Folks, when you have a great story to tell what did you do before the Internet and Blogging. Well almost nothing you could do but to tell it to your friends and if possible write to the Newspapers but now with Blogging it is a different story altogether. We can just blog it’s away with ease, like I am doing now. The story is still fresh in my mind and a brand new one too. It is a story of recent happening and since it has a somewhat universal value I thought that it worth sharing with the world. Hoping that in a small way it would add value to the world of blogging. The story is about our grandson who took the Lower Primary School Examination what we folk call it here as UPSR and the result is just out.
He is 12 years old and had to sit for this test of sorts, the UPSR. Even if he failed this test he would still be promoted to the next higher standard in our school system. So what is the big deal if it is so? To me I look at it on the positive side. To me a Test is a test and must be taken seriously and I have always been promoting the idea; that do the best in your education for that is your future. Not only that I told all my kids and grand kids that they must do well in the English and if possible answer the test questions in the English language. In our school system some subjects could be answered in English or BM for the National School and in Mandarin for the Chinese School and Tamil in the Tamil School. The school syllabus in all the streams are the same.
Well coming back to the subject of this posting, His Mom jokingly says that if he gets five A's in his UPSR She or rather his Mom and Dad would give him a Laptop. And to make it more interesting his Mom asks what would happen if he did not get five A's. With his usual smile, his answer is that there would be no Laptop. That is, No five A's No Laptop that he could call it his own. There are other laptops in his home and in ours, so actually he is not that far away from any laptop or a computer. Because he love the computer so much and been doing creative things with it, the computer actually has help him in his study as well an understanding what cybersphere is all about. So surely a gift of a computer would be a wise thing to do.
Let me digress a little, this grandson of ours despite been only 12 years old is already a sort of computer wizard in the family. I would get to him if I ever need explaining of how certain program works or I got stuck on some system that my generation never bother to understand. As you most probably know that I am from the cave generation and not that savvy with the IT but because I love new technology I take to the gadgets like duck to the water and this includes the computer and Blogging. So when the examination result was announced last week He did get five A's and as promised by his Mom and Dad he would soon get a brand new Laptop.
Congratulating Anwar for the success I ask him over the phone about the result and he says that he got five A's and many of his close friends did well and that a few of those who got four A's and one B's cried. And he continued that he answered the question in Science and Math in English and of course he took English as well. I kept reminding him that English is very important for his future and he agreed saying that the future is in the English language which is also the language of the Internet, his favorite world from time to time. Folks for this generation to succeed they had to be savvy in computer, which I believe would be an extension of themselves for without it they would be lost in so many ways.
I am glad that our eldest grandson did well in this first test of his. I also remind him that he must not forget that in our school system the SPM [Upper Secondary School Examination before College] is the most important examination and that he must strife well for that too which would be coming in a few years time. To me the SPM is the most important examination in our school system. If you did not do well in this examination then your future would surely be in doubt.
From my observation I gathered that he want to study the science of computer. And I think for been savvy in computer at this tender age he would surely made it. Even that parents must not takes it easy but to kept watch of the progress of the children education throughout the years. The success of the children not only depend on them but the parents as well.
So folks it would be one more Laptop in the Family. Have a nice day