Above is a patch of the plants in my little garden. Even
without the flowers it does makes me happy to watch it grows. I have always
love nature. During my childhood I would wander in the bushes around the house
and wonder along enjoying nature at its best. And as I grow up, with friends in
the Scout Movement I would go camping in the woods. At that tender age I was
just enjoying what nature had to offer without understanding its role on the
survival of the species on earth. With the education I got I began to
realize the plant is an important specie if not the most important specie on planet
earth. Without it all the other species would perish. How come one might ask?
Well the answer is simple. All species on planet earth need energy to survive
and that energy come from the sun. All species except the plants could not
convert the energy from the sun for consumption like converting it into food
and oxygen the species needs to survive on this planet. Plant is the only
specie that could convert the energy from the sun into food which then could be
consumed by the other species in order to survive on planet earth. That is the
scheme of things on planet earth. Without that special role of the plant there
would be no life on planet earth. So folks do give due respect to this humble
specie, the Plant. Without it all species including us could not continue to
survive on this planet.
Have a nice day.