Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
It is indeed a great morning...First received an email from a friend...say that he has became a blogger...somehow I have manage to convince him to blog since he is real good at writing....I guess he is one of those person that is gifted with the arts of writing...His blog is just simply know as Just Sharing .....Well my friend, you would soon find that blogging to people like us is a Godsend means for us to put our thoughts in writing and share it with others, so that we may make this world of ours a better place to live and enjoy life.....and surely we have to thanks all those good people at Blogger for making this tools available to us all.......Last nite I receive a call from my Mat Salleh friend....that English man from UK that I have been talking about....a great friend indeed....we will be meeting today just at noon and our rendezvous is KLCC....the reason being it would be easy for him to get to KLCC...he just has to take the LRT Putra Line from his home in Petaling Jaya and disembark at the KLCC is just as easy with the the LRT for me KLCC is just three minutes away from my home....and KLCC is indeed a great place to meet...and from there we shall plan to what to do with the rest of the day....Well we met at the Deli Frace at the Mall of the KLCC.....when I arrived on the dot at twelve noon, he was there sipping his coffee...he had arrived earlier from Petaling Jaya, taking the Putra LRT to this KLCC station....I order another coffee and sat down to chat....He was in a great mood this morning...many people seem to be queing to get their coffee or buy lunch at this French fast food restaurant....a popular one indeed....we chat for a while and I enquire whether he has being to Putra Jaya, the new administrative capital of Malaysia.....a completely new city was develop on a former rubber and oil palm is a must see place for anyone who visit Malaysia..this new city could be reach by the fast train from Kuala Lumpur and of course by road....well since he has not see this beautiful and beautifully landscape city...I decided to take him there for him to see for himself the development of this new capital city of Malaysia.....[to be continue]
Monday, December 29, 2003
It is a glorious Monday morning..with clear blue sky and the sun shining is still hot and humid as it has always been in this tropical paradise....of course it rain and I guess we would not love the sun so much had it not is the rain the make us appreciate the sun although the sun is always there in the rises without fail on the east every morning, glowing with amber-read....soon to become just yellow as it rises above the horizon....and in the evening on the west coast it set as fiery as it rises in the morning....We in the tropic take it just for granted the existence of the sun because it is always there...... Whereas those in the temperate who are not that bless as us with the sun all throughout the year...craved for the sun and would take every opportunity to laze around and sun bath wherever the opportunity exist...In the tropics sun bathing has never being part of our culture.......It would look crazy if we were to lay down half naked in the sun...even with those sun lotion on....but those from the temperate countries would fly all the way to the tropic just to be able to enjoy the sun....We have plenty here and we love it and foreigner are always welcome to share it with us...Sun bath as much as you like.....together with the hospitality that are part of the local would makes one's dream a reality....An island that has became a boom to tourist to sample the delight of the tropic is the island of Langkawi in the north of the country....there are now a regular flight direct from some of European capitals that includes London....Langkawi is a really a great place to be for it is full of legend and mysteries....its beaches are clean golden sand and the water around it is crystal clear and great to get wet wading or for a long swim.......Actually Malaysia is bless with great beaches all around the peninsular....the east coast beaches is awash with golden sand all through and are great picnic spots for weekender except during the monsoon period that run from November to January where strong winds would bashed the coast at time furiously and making swimming unsafe...other then during those monsoon period...the east coast beaches are great to swim and laze around to enjoy the sun........
Sunday, December 28, 2003
Well it is Sunday, it is suppose to be our day of rest...Do we really rest on Sunday!!!....the answer is Yes and No, Yes because the time is ours to do what we like and No because we would be doing some thing else to fill up the time....for the working spouses it would be a day to spend quality time with their loved one...Like going for a picnic, shopping or just to laze around the house and do all those odd jobs that had been left behind during the weeks or just toy around with new 'toys' like the new lawnmower, the new car, the electronic games, like the new playstation...Alternating with the kids who would rather play alone then with their dad or we all know too well now that electronics game tool such as the playstation two is not only a kids game is also for the grown up like those young dad and mom....One morning I saw our son in law wake up early morning to play the playstation...and on another occasion the husband of our niece who live in Johor Bahru was telling me that after the kids has gone to bed....he would take over the playstation and go on playing the electronic game until late at night....he say it is good to get our the stress of works....Great....How these electronics game have became the family tools to workout all the stresses and for the kids to enjoy those games always wanting to win...everytime I ask our grandson, how was the game and his reply as usual...He won...Great...hope he do as well with his exam....and this year he did well...and he is going to standard two come the year 2004.....coming back to the 'Sunday' is not really a day of rest...In this era...It is a day for the family to be together after a long hard days of works...being with the love one, spending quality time with the family is the culture these days of fast living...It is Sunday today and I had not really rest all the day though I have retired and spending these golden years toying with this computer and other tools to keep me busy all day long....for us old folks everyday is a holiday...and we love the way we live now...enjoying every minutes of it with free time at our disposal....and because time is relative...if one do not relate it to a particular thing or just pass by fast....hardly you knew it, it is gone for hours already...but to us it does not matter...cause now time belong to us and we control it, unlike when we were working where time belong to the organization that we work for and had to obey it without fail... Well Sunday is indeed a great day for us Human being...for it is this one day in a week that we all could try being Human.....and enjoy the day careless of whats happening to the world.....and wake up the next day to the 'real' world...Monday to start the week again and looking forward for the Sunday to come...Have a nice day......
Saturday, December 27, 2003
Well what a great Open House we had...It was a Christmas Day and it was our turn to have an Aidil Fitri's Open House...since other days have been taken up by friends for their Open Houses, we thought that... why not do it on Christmas Day...a holiday in the we decided to held ours on that day....when we told our friends that we are holding an Open House on December 25....they all say....on Christmas Day!!!.....well my reply.. Yes, then we all shall celebrate the Aidi Firti, The Christmas and the New Years as well on this the story goes and we did.....We open our house from noon till five in the evening.... so that guests could come at anytime on that day...fixing such time duration is part of the Open House as to make it easy for the guests to come at any time of the day they doing so they could visit other's Open House as well on their way to our House or on the way makes thing easy for everyone, the host as well as the guests...more time to meet friends and chat, with time to enjoy those sumptuous meals....the nasi bryani, the rendang, the cookies and the cakes...the menu in a open house are is a normal buffet serving and that make it easy for everyone to enjoy the food...The Malaysian Open house is not just about eating, it is more then is a new concept of entertaining guests for a religious or other the past friends would just visit the house on the actual day and some time because there are many house to would be impossible to visit and meet everyone we know...In these open house concept...a date is fixed and the friends and relatives are told of the particular Open House in they all could plan the visit and in doing so might be able to visit more they one Open House in a day.....Soon our guests began to their best dress, colorful as usual....with their spouses, their the party begin.....all are welcome to enjoy the buffet of traditional Malaysian foods and..... those freshly bake cookies and cakes....most of these are freshly bakes by our teenage granddaughter....she love to cook and this time she did bake delicious cakes on her own...indeed we are proud of her...I guess cooking and preparing great foods runs in the family.... their grandma love to cook....well truly its in the gene....A Mat Salleh [an English man], a friend of mine from the UK make a surprise appearance with his foster child and his son...What a surprise....I did send him an email inviting him to this occasion...he was then on his way to Malaysia from London.....I thought that I would try to get him in cyberspace and it did... and here he is...great......some of my friends from the Volvo club soon arrive, this is the first time these Volvo group people came...and of course our daugher and our son in law's friends came in throng...most of their friends are doctors...soon the party were full of young doctors with their spouses and their is nice to see so many young MD's around...the joke then was as much and enjoy and not to worry...there are many doctors around to take care if one get three in the afternoon the crowd swell when more guests was indeed a colorful and joyful scene..... seeing the young and old.... the grands....the young couples and their spouses and their kids....mixing and enjoying the meals and chating with friends or meeting new one...the Moslem wishing their Christian friends Merry Christmas with the Happy Aidil fitri [Selamat Hari Raya] still echo is indeed the Malaysian way of enjoying a festival of this kind....Many of our relatives that live in and around Kuala Lumpur came...a couple from distance Kuantan also were present with their it soon became a sort of a family reunion....Interesting to see those kids of their have grown up and some have event start to work and have a career of their own...a son of my niece is now a pilot...flying the international is amazing how time flies and seeing these young man achieved some of their dream, making their parent real proud...We chat and exchange notes of the families and asked what and where the rest are and got new info....A once small family now have grown to became a large extended family...and the number keep for me and my wife, our daughter and her husband it was a great day, we all enjoy being the host and entertaining friends and relatives....we tried to meet and chat with as many of the guest as possible and I guess we really did manage to meet everyone and happy to see that everyone did really enjoy the food....and meeting friends and exchanging news and making new soon got late and the guests began to leaves with a happy note...We end the party an hour later then we had planned, happy the this year Open House went extremely well....We were tired but it was worth of being Host to such a wonderful guests.... that make our Open House a until the next Open house...the next year InsyaAllah....thanks everyone for making our life so wonderful....friends thanks again and may God bless you all.......Happy New Year....
Friday, December 26, 2003
I suppose everyone had a very enjoyable Christmas yesterday ...In Malaysia it is yet another religious festival being celebrated....Just a month ago the Moslem celebrate the Aidil Fitri and still go on celebrating it until yesterday....and then Christmas came....Our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had this to say to the Malaysian community especially the Christian on his visit to an Open House held by the Christian Federation of Malaysia... Quote: " The great figure whose birth you celebrate today is also a figure we Moslems honor very highly," and in a reply speech by the Bishop Julius Paul...Referring to Abdullah as the fifth Prime minister... Quote: "gentle yet firm approach, would go a long way towards winning the hearts and minds of the people...We assure you that we will stand by you and have you and the family in our prayer.....More than that, as people of the faith, it is appropriate to say that you are God's gift to Malaysia at this point of our history......My friends...., these words of wisdom from both these leaders, one a Moslem and the other a Christian are indeed well said......Let us take a pause and reflect on it for a moment in time.... We would soon realized that it is indeed great advise to us all, for our own benefit, our children and also for the future of our grand children as well as the generation to come......Well.... That is Malaysia a country bless with great leaders such at these, thus has develop a racial harmony and prosperity beyond the dreams of its founding father in the year nineteen fifty seven. In the spirit of Aidil Fitri and Christmas let us all work together to makes this world a better place to live....Malaysia a Multi racial, multi religious have proven to the world that we all can live side by side in harmony and work collectively despite our difference and today have made the country a prosperous one....To the world... come and join us with our aspiration and contribute to make this world a better place to live.
Thursday, December 25, 2003
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Again we went to an Open House at a friend's house, this time it was in the evening and we have never gone to their house before....anyway I took down their address and told my wife that we should accept their invitation and visit them tonight.....Left the house after the evening prayer [Magrib] and drive to the north and soon we arrive in the vicinity of their housing estate known as the Wangsa was dark the traffics was rather heavy and this makes it difficult for me to look for the address of the house...I drive on and still could not find the area of his house, which he say is at section six of Wangsa Maju....I saw section two but not section three or the other number....Well not to worry...when I stop at the traffic light...I make a call using my Cel Phone....a Godsend tool for communication in this era ..... I do not believe we all could live with comfort without the Cel has now became an extension of oneself....a great tool for I call my friend and told him that I am somewhere and just could not find his house....well as usual he not worry...just turn around and you would find section six.....turning around on this busy roads is not that I drove on trying to find a place where I could do a U turn....but there was I proceed on to the left...and left again and eventually found a place to makes a U turn......well I am back at the same place again but on the other side of the I proceed and true enough I found the road signs of section three to six...I follow the direction and got on the road toward to the section where his house is located....well I stop by the road side and call him again..and told him where I am and he say....You just stay put!!...and he would come and guide us to his house...and he came and we eventually arrived at his house....we join the other guests and had a sumptuous meals that his wife had prepared....then chat like old time...It happen that all the quests were from the state of Pahang, my home state.... the conversation lead to the problem faced by this east coast state...that does not seem to have develop as fast as their counter part on the west coast....the highway has not been is still half way completed....I told them we have been independent almost fifty years and we still do not have a highway to the east coast, whereas the west coast long ago have a highway running from north to south...well that is what happen when politican do not really do there jobs...we all still have to wait a year or so for the new highway to be completed....then the journey to Kuantan would just be two hours unlike now it takes some time up to four hours to make a one way journey from Kuala Lumpur to Kuantan.....anyway at least soon we would have a new highway to the east coast....We continue to chat on various subjects and eventually left the house and back home happy that we had managed to meet this old friends and indeed had a great dinner ....well we are still in the month of there are still more Open House to visit...Tomorrow the twenty fifth December would be our Open House....and it is also Christmas day...Great we all could enjoy Christmas as our Open House........To all...... Merry Christmas and Have a Great time......
Tuesday, December 23, 2003
The other day I received an email...a forward sort of email...a long one contain question requesting for I reply to the sender saying that we all should not waste our time on this kind of chain letters.....I say it would be better for us to use our resources and energy for better contribute to developing our beloved country......I thought it is the best advise I could give....because I always believe we all should be productive...and any energy use for other unproductive way would be a example....say we have ten units of energy or resources....if we use two units for things that are not productive....then we loose and what left are eight more units, so we now have only eight more units to use for productive purposes instead of ten...if others use all the ten unit for productive purposes, then the one that use all its units for productive purposes are the one to gain....well when I pointed this out....the originator of the mail got rather angry....wrote a very long explanation of why the chain letters are useful...well that is his view of things and I have my view....I believe that if we waste our time and resources on unproductive things then we are the looser....some people just get jumpy when confronted with such issue, so I think it is best that I do not entertain such email in the future...I would just delete it and forget about it....I guess they would be happy with it...Silence...that is the nature of things....well I learn today that some people just could not accept critic....well let it be that...that is the real world......we all have difference opinion of things......
Monday, December 22, 2003
Just went out to shop at the local Mall, there are still crowd there, it look like that Malaysian have not stop doing their end of the year shopping as buying school uniforms, shoes and the like for the kids, as school holiday would soon be over after a long holiday that start from November this year, the last term holiday usually are long in Malaysia....this give the opportunity to parent to take their children for holiday or back to the Kampong to meet extended families that still live in the now all those that have gone for holidays would be back at their place of work since the school would be open soon..come January 2004....In Malaysia all school children must wear school uniform, one version for the primary and another for the secondary at this time of the year parents would be going out to the Mall to get new school uniforms for their children...I guess this is one reason why the Mall is still crowded when I was there this morning....Public school are free in Malaysia so come January there would be thousand of new kids going for the first time to school, although most of these kids have done some sort of pre school activities since they are four or five years here goes to school when they reach the age of seven years.....It would interesting to visit the schools on the first day of schooling for this new kids....Accompanied by their parents for a number of days....Some parents would even stayed at the canteen to vouch for their the first week of schooling would be a bit messy.....with too many parents stay by to watch their children....but normally after the first week everything would come to normal as the new kids get used to the real world of schooling....I guess the kids do not mind being left at the school from their first day....they would enjoy meeting new friends...It is the parent that seem to worry too much.....Well that is parents....always over protective of the offspring....there are time the teachers had to ask the parent to leave the school not to disturb the children as well as the school environment...All parents are like that....They wanted to give their best service to their children and in doing so...Sometime over do thing.....Well that is the real world...both the new school going kids and the young mothers or fathers, both have to learn to live in the real world....where the new kids had to go to school...and the parent back home... where for the first months or so there would a 'lost' in the home...where their kid would normally play that they all have gone to school....the homes are no longer noisy and messy....but is this silence that the parents had to get used to...a new atmosphere in the is when the children return home after school that the home became 'normal' again....that is parenting and it would get more interesting as years goes by..... never a day....home are the going to school for the first time...grown up kids.... leaving the home for the first futher their studies...and on and episode after episode...with no end in sight......interesting eh!!!! parenting....
Sunday, December 21, 2003
.......Remember the purple Christmas Tree, here is the images....Fantastic is it not...Something special...once a while the color changes to makes the Malaysian Christmas scene a little difference that other...It stand tall in the centre of the Mall at KLCC...KLCC is the shopping Mall at the Petronas's Twin Tower...A landmark of the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur....At the moment is the tallest building in the world....Merry Christmas to All......
Saturday, December 20, 2003
The month of Sywal of the Moslem calendar is the Aidil Fitri celebration months after the month of Ramadan, where Moslem would fast for one month, follow by the celebration of Aidil fitri, a festival celebrated at the end of the fasting month, this Moslem festival is celebrated by Moslem all over the is the same for Moslem in Malaysia but with a difference... other then opening the house for guests on the Aidil fitri day itself, Moslem would have special day during the month of sywal to have what we Malaysian call the Open this case it is the Open House for the Aidil during these few days we have being visit friend's Open Houses to enjoy the spirit of Aidil Fitri among friends of all races and is unique in that all Malaysian are invited to these Open House...the biggest Open House is held by the King as the Malaysian Open House....this year it was held in Kuching, the capital city of was attended by thousand of visitors from all walk of live and there are no invitation.....All folks are welcome to these Open House, to enjoy eating the sumptuous Malaysian Food and meet friends...and shake hand with the dignitaries...Includes the King and Queen, the Prime Minister, The Chief Minister of the states...and others, in an atmosphere of joy and the spirit of the festival itself....this is a Malaysian tradition and the same would happen during the other festival such as Christmas, the Chinese New Year, the Depavalee, the Gawai Dayak and so on...there would be Open House for all these need not have to wait for an invitation to visit any of these Open House....Just go to these Open House and you are surely Welcome...In the great spirit of Malaysian hospitality...where else but in Malaysian this kind of get together happen...In the southern state of Johor...whenever such Open House is held in Johor Baharu, we would see Singaporean comes in drove to sample the Malaysian hospitality and enjoy themselves with their Malaysian friends.......well today we just came back from an Open House nearby and enjoy the visit very much...we meet friends and of course enjoy the foods a well....the famouse Teh Tarik and tosei were served at this particular Open House...Remember Tosei is a south Indian dish and it is now served in a Aidil fitri Open is the Malaysian way....a mixture of the great Asian tradition of great way to enjoy a multi racial country...where our liabilities has indeed became our assets.....And next week on Christmas Day, we would be having our Open House...we chose this day because it is a national holiday...Why not have a Aidil Fitri Open House on Christmas day....Surely everyone would be happy to celebrate...These two festival of 'The People of the Book' in one day...Where else can this happen...but in Malaysia...a land of happiness where the freedom of religion is guarantee in the constitution....Well we hope come this December twenty fifth....Friends would come and enjoy themselves in our Open Houses....Welcome to all and have a great time....
Friday, December 19, 2003
Thursday, December 18, 2003
It is Thursday...It is almost at the end of the week again...Just last week we were preparing for a trip to Gunong look like just like yesterday...Guess time pass fast now a day..when one do not care about time...I thought that I would take the day easy and relax after the trip last week....then I got a call from a friend saying that they are coming for a visit...the Aidil Fitri I have mentioned before we celebrate the Aidil Fitri for the whole month of sywal of the Moslem we are still in that month and visit like this happen from time to time from close friends....well I told the caller, an old friend that they are welcome to come over....and they say that they would be over in about a I told my wife of the call and she say... well it is good since we still have plenty of cookies usual my wife would cook something for a friend's visit, so she decided to cook nasi lemak [rice cook in coconut milk] usual I did my daily ritual of cleaning house and tend the garden, waiting for my friend to arrive....browse internet for a time and there you are... an email from our foster child from was indeed an interesting email, her emails are always well written, a very articulate person indeed and reading it always makes my day...she narrate a bit of her family history...a bit of her homeland Zimbabwe...a country up side down now and she hope for the best....the future for her beloved homeland....she talk about her dad and mom in Zimbabwe and her sister and other relatives living in other countries across the globe....she is indeed good with words and her email makes interesting reading...I guess that is why, according to her, Jai, our late daughter say she should be a writer...Well my dear Joan...try seem to have the flair for it......start with writing blog like I do...may be we would graduate to become a writer in the near future.....or at least we would see our writing in print in the internet....and share our thoughts with others...making this world an interesting place to live....we can always dream of becoming of a writer of a sort....dreams are always start with dreams...God willing.... we would be able to write books in the future...who knows....we all can for me writing blog have been a great pleasure and a past time alert my faculty and makes my mind active...sometime words flows just like that.....and ideas keep coming....well...I guess my blog now are being read all over the globe ....I know it has been link in many other blogs across the world...what a great tools, this blog!!! people like us who love to write....hoping that our thoughts would do some good to those readers...a win win situation for everyone.....While reading Joan's mail....I heard the sound of a car....I swith off my computer and went to look, sure friend that just call...has arrived with his wife....all smile and happy...I welcome them both and we set for a while on the patio over looking my small patch of flower garden...well it is a sort of garden...with potted flower...we chat while his wife went inside to look for my wife who is cooking at the our culture it is alright for guess to get right to the kitchen to meet the is our way of life...the kitchen is an important part of the is where the family eat and talk or just chat, so normally close friends would just go right in... to the kitchen....with a Salam greeting and sit at the kitchen table and chat......Since it is lunch time....we all set to have lunch with our guest.....nasi lemak being the main food today....we eat and continue to chat....on various subject such as what the kids are doing now....our 'kids'....well... they are all grown up now with their own far as parents are concerned their children are still kids to we talk about the grown up children and exchange news and other how many grandchild they have now...well.. they say that they now have fifteen is not a surprise since they have five kids all a day Malaysian thence to have an average of five is a sort of a government national program on population.... for Malaysia plan to have a population of seventy million by the middle of the twenty first economic population for a develop country....Malaysian is expected to be a well develop country by twenty twenty.....actually with the present prosperity....we are almost there now......
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Continue the saga-the final part [see Dec 16] Well it was not that easy to sleep at the hotel, first the bed were small and the mattress of poor quality, the room air conditioning was in the state of repair, in my room it was noisy and eventually it stop working, I call the hotel people to get it done....first a lady came and try to repair it herself and she was not able to put the air conditioning to a guy came and after checking it, say that the air condition had not be service and he could not repair since he has no spare part...he say he would give me a fan instead.....well what else could we do but accept the fact that this whole resort had no maintenance program's......Not to spoil my holiday, I just took it easy of the lack of air condition.... put on the fan and try to get some took some time before I really slept..... I wake up a number of time and eventually slept until six in the morning. Out side it was drizzling and I could hear strong wind blowing...since there is only a small was just not easy to see what is happening out side...I just do not understand why those people that build this resort did not put a large window, that would allow us to get a greater view of the outside landscape....instead they just put a small window beside the entrance...what a waste....and the bathroom...I guess everyone talk about the rather poor way the bathroom was has ample space but they did not do the layout well, so when one took a shower, the whole bathroom would be wet....personally I never like wet look dirty and messy....with such space available they could have done a better job......perhaps the planning of this resort was done by amateur.....The management had to do something to improve the hotel facilities and the environment if they want more tourist to come....if not it would loose business and eventually became a third rate lodging house....look at the landscape, it is look great from afar but look closer and one would find that the whole area is poorly maintain....what a waste....they could have done better....Anyway after the morning prayer we left for breakfast at the coffee house and again meet the rest of the gang.....we enjoy the breakfast...and then plan to spend some time exploring the near by forest,its river and waterfall.....Well everyone except for the kids, who are still not satisfied with their swimming yesterday, want to go hiking up the mountain....The kids did not want to follow their parents, so you see kids with sour faces following their parent who were trying to hike along the mountain track.....we, my wife and me did try to do some tracking but after a while found that at our age, it would not be wise for us to proceed.....we just browse around the base and enjoy seeing the waterfall, the floral and fauna and the various shade of the green tropical forest.... and then just set under the canopy of those trees and rest....wondering our thoughts flash back to the day of Hang Tuah and his gang wondering through this same path hundreds of years ago, perhaps to meet their gurus to learn the art of self defense [silat] and mysticism...and me still guessing of what has happen to the Putri Gunong ledang.....The stream that passes by was indeed great, winding through the wood and rocks making it way down was here, may be those great warrior of the past era, camp a night before proceeding on their legendry journey....even now the area beside the river makes great picnic site.....what with the fairy and the mystic of that era....this place is still full of mystery....Indeed the legend of Hang Tuah is well alive....... As we sat we saw more parents with kids coming back down and as they pass we saw smile of the faces of those kids..... well there are still time for them to get into the swimming pool and splash around and enjoy...before we leave this place for home.....We then depart and convoy to the town of tangkap where we stop for a while away our time, have a drink of cendol at a Mamak's stall and then proceed home...we stop at Malacca for a while to have lunch and then proceed on and reach home at just after seven in the evening....all and all it was indeed a great weekend getaway holiday....we enjoy every minute of and interesting.....but then...we still did not meet the legendry Putri Gunong Ledang....may be it is just a legend......let leave it at that.........
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Continue the saga.....[see Dec 15] At eight in the evening we all assemble at the coffee house for dinner....only now we can see all participants in one is indeed a big group..consist of more then thirty including the kids, We all had a sumptuous dinner and after dinner a few of us set to chat.....At our table were the chairman and his wife, the secretary and his wife, the VP and his wife, the young lady with her kids [remember the lady with the Toyota MPV] and my mrs and we chat over coffee/tea and the subject ranging from the internet, to politic, social engineering and to whatever that come to mind at those the service and facilities at this resort...the kids and the swimming pool, the hike to the top of the mountain, the shopping to be... at Tangkap and the subject seem endless.....Punctuate with laughter when some one throw a joke....there was much to talk about since to some of us this was our first meeting.....and later on another couple join the group...a retired police officer with his charming wife....the first time she saw us still sitting at the table...she say... she thought that we all had gone to sleep...and they had gone dancing out side at the lobby....well we did hear loud music when ever the coffee house door open...I supposed they had a good time dancing/listening to the disco music at the lobby....anyway they eventually took part in the great chat and continue to contribute jokes that led to more laughter.....time pass and since the night is still young, we continue to chat until the only table left is ours...and eventually... at just before eleven we leave the coffee house and head to our rooms to have a total rest...I guess we were all tired after driving all the way from our homes this this rural resort at the foot of Gunong me it was indeed an interesting trip and I guess that the rest including the children had an enjoyable time the whole we took our hard earn rest...until then...[to be continue]
Monday, December 15, 2003
Continue the saga....[see Dec 14] Well after the short nap, we refresh and start to wonder outside.... We found that this holiday resort is quite big, it has many chalets, a restaurant, conference rooms, a swimming pool....a sort of hut for those that want to sleep in the jungle near by and camping site for those camper......It is indeed an interesting holiday resort. I never knew of this place until this tour is being organized, only after a visit to the resort website that I got more info of this resort gunung ledang resort.....Situated at the foot of the legendry Gunong Ledang, it makes a wonderful getaway for cities folks like us.....We wonder around and soon realized why the organizer choose this place for the trip this time, I guess one aspect that they took into consideration is that it has a Swimming Pool, a very important facilities for those that brought their kids on a trip like a grandparent I believe that the swimming pool is the dream of all kids....Their parent must have told them that there is a swimming pool and this must have motivate them to come along....sure enough,when my wife and me met those kids...., seeing the pool make them all cheerful and glow with happiness, for the pool is their dream and their dream have indeed come kids we all know that some would not be able to sleep the previous night when a trip like this are planned....I went through this excitement when I was a kid so the present kids are no difference then us who are grandparent now, after all grandparent were kids before.....With swimming pool the kids are take care of and they do not need any other activities to keep them busy, in fact it would keep their parent busy.... watching their kids enjoying themselves splashing with joyfulness all day long...or till night came and perhaps continue to swim in the evening till late at night....if possible those kids would not want to leave the swimming pool......if their parent do not drag them out eat or to get to bed...with a promise they can continue to swim the next day.......[to be continue]
Sunday, December 14, 2003
Continue the saga.....[see Dec 13] After lunch we proceed like before in a convoy and I decided to continue as the last car in the convoy....after a while we depart from the main Highway at the Tangkap interchange. and after paying toll at the toll plaza we proceed to Sagil via the town of Tangkap.....Tangkap surprise last visit to this town was some thirty years ago while I was then working in Johor and Malacca.... it was then just a small town, but now it a thriving and a booming town in the state of Johor, many factories in the Medium Scale as well as large export oriented industries producing finished goods for export are situated here.....what surprise me most is the town itself, all along the main road we see nothing else but shops selling textile or various kind....with loud speaker blasting a sort of disco like.... Calling consumers to patron their make a festival like atmosphere.....with DJ chatting away just like in a disco... it is indeed a great way to give life to this booming town...once just an ordinary rural town....but now it has become a place where textiles in great numbers and varieties are sold making it a town One of a Kind....a textile paradise of a sort...of course it is cheaper then in the other towns or cities in the is worth a visit if you are looking to buy textile in bulk or just to browse around for your home need, perhaps to redecorates your home for the next Aidil Fitri, the Chinese New Year, Christmas or the Deepavali....Do make a visit to Tangkap and I am sure you would not be disappointed....We pass this town and head for Sagil...I notice that many cars use this country road and because of our convoy over taking became a problem to the ordinary user...I guess it is alright since a convoy of this nature are seldom seen on this actually add color to the monotonous scene of Palm Oil and rubber trees along the road...I notice that most of the road user drive fast despite the road been narrow and at time they even over take at the double white line on the road, this make it dangerous for those driver from outside this area, no wonder accident happen quite so often on such country road, the drivers seem to careless for the to those that wanted to venture driving in the rural area had to be extra careful of such driver...I for one would avoid driving in such road..... after a while we arrive at the was interesting to see such a big holiday resort in the rural the foot of this mountain, a famous and legendry mountain of Gunong Ledang.....It was made famous by the legend of the Malacca Hang Tuah's five warrior of the bygone era........We check on to our respective room and took a rest for a while before venturing to see what in store for us tourist....[to be continue]
Saturday, December 13, 2003
It is Saturday, as planned we left our home to joins the Volvo Klasik group on a tour to a holiday resort, known as the Gunung Ledang Resort, we were told to rendezvous at a service station just after the Sg.Besi toll plaza.....We left the house at just after eight thirty in the morning, it was drizzling and the road were wet, so I drove slowing on the toward the Kesas Highway...the cloud was gray and it rain and drizzle off and on... but it does not matter to me since this part of the road never get flooded and from my past experiences at this time of the year, the Highway toward the south are seldom flooded...... but then anything could happen if the rain continue to pour like what has been happening on the east coast...Anyway I drove on toward the Kesas Highway and soon got connected to the north south Highway just before the Mint Hotel...after a few minutes we approach sg.besi toll plaza....., the drizzling continue and soon the road were wet again...after passing the toll plaza I soon found that there are two service stations on the left side of the road....I decided to stop at the shell station and fill my tank and then park my car and wait for the others to arrive....Hoping that this is the right service station that we are supposed to meet.....soon I spot the leader of the organizing committee...a Mr.Mick, an imposing man, we shook hand and am please that I did got the right service station, we waited and soon a Volvo car arrived, a young guy with his wife and kids....I thought that it was Syed and his family, the couple that we met on the last trip to CH, but it was not and found out that this is another family...a Mr.Nua with his family from Kelang.....well we chat and he told me that he got an SMS message from Mick to meet at this station.... but getting here he had a story to tell.... he over shoot the turning to the Highway......and hand to do a detour to get to this place....well we chat and soon more and more Volvo came....My wife was telling me that we could be the only non Volvo car in this group but then a Nissan Van with a whole family arrived and joins the group, so now there are two non Volvo in the group.....when all the cars arrived we were given instruction to proceed to the next stop, the R & R at the Jejambat at Ayer Keroh....we convoy and I decided to be the last in the group following behind the Nissan we proceed I notice another vehicle joins the group, this time not another Volvo but a cream color Toyota, a sort of an MPV joins the group in front of the Nissan Van....I notice the driver swerve to the left..., at first I thought the driver was trying to over take from the left side of the convoy, but the it did not but instead join the convoy in front of the Nissan Van .........well my wife continue saying.... after all we now have three non Volvo vehicles in the convoy.... we thought that we would be the only non Volvo car in the convoy but it turn out there are anothers as well......At that time I did no not know who the driver of this Toyota is but later on found out that it was driven by a young lady with kids all the way from the northern town of Taiping....what a lady she was, driving all the way from Taiping to join us in Kuala lumpur.....we man should never underestimate these ladies now a days.....they are doing things that we never thought that they would do is indeed great to see such changes in the Malaysian society......a very progressive one indeed.... We proceed on and eventually stop at the R & R and had our lunch there.....Most of the participants had never stop at this R & R they were rather exicted with the whole complex where all type of foods were availble, from fast food to the traditional Mee Kari and Nasi lemak.....At this R & R other then the normal wash room there are facilities for one to take a shower and place to do their daily prayers....Of course those families with kids would head to the KFC or the A & WS....and enjoy their lunch...., after that we began to get to know the rest of the group, some we have not met was like a large family gathering on a picnic tour....chating and exchanging stories and some even plan for the next trip....and the kids were happily playing around, in the spacious area of the R & R... just like all kids and be merry....careless of what's happening in the world.....that kids.....[to be continue]
Friday, December 12, 2003
Yesterday morning send the car for servicing at the Honda Service centre, it is still free service with free oil change...I was given two year of free services by the Honda people when I bought this new Honda Civic, so it was nice to send the car every two, three month to be service with oil change for free......It is now all ok with the car.....well yesterday I receive an email from a friend from the south, saying that their car have been send to the slaughter house and they have decided not to have car for the time look like they would be ok without car since they live in the city of Singapore where the public transport system is among the best in this part of the world....more ever car are very expensive in Singapore...Well.... I told them once that they should buy car in Johor Bahru, Malaysia which is just across the causeway and use it to travel in Malaysia...since cars are relatively cheap in Malaysia then in problem though is that Malaysian car entering Singapore had to pay toll of thirty Singapore dollars a day which is about sixty Malaysian Ringgit a day, but Singapore cars are allowed into Malaysian for free....If he decided to buy car in Malaysian they could use it only in Malaysia since it would not be economical to use it in Singapore, any way I think since they have retired car are no more a necessity to them now.......well that is my opinion...I guess they have to decide what is best to them.....
Thursday, December 11, 2003
Good morning, have a nice day....A quote: "Never apologise for you terrible friends. We are all somebody's terrible friends"[ J.G ].....I do not think we would be this happy, this morning if we have no friends at all....We would be lonely indeed....once someone said that I would be rich...of ya!! rich.....and he pause.... yes you would be rich indeed...but not in money but in friendship....I believe him and it is I need like everyone know....but it just could not replace friendship....I have now thousand and thousand of friends all over the world, of all age and race, nationalities....some I have not even met, like those that I met in cyberspace.....Whatever it is, are still my friends and they all are treasure to me and I would surely treasured them all my life....I keep making friend, just the other day at a wedding dinner, it was a after taking the foods, we decided to find a place to sit...and there you are... two seat a table where a family were sited enjoying their meals....we enquire whether anyone sited at the empty seat and they with all the smile in the world said no and request us to take those seat and soon we get acquaintance and talk like old buddies...and eventuall became friend, a total stranger...well that is the nature of it...great we have new friends and the list is getting longer...I love it and enjoying meeting new friends if you read this....We remember you....Have a great day....
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
It is interesting to read all those blogs from all over the world. To me the blogs is a Godsend tool for us all to express ourselves in any subject we like as long we keep to the limit of self expression..... I guess we can be sane in writing if we keep to our own norms and value.....We Asian have a set of values that we care and accept as norms of a civilized society, for example we took great care not to use words that are offensives, words that sex dirty...vulgar, words that are never spoken in publics, words that are only use among families, words that are not use in front of children, word of respect when we talk to our elders, our parents...we do not use the same words or manner when talking to in a manner so that they may understood what you are saying....We are Asian and we all love to be Asian...but then there are Asian that want to be like the western society and are trying very hard to assimilate and in doing so lost their Asianess and began to loose their Asian norms and is sad indeed to read in some blog or chat room/ group discussion the young use words, that are considered vulgar or never said among Asian...but because they want to be more in tune to the 'in culture' of the west, they would use such word that are vulgar or best not said, sometime ago I joins a local discussion group call the Krya..P group, discussing common issue, then one of the participant start using the four letters words and repeat it without shame and got angry when told not to use it....I thought it is no use to argue with this kind of not worth the time and energy...why waste on a person who have lost his Asianness, especially the Asian I quit the group....let them do what they like, I do not want to associate with such group.....We Asian should remember we were civilized long before the other race group and had great tradition and custom and family value.......Which have given us great community and family life.....We all should try to retain these traditional value, for only with these value that we may remain Asian in all respect.....Remember respect for the elders, honesty and good family life were the norms and these in turn has brought about great families that lasted till today.......let us keep it these way.....and have a healthy family....and a civil society......
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
While surfing the net the other day, I came across a few Blogs from Iraq.... on reading I found that most Iraqi were rather pessimistic about the present development in their country and have no love for the occupier....... Cynical comments were made about the occupier presence and the occupier nominated ruling council...They make fun of the nominated leaders waiting for the arrival of Bush at the airport....Quote "The most amusing thing about his visit was watching Chalabi and Talabani jumping up and down at the airport, cheering and clapping as Bush made the rounds" It is funny.....They seem not to like the ruling council at all.... what is happening does not augur well for this so call leaders of the new Iraq.....reading between the line one could sense a sort of unhappiness among the Iraqi...They keep using words such as invader, occupier, Iraq in occupation and so far not a word of appreciation to the Occupier .....Wait a minute....The is a way to express one's opinion....a window of democracy....that is something good happening, in a region where democracy is in its infancy...I think at least they now have the freedom to write whatever they like in the blogs....All are hoping that their country would be independent again....... I felt the pang of sadness reading all those blogs.... I know how they felt because Malaysia was once colonized and occupied by foreign power for years..... until we got our independent in nineteen fifty seven..... No countries like to be colonized or occupied, for what ever reasons and as for us Malaysian we would never allow our country to be colonized again and as such we have to guard our independence with all means at our disposal.......A foreign power can invade a country and occupied or stay but they would only be an unwelcome 'guest' .....,To win the war totally the occupier must win the heart and mind of the local..... One thing that I am sure is that it is not easy to win the heart and mind of the local....It is rather naive to think that the local would love the occupier.... the local for their own survival would cooperate only for their our benefit ....... Personally I am rather pessimist as to the total loyalty of the local..... We Malaysia were not loyal to the colonialist....... That I know for sure... When we were colonized by the British, we only obey orders but in our heart we never like, let alone love the colonialist and I guess the colonialist knew this and that is one of the reasons they eventually gave up and grant us our independence...... Of course we fought for our independence, in our own ways by using our brain rather our brawn....We won eventually...and now we are an independent democratic country, with good governance..... For a country to go on being an independent entity, it leaders and people must act smart... for we all knew too well that other countries are ever willing to re colonized us.... may be not physically... but in many other ways....Malaysian are fortunate that our leaders from the day of our independence till now have act with wisdom, thus have managed to continue to be an independent country in all aspect... Malaysian is the few countries in the world that had managed it finance well, with that it does not borrow unnecessarily or received grant with condition from any countries.......Even in time of crisis, like the ninety eight financial crisis that swept South East Asia, Malaysian leader stood fast and act smart and because of that we have, not only got through the crisis but also has continue to prosper as well...Coming back to the Blogs from Iraq, I hope the Iraqi would learn from this bitter experience and learn from smart my friends...and act with wisdom.... for only that would you be able to regain you country back with honor....and I am sure Iraq like Phoenix would rise from the ashes and became a more powerful and prosperous country in the year to come......InsyAllah.....
Monday, December 08, 2003
Sunday, December 07, 2003
Last Saturday our grandchildren went to see the Holiday on Ice show at the local stadium, they came home all excited....and happy....Seeing and watching those performance by those actors on Ice in the tropic!!!!....well on real Ice....that whats technology could do..., making real ice in such a large area was indeed a great job especially in the tropic where the climate is always hot and humid....... with that now our children and grandchildren could see the great show like Holiday on Ice, without leaving their shore....All these could happen for the benefit of the population because of the country prosperity and having facilities for such performance, which at one time was only available in the west....With the country wealth evenly distributed.... Malaysian could afford to take their love one to watch great international show and this augur well for the society as well....A happy society makes a great country and this is what is happening in the great country of ours Malaysia...All these could come above because we have peace and harmony in this multicultural, multi racial and multi religious country.....Whereas in some country people fought because of their religious belief,because of race.... here in Malaysia we have managed to forged together our difference and make these 'liabilities' into a national asset and it is working very well indeed....
Saturday, December 06, 2003
It is Saturday and we decided to visit the Mall again, so I drove to KLCC and on entering the lobby I instantly saw the change in the deco of the interior of now has an atmosphere of Christmas....they have put a huge Christmas Tree in the centre of the main lobby....and the whole area were gear for Christmas Shopping....Something struck me about the Christmas tree, it is not green this time, guess what color it is.....well this time of all the color... they have decided that the tree be Purple...My friends it is Purple....have you seen a Purple Christmas tree before....well to me this is the first time....and it is indeed fantastic to see a new color scheme...a great way to jolt one's perception of a celebration....another festival just after the Great festival of Aidil Fitri barely a week ago...where the same lobby was decorated with the vibrant color of green to suit the atmosphere of the Moslem festival.....and now Christmas are being celebrated where the Christian population is less then five percent of the population....but then it does not matter since Malaysian of all races and religion are used to another festival and this time it is Christmas....wait a minute.....Well the vibrant purple color of the huge Christmas tree together with the other Malaysian art decorations, it make such a wonderful place to enjoy window shopping, dining and what else....Malaysian do...Shopping...A past time culture of the Malaysian....Today the whole mall were throng with shopper......young and old...doing their shopping as though there is no tomorrow.....Reflecting back to the days I was living the USA, where the American never seem to stop shopping....I guess we are behaving just like them...Happy spending the hard earned money to enjoy but surely has became a Malaysian culture....Well we had our lunch at the Mall's food court and end off doing shopping that we never plan to do and enjoy every minute of it...actually like everyone I was in contact with at the mall.. Wished I had brought my camera with me to take the photo of the giant Purple Christmas tree...well as usual my wife would remind me can come again and take the picture of this year's Christmas tree....well I might just do will get to see the Purple Christmas tree in my blog the next time...and until then...just wonder and imaging.... and visualized of what I am talking about....And enjoy the day....Christmas is still two week away..........Have a nice day....
Friday, December 05, 2003
One of the most interesting development in the Middle East this week is the signing of the Geneva Accord in Switzerland between the moderate leaders of Israel and the Palestine people...... It is indeed an interesting development and one should not just ignore this development aside.... Although it has no official status, it is something that has come about without the involvement of other countries. From the discussion of BBC, I found out that a big percentage of the people of both Israel and Palestine support the Accord....I believe those in power should look seriously on this document and take further action, like taking it to the United Nation to be debated and realized..... From what I know of this Accord, both side have made concession that would lead to the eventually establishing the state of Palestine side by side with Israel, with Jerusalem, be divided into two part where the capital of both states would be sited........With this there would be lasting peace in the holy land and all those people who were at war for decades could live in peace and share prosperity...It is a brave move on the part of those that took part in this Accord....At the present time I believe it is the only document that would bring lasting peace to the Middle East...The American should look seriously on this document for in it one could at least see the light at the end of the tunnel...I am indeed glad to hear that the American Secretary of State would be meeting the architect of this Accord in Geneva soon despite a protest from the leader of Israel....Why the protest I simply could not understand....for its implementation would bring peace to all....let give this idea a chance to least there is now an alternative way to bring peace to the Middle east.....It is the beginning and it is not going to be easy, but at least there are hopes with this agreement, though it is just a Accord that is not official..I believe this document could be given official status if both countries Israel and the Palestine could conduct a referendum to get the view of the ordinary people of both countries. If the majority decide to accept it then it should be as to bring peace to this part of the world... It is worth a try....Thanks and congratulation to those leaders both from Israel and the Palestine that took part in producing this important Accord....the Geneva present the only way toward peace in the Holy land......Let give it a chance to succeed....Everyone have more to gain and it is a win win situation for both Israel and the Palestine.....Good luck...
Thursday, December 04, 2003
Well.... I have been invited by the Volvo Klasik Kelab to join them on another of their trip, this time it is a weekend trip to the Gunong Ledang....I do not own a vintage Volvo for I never like old car, I love cars but the new one with the latest technology, so I keep changing car every few years and now I think... I am using my twenty fifth cars, this time a new Honda Civic...Actually I have lost count on the number of cars that I have use..for I keep changing cars....a hobby of mine,... once I drive a Volvo too and at the same time drive a Madza savanna RX...On weekend I would take this RX for a ride to Genting Highland on the old winding road, it was a great trill, the RX is the best Vehicle to drive on a country road and it would not be as nice driving it on the highway....what a waste to drive it on the highway...I love the RX and as I have said before, I love cars, so I change to another and another and now with this Honda....well there is a new one on the market now, the new Honda Accord, it look great and I am beginning to think of getting it..... already got the would be just nice for me at this age..... a sporty car would not do now... so may be...I would try the new accord....Those crazy old man with the vintage Volvo would not part with their wonder machine, some of it are older than their first child....I drove in one that is thirty five years old, that have been upgraded with an air condition but to me it is still not as comfortable...I still love the latest car with the Lexus technology.....Me...A crazy old man you might say ... well yes... I am crazy about is still part of me... an extension of oneself you might say...It has always being a pleasure to drive a new car with the latest technology.....Well I am sure the trip to Gunong Ledang would be interesting, I have join this group before and it was really great, most of them are of my age, those crazy old man and woman in their golden age enjoying life, there are also some are young couple with small kid, the last time I joins the group to Cameron Highland I met a young Malay couple with kids and a baby, it was indeed an interesting and adventurous couple, perhaps our friend 'Adam with the new baby' should join this group just for the fun of it..... well Adam if you are interested, do let me know, I would get you in touch with this group....It is an interesting group, get an old Volvo and join this group and keep it going for the adventure of for me I would just enjoy with any new 'toys' that comes on the market..... well according to plan we all would meet just after the Sg.Besi toll plaza and then proceed to the Jejambat Rest and Recreation area and there perhaps have lunch before proceeding to Gunong Ledang via Tangkap.....One thing I should mention about this R & R, there is a great Mee Kari and Nasi Lemak [ Malaysian noodle, rice cook in coconut milk specialties] at one of the food stall.... Whenever we stop here, My wife and me would surely enjoy either the nasi lemak or the mee kari, it really delicious...if you have not it is worth a try....on the way back another stop I love is the Coffee Kiosk at the Seremban R & R, the coffee is great and the atmosphere is refreshing....try the roti is great with the coffee......Well... you must be wondering how I got invited to join this Volvo group without a Volvo all start when a friend that I came to know own a vintage Volvo and a member of this group, He invited me... so my wife and me decided to join them on one of their trip in their was just a short journey and we enjoy the ride and meeting those other club members......they keep inviting us...this time to far away places like Bangkok, but since it is so far, I did not join them for I am not that comfortable sitting all the way in the vintage car...I ask them whether I may drive my own car, not a Volvo, well they do not the story goes...and I am joining this trip... this time around....It is the story of some crazy old man and his gang......Having a great time in their golden age.....Perhaps we all would meet the legendry Putri Gunong Ledang...who knows...
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
I do now want to touch on War, for I hate War….but then things are not getting better…. for a start look at Iraq.... the so call invader/liberator 'won' the war in a mere short time, and the American President declare that the war is over....but look what happen now, it is not over and I believe it is the beginning of a long war to come.... the American underestimate the Iraqi people’s resilience....They were humiliated....I do not believe any nation on this planet can accept humiliation....So the Iraqi has start to fight back, I am beginning to think that it is their strategies to lie low for a while and then fight back and they are doing just that now, everyday we get news of American soldiers get killed and of course the others that went to help the American do get kill as well, like the British, the Italian, the Spanish, the Japanese, the Korean and others, so far hundreds have been kill on the collation side....of course there are many Iraqi die as well.....It look like it is going to be another Vietnam to the American and more and more young American would die in the course of the occupation...If the American do not leaves soon, I believe the whole Middle East area would be suck into this terrible war and eventually it would spread to those countries that help the American in Iraq....look at what happen in turkey....those people that are fighting America do not have any allegiance to any particular countries...they have their own agenda and if this kind of war goes on, then everywhere are not safe any more..... Remember the happening of Sept eleven.... who would have thought that such thing could happen, in broad day light and in the city of NY.....I still believe that these war could be solved if the American dare to put thing in a proper perspective or order, solved the root causes of the problem first… the Israel/Palestine issue/problem. Start with the creation of an Independent Palestine state and the return of Israel to it former boarder, and with that, All the Arab countries would recognized Israel.....It is not an impossible thing to achieve if America wanted to, for America have the power....What it need now is the will to do it, if not this kind of war, I believe would go on and on and perhaps would eventually be happening on the streets of more cities….. Scary eh......God forbid.... pray and hope that this would not happen....but if we act stupid then anything could happen.....we should remember that those Palestinian kids are already living in Hell, so if someone come along and promise Haven..... well… your answer is a good as mine....then anything could happen..... I hope for some Wisdom among the American leadership prevail, for only with wisdom could this tragedy be stop and more live safe.....As I write the hundredth American just got kill this month alone and a battle has just happen at a northern part of Iraq...many more got when will all this stop...How many more people especially the young must die before the leaders come to their senses and put a stop to this killing fields....Egoisms have never solved any problem but Wisdom have some wisdom and save the live of all those youth, the children’s of proud parents everywhere......let them come home is peace not in body bags....To all that have fallen, I pray for their souls....May they Rest in Peace......God bless them all…….
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
Monday, December 01, 2003
When I start this blog, I did not want to touch on politic, a favorite subject of mine, but as things goes, I have from time to time did touch on politic, the reason being that we just could not divorce ourselves form the real world, after all politic is the real world...
Today is the world Aids day...It is indeed sad to hear of the death of the young in the fight of these dreaded decease Aids/Hiv, this is a deceases that is man made, had man follow the teaching of all the world's religions, there would not be Aids today, it is because of free sex that Aids has became one of the greatest killer of our time. It is not too late for us to take action so that our young and the still unborn child are saved from this dreaded and curse disease. Our young must be taught that sex is a serious matter and that they should be serious when involve in sex, all religion taught us that sex out of marriage is wrong, so our young must be made to understand that the wrong kind of sex activities could let to Aids/Hiv. Aids kill and it is not a joke anymore, it is a serious matter, according to some statistic some African countries would ceased to exist if the present Aids epidemic in these countries is not put to a halt...In south Africa it is said that out of ten person one person is suffering of Aids, and in the whole world now eight thousand person die of eight everyday.....So we all have the responsibility to address this problem, one way we could solved this problem is to go back to the way of life, our forefather live, a simple live, where sex is only for the married couple, it sound old fashion, but what else could we do, if we keep following the way some western society talk about the freedom of sex, then we are doom to fail and in the next few years more young people would die of Aids then because of War....Let take a pause and think...., we all could help, we should see that our children do not get involve in unsafe sex and make sex without marriage a forbidden and a sinful activities and against the teaching of all religion....I think if all parent can educated their children of the real danger of Aids, then at least half of the battle is won.....The past generation managed to do without free sex, why can't the present generation, who are supposed to be more intelligent understand the danger and abstain from doing these sinful activities.......We all should try to do our bit, perhaps we could together achieve some small success....Aids kill, so take care and avoid getting Aids....Let start with our own family...advise the kids on the danger of free sex and Aids/Hiv, at lease we try.....We did not get Aids/Hiv because we are smart....our children could be smart too....let us do our is still not too late.
Today is the world Aids day...It is indeed sad to hear of the death of the young in the fight of these dreaded decease Aids/Hiv, this is a deceases that is man made, had man follow the teaching of all the world's religions, there would not be Aids today, it is because of free sex that Aids has became one of the greatest killer of our time. It is not too late for us to take action so that our young and the still unborn child are saved from this dreaded and curse disease. Our young must be taught that sex is a serious matter and that they should be serious when involve in sex, all religion taught us that sex out of marriage is wrong, so our young must be made to understand that the wrong kind of sex activities could let to Aids/Hiv. Aids kill and it is not a joke anymore, it is a serious matter, according to some statistic some African countries would ceased to exist if the present Aids epidemic in these countries is not put to a halt...In south Africa it is said that out of ten person one person is suffering of Aids, and in the whole world now eight thousand person die of eight everyday.....So we all have the responsibility to address this problem, one way we could solved this problem is to go back to the way of life, our forefather live, a simple live, where sex is only for the married couple, it sound old fashion, but what else could we do, if we keep following the way some western society talk about the freedom of sex, then we are doom to fail and in the next few years more young people would die of Aids then because of War....Let take a pause and think...., we all could help, we should see that our children do not get involve in unsafe sex and make sex without marriage a forbidden and a sinful activities and against the teaching of all religion....I think if all parent can educated their children of the real danger of Aids, then at least half of the battle is won.....The past generation managed to do without free sex, why can't the present generation, who are supposed to be more intelligent understand the danger and abstain from doing these sinful activities.......We all should try to do our bit, perhaps we could together achieve some small success....Aids kill, so take care and avoid getting Aids....Let start with our own family...advise the kids on the danger of free sex and Aids/Hiv, at lease we try.....We did not get Aids/Hiv because we are smart....our children could be smart too....let us do our is still not too late.
It is December, this time of the year, the weather is a bit wet. It would rain off and on and the sky would be cloudy and would be like this for sometime. It is part of the weather pattern in the tropic..In some places like the east cost of peninsular Malaysia and the coastal area of Sarawak and Sabah, it would be the northeast monsoon wind that blows these area, at time very strong with waves a few meters high, it is not safe to swim now or for that matter for fisherman to go fishing. Since these fisherman could not go to sea, this is the time when they tend to their boat and fishing is a sort of a period of rest for these hard working fisherman....some would still go to fish on small boat at the coastal water but would not venture further that , it is too dangerous for small boat to be in the choppy water during this monsoon season....It would rain for days without end and this would lead to flooding to low lying would be fun for those who are used to this yearly flood.....especially the young, they would play in the flood rice field or the monsoon drain, just for the fun of certain area the flood would bring distractions to roads and bridges, with some area cut off from communication...well on the east coast it is a yearly affair, with this flood, so the people would live with it and take precaution.....that is the way with it when nature takes it course...It is not that bad on the west coast, though it would rain, but it would not be as bad as that in the east coast for the west coast is protected by the main mountain range that runs from north to south of the peninsular Malaysia.
Sunday, November 30, 2003
It is Sunday, the Raya atmosphere is slowly fading, the TV and radio are still airing Hari Raya special, perhaps a we would still be in a sort of a Hari Raya is always like this with this special Aidil Fitri....there are still plenty of cookies and cakes left and still display on the main table for those that come to visit on a later date.. The rendang is still there but the ketupat and lemang [ ketupat is rice cook on container made of woven coconut leave whereas lemang is rice with coconut milk, cook in bamboo on slow fire, both are traditional and we still cook the ketupat as part of an on going tradition, for rendang [beef or chicken cook with traditional herb, a specialty of the Malay, the only non spices dish that the Malay cook during this festival].It is not a curry because it does not contain spices of any kind, as such it has remain one of the really tradition dish pass down from generation to generation. The rendang is a must for the ketupat, it goes together all the time, thus the saying 'ketupat and rendang'...It is one of most tasteful combination and no Aidit Fitri would be complete without the ketupat and rendang...If ever you visit Malaysia, try the rendang at the Malay buffet section in the hotel food buffet and I am sure you would love it, but the ketupat might not be there since ketupat is only made at this special festival of Aidil Fitri.....Any way if you are having Satay [special Malay beef of chicken kebab] then some time it is served with the traditional ketupat, but most of the time it would be served with another type of pressed boiled rice, it look almost the same but it do not have the flavor of the coconut leaves, anyway it is always eaten with satay and the satay's should not miss trying the satay when dining out in Malaysia, for satay is available throughout the is a delicious food, that is traditional would love it, I am sure......
Saturday, November 29, 2003
It is Saturday again and the Hari Raya atmosphere is still in the air, my edit you blog page is still not working hundred is doing other thing more often, like sending twice posting to my email address, in the past sometime it send and sometime it did not, it did not bother me that much, but when my writing did not appear after posting, that worry me....and it is still happening, why....I do not know for I am not that literate on the computer technology.....those people at blogger say something is still not right and they are working to put thing right.....hope it get done sooner....anyway it work when I post and published....thats is a least I get my thoughts on my Weblog, daily like before......writing blog has been my daily ritual and I love doing it, it keep my faculty healthy and at the same time it really makes me happy....and I hope that those that took time to read my blog, would be happy as well.....Just as I was writing this blog, received an email from a friend from the his long mail he advise me and others not to postpone thing, as well not to is indeed a good advise, for we should get going with life and not to put thing off with all sorts of we would do it the next time, or we are still having many problems to solved and the reason are endless, we will try to visit you the next time.....well it is a good advise and I hope the person who send this mail would practice what he preaches...not like this Malay saying 'cakap tak serupa bikin'..... Do it now and be happy about it.....
Friday, November 28, 2003
The Edit your blog page is still not working properly but it is better then before, well it is evening now and the kids are playing play dough, making make believe cake and the like and enjoying every minutes of it....The kids, they have nothing to worry and take the day as it is us that worry, sometime too much...but as we grow old, we began to have more wisdom and began not to worry too much and would continue to enjoy life and appreciate every minutes of the time in our golden age.....It is friday again and today I went to the Friday prayer at the local mosque and meet friends, there not many people at the mosque this weekend, it is because most city dweller are not back just as yet from their balik kampong episode....soon the road would be jam again with cars and buses bring back holiday maker back to their homes in the cities and soon the cities would be alive like before.....the balik kampong would begin again when Christmas holiday came and cities folks would once again head to holiday resorts or their kampong for a holiday as usual....most of these holiday maker are young people who are just starting a family life and would take the opportunity of the festival holiday to take their family for a holiday to the many holiday resort all over the country......A friend from the Volvo club told me the other day that club member would do a convoy of old Volvo to a holiday resort in Malacca and invite me to join them.....well the last time I did join them...the trip to Cameron Highland was indeed interesting and we enjoy the holiday....most probably We would joint on this trip to the holiday resort in Malacca.....this particular resort is at the foot of a famous and legendary mountain, call gunong ledang.....I believe it would be an interesting weekend get away......Most of those who took part in the Volvo club affair are senior like us, with a few young would surely be interesting to attend the bar b que that evening at the resort hotel....I am looking forward to the trip....some time in the middle of next month....meeting old friends and enjoying the get our golden age.
Went out with the kids, our daughter and the grandchildren to the Mamak shop to have tosei [ as south Indian breakfast delicacy] now Malaysianised......Now tosei has come in varieties, there are the masala tosei, the tall masala and of course the traditional crisp usual I love the crisp one, anyway it is a great way to have breakfast with the grandchildren at a Mamak shop.... with teh tarik...., let me explain to non Malaysian, Mamak shop is run by those Indian Moslem Malaysian, teh tarik is steamy hot tea mixed with condensed milk and served in tall glass, it would not taste that good if served in usual all these Mamak's breakfast do, would not taste the same if you take out home.....It sure taste great in the atmosphere of the Mamak like any other days, the Mamak shop is crowded with people having a great breakfast with families and friends......where else one could have such a wonderful breakfast like this, but those Mamak shop in Malaysia........Once we took an Indonesian and a Bangladish friends of our daughter to breakfast of tosie at this place and they sure enjoy it and had a great time...well that the Malaysian way of life......a great place to eat all sort of Asian delights....under one roof....thats Malaysia....a blend of the culture of the Asian people....Have a nice day.
Thursday, November 27, 2003
Trying to write today, but the blog does not seem to work right, so am trying again and hope that it works this time, I wrote a long one yesterday but was unable to post and so I lost my thoughts in cyberspace, where has it gone....I do not know, I tried to recover but to no veil, well that is one of those thing that can happen in everyday life, felt bad that I lost a whole page of writing, but what can I do...but try to write again and hope that it would work this time.....The computer is our creation and since it has no sense of emotion, it did not feel anything, but as a writer I felt angry that I lost everything that I wrote...anyway those people at blogger say that something is not right at the server and they are trying to get it fixed, like before they really work fast and I hope they would find a way to recover those thoughts that I lost in cyberspace, anyway thanks to them that I am writing this now and hope that I could post it....well that is what happen in real life....sometime it never work like what you want.....most of the time it do... I guess that I have to live with it for when dealing with computer we have to accept the fact that like us human, the computer also make mistake from time to time....the only difference is that we have emotion and the computer does not have, I still feel bad at loosing those thoughts....Well as I have said before, I have to live with it and forget about it and continue to enjoy those people at blogger, thanks friends for making life so wonderful with blogging.....have a nice day...
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
A very good morning, again a Happy Aidil Fitri and Selamat Hari Raya to all, well... we all had a great Aidil Fitri yesterday and hope that everyone enjoy the day like we did. Today is the second day of the festival and if Moslem wanted to, they can do another set of fasting for the next six day, this is a special fasting named the Six day fasting after celebrating the Aidil Fitri festival.......It is one of the most significant fasting days after the Ramadan....and do not be surprise went you visit the house of a friend on this second day of Hari Raya, the host would be fasting, this is normal and you should continue to enjoy the food and the hospitality accord....It is a cultural thing that Moslem are doing and it is not a show of disrespect for those who visit such house or the host themselves, so friends do continue to visit your Moslem friend's house this Hari Raya season.....actually the Hari Raya goes on for the whole month of do enjoy...for that is the Moslem way of hospitality.....Renew old acquaintance and makes new friends and be happy about it....for God wants us to be happy on this planet of ours....Have a great day.....
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
The Aidil Fitri or Hari Raya Puasa is celebrated today. It is a rejoicing day for all Moslem after fasting for a month during the month Ramadan....On the evening before the day, after the Isyak prayer we visited houses in neighborhood to say prayer, and this goes on until midnight and on this morning of Aidil Fitri we went to the local mosque to attend a special prayer, call the Aidil Fitri Prayer, thousand throng the mosque and pray...... and listen to the special sermon, which among other thing asked Moslem to follow the teaching and do good all the time ......also hope that peace would come sooner in all the trouble spot in the world, especially in the middle east.....This special prayer at the mosque is indeed a colorful congregation, where man and women all dress up in their best dress of the day to attend this special prayer. Immediately after the prayer everyone would wish each other peace and hope that their close brotherhood would continue to foster and that they would continue to be friends and work with a common goal....that is a peaceful community and continue to work as a productive work force so that the country would continue to prosper.....Immediately after the special prayer we start to have an open house for visitor to come and enjoy the celebration with us. This year we had all our children and grandchildren celebrating together with us....our youngest daughter who is still studying in Boston, came back for this auspicious day, so it is indeed a great day for our family......soon visitors came and together we celebrate the day with sumptuous foods, that had been especially prepared for the day, and of course the traditional dish 'Rendang and Ketupat' is there for everyone to enjoy.....Meeting friends with their families were indeed a great pleasure....We talk about all things and renew our already great friendship.......It is now late and as usual after the whole day entertaining visitor.... Me... personally are indeed dead after having a great dinner....take time to rest with satisfaction...that this year Aidil Fitri was celebrated with great joy......As I had said earlier that we had fasted for a month and today on this Aidil Fitri's day Moslem are forbidden to fast...This day must be celebrated with eating and joy...and if one want to fast again, the next day is a great day to continue to fast for another six day and then stop.... until the next Ramadan.... . and Insyak Allah another Aidil Fitri.........
Monday, November 24, 2003
Sunday, November 23, 2003
Well... It is Balik Kampong time again, Balik Kampong in Malaysia is going back to one's village or hometown, it happen every year, when Malaysian celebrate it special festival like the Aidil Fitri, the Chinese New Year, the Deepavali, the Christmas and other ethnic celebration like the Gawai Dayak in Sarawak. It is a phenomena only happen in Malaysia where people would go back to their hometown to celebrate these festival. It was once a traditional way of celebration by the Malay of long ago..... now it has catch up with other Malaysian of different races and religions and hence today has became a Malaysian culture. As festival approaches Malaysian families would drive in droves to their kampong and this would normally happen a week before such festival.... the roads and highway would be pack with cars, and buses heading to different direction to get the people back to their respective kampong. The other mode of transport such as the trains and the airplane would be as crowded as well......Such is the way Malaysian celebrate their holidays......the kampong could just a distance away and some are a bid far such as those remote kampong in Sarawak, Sabah, Kelantan.....Now that the traditional kampong are slowly diminishing with families moving to towns and cities, the concept of kampong has change with one's kampong could be Ampang, Petaling Street, Kampong Baru which are modern housing area, but still Malaysian would use the term balik kampong to mean going back to their home town such as those places......Well that is the Malaysian way of life, all the races and religions have somewhat merged their way of celebration into one balik kampong way....truly Malaysia is a melting pot of different culture and tradition of Asian....thus evolving a truly Malaysian culture.....the Balik Kampong is an example....a great way to celebrate one's festival......As Aidil Fitri approaches...let all enjoy and visit each other with a Selamat Hari Raya......Have a great day....
Saturday, November 22, 2003
Got a mail from a friend saying the she is not really in the mood to talk or discuss and a bit antisocial for the week, well that is the nature of thing, we human are moody and from time to time, we would go into a period of distress, depress and the like from time to time, my answer is that take it easy and thing would get back to normal, for we cannot change the world but we surely could change ourselves.....for we are actually in control of ourselves....In life things are never the same everyday, it changes as the days goes and we should take it in strike and try to make the best of it, for if we lament, we would be the looser, for time pass and during all those time we did not enjoy life, we would never be able to get back the lost time, it would just pass by and became history, so we should be smart and try to be as productive as possible with the way we use time, for time does not wait for anyone.....get on with life and take a thing a time, for we surely would not be able to solved all the problems at one the saying goes.....cross the bridge first....for if we refuse to cross the bridge or contemplating to cross we could surely loose precious time and it is us the would in any endeavors do cross the bridge first and once you get to the other side.....think of a way to go forward, the smart way is to develop a strategy....for in any event, it is the right strategy that would get us there... Moslem are taught that Ramadan is an auspicious month and during this month God gave man the chance to refresh themselves in their belief and correct the wrong and try to put oneself on the right track of the teaching, do all the good and avoid doing evil, for God want us to be good messenger on this planet. We are told to share all the goodness of this planet with our fellow being and all the other inheritance of this planet, this includes the plants and the animals and the insect and all living creature on the earth, for we have to share it and as we know for the eco system to work every elements on this planet has a part to play.....Fasting teaches us to be able to appreciate those that have noting to eat all days and with that the understating of what hunger meant, at the same time it teaches us that if we set our mind on doing things, we would surely achieve it we great result. We are given the whole month to learn to live in harmony with our surrounding and our fellow being, so that we may learn to enjoy and appreciate the gift of God to us everyday of our live on this planet.....God want us to share our happiness with share it, and with that, take it easy and enjoy life....for that is life......Have a nice day....
Friday, November 21, 2003
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
This is the last week of the month of Ramadan of the Hijrah [Islam] calendar and soon Moslem all over the world would be celebrating the end of fasting with a festival call the Aidil Fitri, it could be on the twenty fifth of November two zero three, but for Moslem this date is tentative until it is confirmed that there is a sighting of the new moon, once it is confirmed, then the day would be celebrated as the festival of Aidil Fitri..... and to celebrate it Moslem home would be preparing cakes, cookies and biscuit to be consumed on this auspicious day, where everyone are welcome to the house to enjoy the is normal for Moslem in Malaysian to have an open house where Malaysian could visit friends and relative including those from other religion to the house to celebrate this festival together, the open house concept is unique to Malaysia for during this festive days anyone even without invitation could visit house to take part in the celebration of Aidil Fitri the Malaysian style......not only the ordinary folks have open houses, the national leaders all over the country do the same, this includes the Prime Minister and the state Chief Minister and leaders of Political parties.....Everyone including foreigner who happen to be in Malaysia at that time are welcome to these open houses held at major places, like the Prime minister's resident, major hotels and the like all over the country.....Those that went to these open house not only get to sample Malaysian food, but also would be able to me the Prime Minister in person or other is the Malaysian way of celebrating a national celebration.....this kind of celebration also happen during the Chinese New Year and the Deepavali and other ethnic in Malaysian if you happen to be at any of these festival, you are welcome to no invitation is necessary....all are is our way of celebrating great festival day....the Malaysian open house has today became part of the Malaysian culture.....a great way to celebrate the festival together among all Malaysian all races and harmony in the great Asian tradition.......Well friends....if you happen to be in Malaysia at the time of this make a visit to any home or the official open house, you are surely it and you would surely enjoy this unique celebration....and of course the foods which includes the special 'Rendang and Ketupat' and I am sure you would not forget this day and would cherish it all throughout your is the Malaysian way, a great people that love living and come this Aidil Fitri.....Selamat Hari Raya my friends.....
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Why?....... I guess why we human have gone this far is that we keep asking the question Why and eventually got the answer to it....but at time we just simply did not want to take the trouble to look for the answer .....we are just satisfied with the effect of things..... like why is the my teh tarik taste better in a glass and not that tasty in a cup or the roti canai taste better at the Mamak's stall, then eaten at home..... I personally never like my teh tarik in a cup, it a no no to me, I love it served steaming hot in a tall glass me it look and taste better.... as for coffee to me it taste better in a cup then in a tall glass...why???..... I do not know... what I do know is that it just taste better. It is the same with foods, like the sandwich, the triangular shape one seem to taste better then the square one....Again try eating burger, not with two round bun but with two pieces of square bread.......Not that good eh!!!....Why....In Malaysia we have this food that is served on banana leaves, a south Indian dish, a complete food, a sort of a buffet on banana leaves...It would not be the same if served on plate....that is served on banana leaves taste better....Why... Thinking of it make me want me to rush to the nearest banana leave's restaurant and enjoy those tantalizing food, with rasam and tiaru........Why is that we enjoy eating with friends more then eating alone......Why is that Chow Kwai Teow taste better if fried in front of us and eaten at the hawker's table....Pack it and bring it home to eat, it just not taste as good...Why.....Why is that the mamak's Kepala Ikan [fish head] curry so tempting and delicious when eaten with a group and end off with a bowl of cendol......Why is that this mamak's cendol taste great and out beat others......It would not be the same if we bring it home and eat it in our own environment,... it still taste better at the Mamak's road side stall under the shade of trees....Remember the last time you were there enjoying those Kepala Ikan curry....Its was delicious.....Forget the Why....just enjoy it ...that's is Malaysian way of life....eating is part of our culture....enjoy.....
Monday, November 17, 2003
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