and voila!!.... There is a message there and we soon feel great..... And thanks God for all the great life that we get to enjoy now.... or...... Perhaps it is just a simple..... Like to contribute his knowledge to the younger generations in his work place..... But then do not forget that " when you drink from a cup........." Well I have talk about this philosophy before.... So if you want to know what I am talking about.... Do read this aspect in my posting the other day.....
Monday, March 15, 2004
Well with the nomination done and the ruling party, the Barisan Nasional or the National Front won fourteen seats uncontested for the parliament seat and several seats in a of number states assembly..... It is always like that after nomination day, as some seats are uncontested and some candidates were disqualified....... And then after the nomination day..... Contestants are again give three days to decide whether to go on contesting their seats or withdrawal and indeed some did withdrawal just before the three days period expired, which is today the fifteen March...... So now the campaign is going on all over the country..... Starting with the poster war of a sort..... the whole country is now like a festive season...... Colorful poster, banner, bunting and flags are hung and strung all over the streets and roadsides.....It is like that during this campaign period, which is from nomination day till mid night on the eve of Polling day.... the twenty first of March, two zero zero four......
Sunday, March 14, 2004
The urge to write is always there...... I have always want to write, so when blogging arrived, it was indeed a Godsend tool..... so I start writing and ever since my first posting some eight months ago, I have not stop writing and I am happy that I have found the way to express myself on various topics, that I hope would help readers to understand me and my culture, the culture of my people and the country that I love....Malaysia.... A country that is trying very hard to get going and became a developed nation by the year twenty twenty.... It is not an impossible dream.... To me personally we are already there.... for my generation that grew up in the early forty in a country that is still a colony of a western power, the British, this country has progress and prosper beyond my wildest dream...., food are aplenty, there is full employment now and everyone has a house that they could call their home and plenty more ...... I grew up going to an English school so today I think in English first and then translate it into my mother tongue..... Like if you ask me for my telephone number or my Identity Card number..... I would be able to give those number fast in English then in Malay.... It is like that for my generation...... Because of the English language we are now be able to read and understand everything in the English language...... And in school now English is the second language after the national language 'bahasa Melayu' .... I guess that is one reason our works forces are very productive.... the language gave them the edge..... So that is why I am blogging in English.... I am more comfortable writing in English then in Malay.... although my grammar might sometime would not be that good... anyway I am still learning to get it right..... so please excuses me if you find mistake in my grammar, for English is not my mother tongue, it is a language that I learn and fell in love with...... so here I am trying to put my thoughts in writing so as to share it with the world.... Hoping that my thoughts on various subjects could contribute to make this life beautiful.... I know that life can be beautiful if you thing positive of all the happening in everyday life..... Look at the good and positive side of things and always be optimistic in your view.... And then life would reward you will all the goodness in the world...... Other then writing, I love to read and meet people and chat in any subjects and at the same time try to listen to other people point of view..... It is not easy to listen..... but I have learn to listen and it is indeed rewarding........ Some years ago a friend, a Chinaman told me of this Chinese saying..... An old saying with great wisdom and it goes like this " When you drink from a cup, do not forget that the water come from a spring somewhere" It is indeed a word of wisdom and contain deep meaning of life itself....... for everything that happen in life start somewhere.... and we all should never forget this....... This thoughts or this word of wisdom have since became my philosophy of life and because of it,has made my life beautiful beyond my wildest dream...... Believe me..... This Old Chinese saying is indeed a Godsend message for me and I want to share it with the world....... Do take a pause and think hard on this great saying and in a moment you would realized what a gift to life is this word of wisdom....... Once you understood the message in this word of wisdom..... then sharing or giving would be a norm of your life style.... It soon would be a treasure that would be part of yourself..... A gift from haven....... You would always have that feel good feeling inside of you all the time and life would be always beautiful......
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Friday, March 12, 2004
Thursday, March 11, 2004
Well at last I have manage to add a musical background to my blog, thanks to Power Web for providing this music code... it is always nice to have music as a background while one read..... for music has since being part of Me as far as I could remember..... I listen to music while I work, I drive and even when I relax I listening to great music..... I love song too.... but I guess song would not be appropriate to be a background for a blog.... I hope my reader love this musical instrumental by the famous Ayumi Hamasaki. Entitle M - a piano instrumental.... I believe the world would be a dull place to live without music and we all should thanks all those talented people that contribute so much to makes our live so beautiful with music...... For a sound to be turn into great music... It take many hours of patience and creative thinking and only those that have being chosen to do so would be able to create and deliver good music and song.... I believe these talented people are Godsend and they are indeed special people.... To all those great musician I salute you all with Thanks for making our live so beautiful......
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Great.... I just got a reply from my friend Alex..... Alexander is his name.... Well there is a story to tell about this reply..... It look like the email from Alex is dated long ago.... No... Not from period of that Alexander the Great..... That Alex that plunder the world and plant his seeds everywhere and now you see those green, blue eyes beauties in the middle east and the Indian sub continent, like Afghanistan, Iran..... No.... Not that long ago.... It just dated Sunday the second of January, the year two thousand..... Remember the day after the whole world was gear for the Y2K disasters, the world was supposed to stop and all other tales about the end of the world..... But it did not come to that and we all enjoyed ushering in the New century with great celebration all over the globe and forgot for a while that warning of the Y2K..... Well we human are always lucky.... We survived and now we are in the year two zero, zero four..... but I think something did happen to my friend Alex computer...... or it was just a glitch.... Anyway as the story goes.... When I open my email this morning I saw two new email, so I open the page and to my dismay found only one mail in the inbox page...... After reading this mail, which is not from Alex.... I still see there is a notice for another mail.... but there was non in the inbox page..... Funny.... What has happen to my computer..... So I sign off and then return back to the same page and sure enough, it show that I had another mail.... But again there is no email in the inbox page.... What is wrong...... So I start thinking hard, for something like this did happen before...... I search all the inbox pages and after searching about two hundreds letters.... at the bottom, the last entry.... I found this email from my friend Alex..... Oh! What a relief...... There set in bold a reply from my friend Alex.... I open the mail and sure enough found the reason why this email is put as the last entry in my inbox..... To the computer it is an old email... according to the date [the second of January, two zero zero zero] I guess the computer was smart and just did what is right..... or was my computer stupid or rather naive.... I am not that sure..... Well Alex.... I think our computer are naive.... but then they were just doing their work as has been programmed to do..... So if they are not naive..... then what!!..... Smart!!!!..... Well I am confused now, but then lucky I am not a computer.... I am a human that can think on my own and analyzed the situation and act up with fact..... I did search and eventually found that Alex's email was 'send' four years ago..... How come.... I have just came to know this Alex just this year.... Not four years ago...... so the right answer here is that our computer just did what it has been told to do.... That and just that...... Alex's computer send a letter dated four years ago and my computer recognizing it is four years old, decided to place it as the last message on my inbox list..... I guess my computer is smart... and so is Alex's computer..... Well again I am confused.... Smart or Naive..... I am not that sure anymore..... Well Alex are you!!!...... Anyway it make interesting story.... Just like the story of the Alexander the Great.... What is so great about this young chap that plunder and rape the world at that period of our history... I guess the good is that we could now see beautiful green and blue eyes of the Afghanistan and Iranian beauties..... Alex I believe we all would love to have those green or blue eyes beauties in Malaysia.. but then at that time our part of the world are largely uninhabited... so there is no reason for this Alexander to conquered this mosquito infested region of the world..... If Alexander had come here, then Malaysian do not have to wear colored contact lens to get green or blue eyes.... It would be a natural one like those in Afghanistan and Iran.......Too bad..... We have to stick to what we have..... I believe that Asian eyes are as beautiful and great as ever... I guess that is why we Asian fall in love with Asian ladies..... because of their eyes and not because of their skin...... Otherwise how do we explain all the mix up marriage in our great society..... And with it come better genes..... A new generation of Malaysian, truly a mix race society.... campur... like the nasi campur [mixed rice] or the ABC [Air Batu Campur] colorful ice mix]...... Being one myself.... I know we are more superior then the one that is not campur... See our great leader Dr.M and now Pak Lah.... campur punyu orang... Better genes makes better people .... That's Malaysian.....Truly Asian... As the advertisement goes......
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
It is already four in the afternoon, time pass so fast these day..... I was out to do some shopping at the nearby mall.... did some banking as well..... browse along the used product store and back home..... I notice the clock struck three..... took a late lunch and sat at the computer to look at the latest email..... and here I am writing this.... at past four in the afternoon..... the election fever is on with poster, flags and bunting of political parties displayed on the side of the roads leading to the mall.... in a way it has added color to the usual dull and monotonous scene on the roadside... it has created an atmosphere of a pre election festival, with pomp and splendor, that only happen once in five years, during the period of a general election, ..... That is democracy in Malaysia....... the search or fishing for votes has already started although nomination day is as yet over..... Nomination day is on next Saturday, the thirteen March..... By that afternoon we would be able to know how many candidates would be taking part in this years election..... It is always interesting to watch the nomination day parade of a sort where candidate would march to the respective registration centre to register their candidate's for the election..... It is normally a colorful scene with colorful flags and banner of respective political parties..... Thousand of supporter would follow along in peace, at time chanting their party slogan.... In a way it is like the parade of the Primary in the USA.... I watch one in Boston when I was living there.....but with a difference.... Here the candidate are selected by the Party and then they would register as a candidate for the Party using the symbol of the Party..... Once accepted the party are allowed to go on campaigning for the election....... In this year election the campaigning period is just seven days, starting from nomination day and end on midnight of the twentieth March.... the next day, the twenty first of March is Polling Day.... Where the people goes to the polling station to cast their ballot paper..... Malaysian has done this for ten time already... So in a way we all are prepared to cast our vote to the Political Party that we think acceptable to become the government for the next five years..... Of course there would be the first timer.... the youth who have just registered for the election on reaching the age of twenty one..... Anyone not registered would not be allow to participate in the election and cannot vote......To make sure your name is on the registered voter list..... You can check it on the internet, just by punching your identity Card number..... Your name and the place where you could cast your vote would appear on the monitor screen.... It is as simple as that..... Come election day [ the twenty first of March ] one has just to visit the particular polling station and show one's Identity Cards.... If it matches the one in the registration list then one is allowed to cast their vote in secret at the polling station..... Normally the Polling station would close at six in the evening and the result would be know a hour later, so set glued to you TV and wait for the result.... It is indeed interesting.... to see democracy in action and the power of the people in action.... Choosing their government for the next five years..... As the day on nomination approach....the newspaper would be full of stories about the election and more and more places and streets would be decorated with elections banners, bunting and poster of candidates...... in all the color of the rainbow..... It is as though the whole country is going on a national festival of a sort..... That is the Malaysia way of doing thing as serious as the national election..... Making it look more like fun then the seriousness of an election... It is the Malaysian way..... And we all love doing it..... But when coming to casting our votes.... We are dead serious about the election and would surely cast our votes with respect and intelligent, for a wrong choice would spell doom to a country like ours..... Remember Malaysia is a Multi racial, Multi cultural, Multi religious country....... In the past election Malaysian has made a wise choice and I believe this election would bring the same result as before...... that a new mandate would be given to the Party most suitable to form the government for the next five years.... Your guess is a good as mine as to which Party would be elected and win this year election..... So let go to the Poll and vote wisely and then wait patiently for the result to be announce on TV, in the comfort of your home...... the Malaysian Way!!!!
Monday, March 08, 2004
Sunday..... We decided to take it easy..... Just to skip the usual food and have light snack of fish and chip for a change..... Then the grandchildren came..... As usual they took over both my computers, the young boy gets to the computer like duck to the water, and soon he was in cyberspace.... what else playing his favorites game..... the the teenages would surf the net, looking at their emails and other things of interest at their age..... Computers are part of their life now, for their school are equipped with computers, part of the Malaysian school system to turn the Malaysian youth into a computer literate generation..... Malaysian missed the industrial revolution and We want to make sure that we do not miss this ITC revolution.... For that matter we now have a Cyber city, situated not far from Kuala Lumpur...... What a life these children have now.... So much knowledge are there for them to acquire.... the internet is in fact a university without boarder..... Anyone who have access to the internet could educate themselves in whatever knowledge they want, for a very negligible cost..... What a world we live in now..... With communication so good and the world in turn has become so small, no one can say that they are without the opportunity to acquire knowledge..... At the touch of a button.... You could explore all those libraries of the would.... It is amazing that in such a short spans of time we are able to move into this new media.... the internet with ease....... Well for our grandchildren, the future are bright indeed unlike my generation.. their grand's.... My world was then without the radio, TV, telephone and of course the internet was not even as yet a vocabulary...... And because communication was basic..... our world was indeed small.... confined to our village or Kampong.... That its.....
Sunday, March 07, 2004
It is already pass eleven on Saturday night, we just went to a Wedding dinner at the local club house.... It was held at the poolside, with the weather fine, it was fun to be there and enjoying the dinner with friends.... As usual with Malay Wedding, it was a glittering affair, with all the pomp and splendor that are associated only with a typical Malay wedding.... the were the usual 'bunga magga' and the 'bersanding' ceremony....., well.... another wedding of a young couple that met while they were studying overseas.... Malaysian seem to be doing many things nowadays that are unheard of during the time of their parents, like my generation.... This youth nowadays would gather for a trip in Europe and then meet again in another continent..... distance does seem to bother them anymore now.... Jump into an airplane and voila!! You would be in Paris then London or New York..... It look so easy to those young Malaysian nowadays, with good academic qualification and good jobs they all are able to travel anywhere at anytime..... A generation ago.... going overseas is only for the rich and then only on special occasion.... Me.... I was one of those lucky guy that had the opportunity to travel the world on official business. By the time I retired I had travel to many countries all over the world and it soon became a sort of itch or wanting to travel all the time..... So after I retired, together with my wife we start to go on holiday overseas..... And we have not stop doing that since then.... We love to travel..... including locally... We enjoy all those visits..... What a blessed country we have.... Great places to travel all the time.... It is interesting to note what science and technology has done to the mode of traveling.... Since the invention of the Wheel.... We human has quantum leap to Jet travel in a space of a short period of time..... in less then fifty years, starting from the propeller plane that could only travel a short distance and had to stop for refueling to Now where one could travel non stop from a point in Asia to a point in the states..... It is a reality that now you could fly from Singapore to LA is just sixteen hours non stop...... With the concord, which has since stop operation, traveling from Kuala Lumpur to London was just seven hours..... With the time difference is only seven hours, one could have two breakfast on a single day.... Anyway with the disband of the concord, now the fastest way to get from Kuala Lumpur to New York is via Dubai, a refueling stop.... in just twenty two hours you are in New York.... but with the latest planes the time is getting shorter.... It would not be a surprise that we could get from Kuala Lumpur to New York in just twelve hours sometime in the future..... A friend in the UK close his house during the winter and spend his time in the tropic especially Malaysia.... He love doing this and of course it cost him less and as well keep him healthy...... All this were made possible because of the way our transport mode has progress... It is indeed an achievement to humankind..... Now with the internet we could communicate faster to get information and contact close one and friends in mere instance.... And the cyberspace has given us another dimension to wonder and see things in faraway places without leaving your home..... An image taken of recent events could be seen all over the globe in mere instance once posted in the internet.... and happiness could be share with all irrespective of distance, unlike before where images had to be send by post and it would takes days before it arrived.... Well that is what technology has done to us human.... A great achievement indeed and personally I am enjoying it..... So Alex.. my friend..... How are you doing with the Blogging or are you still having problem with your computer or the internet service..... since my last mail to you, I have not got any news of what happen at your end...... or has the email became snailmail again!!!! Ha!Ha!, You are smiling reading this, well at least I make you smile this morning..... It nice to see a smiling face.... It cost nothing to smile but it give million to others for a smile, for smile could never be bought..... It is a great Sunday morning and the weather is great.... I am not that sure what to do this beautiful day... Maybe just sit at home and do some gardening or read a good book or may be I would visit the nearest book store to get a new book...... Anything could happen on Sunday..... A day of rest of the world........ And enjoy...... Friends..... Have a nice day.... And take care.....
Saturday, March 06, 2004
It is one of those days that I woke up late.... Well, last night I slept late.... Was blogging and it feel real nice to blog.... It was Friday and as usual kept to the home front, do all those little things that had to be done and as usual attend the mid day prayer at the local mosque..... met the usual friends.... hear the same news.... An old friend.... was contemplating of changing his car.... His present car is an old Mercedes Benz bought some twenty years ago and actually in a despair.... I told him just to sell it off and by a new one and enjoy driving..... As usual he kept on postponing and give all sorts of excuses...... Most old folks are like that, they have a sort of attachment to their old cars..... But me I love new cars..... So I kept changing cars every few years..... so that I get to use new cars all the time.... I enjoy doing it.... for driving has became a part of me..... a sort of an extension of myself...... I would not want to use any old car for my usual driving but would love to own a vintage just as a hobby..... Am looking for one and hope that I would be able to get a vintage car this year if it fit my budget..... some of my friends has stuck to their old Volvo which are older then their first child.... I have join this group on their outing a few time and it look interesting..... Old folks in old car.... Having a great time..... Once I was following their convoy..... Since I did not drive a Volvo, I just drive behind their convoy.... My boy!!!! They really drive fast.... I hardly could catch up with them..... These old folks think they are still young I supposed.... Well... We all want to stay young if possible but then ages is catching up and we have to be careful not to allow our heart take over our mind.... It would be just foolish to allow our heart to rules..... Well that is life.... It continue to be interesting.... But then in this Volvo group.... I notice some young chap with their spouses joining the fun..... I hope that this young chap know what they are doing... Followings those crazy old man and woman around..... Fun.... I guess..... And some of those young guy not only brought their spouses but the kids as well..... Great .... Now we have three generation in a row.... the grand's.... the Ma and Pa and the kids... Interesting eh!!!
With the election fever on.... It is going to be an interesting month..... Election in this country has always been fun..... although it is a serious matter.... Me... I love election for I have been through it since the second election that was held after the country gain independence.... so to me and most of my generations it is just another ritual that happen once in five years or so..... Election in this country have so far been very well organized..... To vote one had to register as a voter.... It is easy for Malaysian to register because we Malaysian all have an Identity Card.... A very important document required by law..... So on election day you just have to show your Identity Card and if it match with your name and the ID number registered, then you are allowed to cast your vote.... Unlike some countries where there are no Identity Card, they had to resort to marking the finger with unwashable black ink.... to avoid double voting..... As one can see Malaysian are indeed fortunate to have the Identity Card...... So how do we all got this Identity Card ????.... Well it all start long ago during the colonial days, when the British rule this country.... especially when the country was fighting the communist terrorists..... So the British government then decided to register every one in the country and those that do not register are considered as our enemy..... Since the system of knowing the number of people that makes the population is good for the country.... this practice is made into law and every Malaysian had to carry an Identity Card all the time.... If found without, one could be prosecuted..... So come election day the Identity Card became the most important document of the day...... That is the Malaysian way!!!!.... For a fair election....
With the election fever on.... It is going to be an interesting month..... Election in this country has always been fun..... although it is a serious matter.... Me... I love election for I have been through it since the second election that was held after the country gain independence.... so to me and most of my generations it is just another ritual that happen once in five years or so..... Election in this country have so far been very well organized..... To vote one had to register as a voter.... It is easy for Malaysian to register because we Malaysian all have an Identity Card.... A very important document required by law..... So on election day you just have to show your Identity Card and if it match with your name and the ID number registered, then you are allowed to cast your vote.... Unlike some countries where there are no Identity Card, they had to resort to marking the finger with unwashable black ink.... to avoid double voting..... As one can see Malaysian are indeed fortunate to have the Identity Card...... So how do we all got this Identity Card ????.... Well it all start long ago during the colonial days, when the British rule this country.... especially when the country was fighting the communist terrorists..... So the British government then decided to register every one in the country and those that do not register are considered as our enemy..... Since the system of knowing the number of people that makes the population is good for the country.... this practice is made into law and every Malaysian had to carry an Identity Card all the time.... If found without, one could be prosecuted..... So come election day the Identity Card became the most important document of the day...... That is the Malaysian way!!!!.... For a fair election....
Friday, March 05, 2004
It is late at night, I am still at my laptop writing this after doing some surfing, visit a few blogs and found that a friend's blog has changed format.... I think this time He is getting somewhere.... Now it is 'Cool' not like before.... the Blog look angry.... Like an angry person in a tantrum.... I believe He has now come to earth and I am indeed happy that he just did that.... Before He blow himself up..... Well that is life.... we learn new things all the times..... And on the other front, at last I received a reply from my friend Alex.... I hope by now he get to read my Blog.... and on the way of figuring out how to start his own Blog.... I told him to get in touch with me if he has not found a way as yet.... Being an intelligent person I think he would be blogging by now... so Alex Happy Blogging or are you still having problem with your email.... I thing there are virus attacking the local network now.... I have being receiving suspicious email... Not to take chances, I did not open those email.... Immediately delete it... That is the best way not to get this virus into your computer.... Well like anything on this planet of ours, virus had to live as well.... They had work to do and they are doing just that.... to attack us computer nuts.... Some time they win and some time they loose.... At one time when I was new to the computer world.... I received a letter from a know address,... a friend with attachment... so I open this mail and voila!!! I got infected with a virus..... I had to do a lot of thinking and works many days to get rid of this worms.... I did got rid of it and now I am a little bit smart.... Am I..... I hope so.... We can never tell..... Those worms are smart as well..... so it seem that we had to be smarter as well.... well Alex if you are reading this.... You know that we have only won the battle and not the war as yet.... It would continue.... Guess they are becoming smarter....May be like those in the film Matrix..... Scary Eh!!! Yah!! I hope it would not come to that.... It not real....Well What is real.... Remember Matrix.... What is Reality........ I am not that sure anymore.... Are you Alex..... Well we human never learn..... We keep making mistake.... That us human..... According to History and Religion... It started with Adam and Eve.... They makes mistake and got sent out of Haven..... It look like this generation like us are still learning and keeping making mistake.... I guess that is us Human.... Not that perfect..... But we are one up in this game..... We are smarter then the computer...... and those virus or the worms...... Well it is getting late... in the early morning already... I am sleepy.... Got to go..... By the way do virus sleep as well.... I wonder.....
Thursday, March 04, 2004
[1957 to 2004 ].....It was on August thirty first nineteen fifty seven that Malaysia gain independence from Britain after being colonized since fifteen eleven, when the Portuguese invaded the Kingdom of Malacca, thus start the process of colonization of the Malay states, then the Dutch took over follow by the British.... then the Japanese and then the British again until August thirty first nineteen fifty seven..... The first general election was introduce in the nineteen fifty five and since that time except for a brief period in nineteen sixty nine, when the parliament was suspended after a racial riot and a national emergency government was set up, the country saw ten elections... Ever since that time the country was govern by a democratic elected government.... This year election would be the eleventh...... According to the Election commission, the nomination day and the date for the election would be announced on the fifty of March......
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Well.... We are going to have another election, it would be the eleven election since Malaysia became an independent nation in nineteen fifty seven...... Like any good democrats we follow the rule every five years or so, for we all believe the best system to rule a country is by way of the ballot box..... So today our Prime Minister has decided to dissolved the parliament on the forth of March this year....By law the election had to be within sixty days or by November this year, when the present elected leaders mandate end...... It is in the hand of the Election commission to decide when the election is to be held and I believe it would be very soon rather then later... With the economy booming, it is indeed a good time to hold an election for the people have already made up their mind of which Political Party they would want to form the next government.... As far as I am concerned I have already made up my mind of the party to vote for..... Come election day I would do my duty as a citizen and cast my vote....... The present Political Party, a coalition of many parties, the Barisan Nasional or the National Front had served the country well since we got our independence in nineteen fifty seven..... And I believe the Malaysian voters are matured enough to elect the best party to form the new government in this year election..... Although the present politifcal party is not totally perfect... For that matter which political parties in the world are perfect.... But I personally felt that the National Front has so far delivered...... and fulfilled its election promises.... It is for this reasons that the country of twenty three million people has progress this far and today has became a prosperous country... For a multicultural, multiracial and multireligious country to continue to be united and it citizen live in harmony is something that other country could only wonder..... We have nurtured our diversities and liabilities well and it has now became our assets, which in turn has prosper the country, an envy of the world... The present Prime Minister, locally known as Pak Lah has promised a better future for all Malaysian if the National Front is given another chance to rule this country.... I believe that Malaysian would surely give the coalition he lead another mandate to rule the country for another five years.... On the forth of March the Election Commission would announce the nomination date and the date of the election..... So let hope that the election run well and by the end of March this year we would see a new government in power.... To continue to bring Malaysia to a new height and as prosperous as before if not better..... Let vote wisely come the election day.......
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
On our way back from Kuala Lipis, we stop at this picturesque sites know as Jeram Besu [ Besu Rapid ].... It is situated south of Benta and on the right side of the road heading toward Raub.....There is a signboard showing this site..... so if you want to stop at this place, do slow down and you would surely not miss it... It is worth the stop.... it is a great place to do white water canoeing or just to lays around and enjoy the fresh air and the beautiful surrounding of lush forest or just to do some fishing just for the fun of it all, or get on a shallow boat and cruise up stream to see the wonder of nature at its best, in an environment of its own..... Maybe if you are lucky you would be able to get a glimpse of the wild animals that wonder free in this jungle, their natural habitat.... Of course the floral and fauna is still at its best in this lush forest..... It is a paradise for the nature lover.... the rapid shown in this picture is a scene worth watching, it is something that we often see on our TV screen..... Here it is the the real thing... get to the site which is about one an half hours away from Kuala Lumpur and you would not be disappointed.... Prepare for a real white water holiday and enjoy the adventure.........
Monday, March 01, 2004
We left for the town of Raub via Bentong, it was then just ten thirty in the morning and the weather was great for the journey.....To my surprise I found the road to Raub was exceptional good, it is a totally a new road straight and quite broad for the usual country road.... the road the I had know all along was narrow and winding all over those hilly areas and we had to drive along side the hills and at time the Connors are rather sharp and dangerous... It is a tedious journey all way to Kuala Lipis..... but now the road is not only straight but is flat as well, making driving a pleasure.... There were development all the way, all along both side of the roads we could see large Oil Palm and Rubber estates.... with a few orchard among the houses.... We saw very few traditional houses.... it look like the traditional kampong with it traditional house are quickly disappearing and in its place new modern brick and mortar house has taken its places... It is really sad to see this vanishing scene of beautiful traditional Malay house, each one with its own character... Now most of the modern building all look the same..... That is progress I supposed.... What can we say.... the people that live in timber houses now want to live in brick and mortar houses.... People like me that live in the city would love to live in those traditional houses but with modern amenities....... I love those traditional Malay house, but then we just could not built it in the city.... one way is to do the interior of our city dwelling to look like those tradition Malay home of the bygones era..... I did just that with my house in the city and now together with all the modern amenities is indeed a great home to live.... I love my home.... I refer it as My Hut...... The drive from Bentong to Raub just took us thirty minutes. Raub is a mining town during the colonial period, for here lies the one and only gold mine in this country... but it has since closed...... I am not that sure why it closed down... Anyway I am told there are still plenty of gold there.... May be with new technology the mining for gold would be revived in the future and it would surely be good for the economy of this rural town..... We just pass through this town and head for Kuala Lipis and we found that a new road is being built and wherever it is ready, it is open to the public and allowed to drive and this actually cut our traveling time from Raub to Kuala Lipis into half..... in those days it would take almost two hours to drive from Raub to Kuala lipis....Once this stretch of road is completed, it would be just a forty minute drive.... What a change.... It really surprise me in, I never thought that such development took place in this part of the country..... As we drive along we soon found that there is a great holiday spot, near a river, with rapids and great for white water activities..... There are signboard for such activities and I could see some youth swimming and fishing nearby..... I took a number of snaps with my new digital camera and managed to get a friendly youth to snap a picture of Us together, with the recreation site as a back ground..... When one travel some helping hand from a stranger like this became real handy and indeed a great help in getting both of us in a snap shot, otherwise only one of us wound be in a picture, normally I would just ask my wife to stand in as part a picture that I took.... To remind us of our presence at a spot on a holiday.... In this case with the help of this kind youth, we now have a picture of both of us at this resort........ It really surprise me that such picturesque spot exit on this part of the roads..... A great place to camp and do some fishing and perhaps do a Bar B Q when night fall.... There are a few chalets nearby, may be the next time we might stay a night or so at this spot and enjoy those great ride on this part of the river.... A white water ride on a canoe or go on an excursion of a sort, boating down or up river for a change ....... It would be wonderful... All along this river we cold see lush virgin jungle of the tropical forest... Perhaps untouch for million of years..... One should note that most of the forest in this country had been like this all through, for this part of the world was never affected by the ice age...... the floral and fauna are still as it has been since time immemorial... It is now a forest reserved and some area have been turn into National Park and thus save as a national heritage for the future generation......... We arrived in Kuala Lipis just after noon and went to have lunch at a small restaurant run by a Malay lady.... and then took a tour of this town call Kuala Lipis.......
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