Yesterday I check my dashboard and found that it shows my posting as 887 and with this posting it is now 888 posting. Well, it look like that I had done 888 posting to date since I started blogging in the year 2003. To the Chinese,
eight is a lucky number and since the Chinese has somewhat influence the culture of this country, it do affect the way Malaysian believe and think. I am therefore happy with that numbers and I felt lucky. I have been blogging for more then four years already and happy with it. Making new friends from all the corners of the globes. The young and the old. In the process of communicating in cybersphere I felt that all those bloggers friends whom I met are very close to me, although most I am yet to meet. The Internet has made that closeness possible that no other means of communication could made it. In a way time and distance does not exist anymore. It just evaporate into thin air. I have met bloggers or some strangers from faraway land because of blogging. Like that Frenchman from Brittany. At first he contacted me for some information and then after a lapse of time, out of the blue he call from sunny Langkawi saying that he is there and enjoying his holiday basking in the sun on the beach of Langkawi. Since he has a few hours in KL before catching his flight back to paris, I told him that we could meet and sure enough we met. Had lunch at KLCC and then I took him and his girlfriend to see Putra Jaya and then back to KL, leaving both of them to wonder on their own in KL before getting to KLIA for a flight to Paris. Well with that meeting we are no longer stranger. Of recent because of the Cupcakes I met in person another local blogger Wiz.
I thought that after I retired I would just lie low and enjoy life as it is but with blogging everything changes for the better. It is just like starting a new adventure into the unknown. This time in cybersphere where most of us have never been before. With blogging I began to get into the limelight again and with that getting to know more people of all ages which I never thought possible. When I was working in the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports getting into the limelight was a normal things. But after retiring I thought that there would be no more of that. So getting back into the limelight is a sort of a surprise to me at first. I began to get more exposure and soon get to know more people, as well as people getting to know me. I believe in a way it has to do with my bloggers friends, like Rocky and Jeff who from time to time link my blog in their posting. By doing that gave my blog more exposure. Thanks buddies, that is what bloggerhood is all about. And because blogging at time hit on the raw nerves of the authority we get more and more publicity. It in a way makes me happy as well.
Had it not been for blogging I would not have known, to mentioned a few those bloggers like R.Ho who live in one corner of the US and Wwi in a land call the Golden Sand. Soon I would be meeting Wwi in real life. Probably sometime this month when he and his spouse are on duty to babysit at his children's home in KL. Well at this age Grandpa and Grandma love to do it from time to time. Once my spouse and me did just that in Boston, US for one year and enjoy doing it. Only from time to timelah as the Malaysian says and not alwayslah. And then there is this blog that I frequented, who at time would get lost in a faraway land in the Antarctic or somewhere and write beautiful anecdote or smash the authority with her kind of blogging. When her blog get idle I got worried. Maybe she forgot to wake up from hibernating in the North Pole. Hi!!
Rox, hope you are OK and enjoying life. Actually I am yet to meet her in person. Perhaps one of these days who knows!!
Some people ask me what do I blogs. I told them that I write anything that comes to my mind and that I do not write much on politic or religion. Let leaves all the politic to the young bloggers like Rocky, Jeff and the others, who are good at it. I would just do a little of politic my way and go on blogging on the reality of living and enjoying that. When I am in cyberspace of course I visit as many blogs as possible and enjoy those creative and powerful writing of bloggers from all over the world which includes the like of Ruby, who happened to be a Leo like me. She is well articulate and interact very well when people posted comments in her blog. I notice that she never failed to reply to all those posting, which sometime became sort of a chatroom happening. I would have written like her had I been her age but now in my golden age I would just prefer to color my posting the way I like it. Hay!!
Ruby go on and blog your mind and enjoy doing it.
Then there are the good people out there who includes my blog in their Blogroll. One of such person is Lynn. Thanks
Lynn, I do enjoy your blog. And of course our own blogroll like Sopo and BolehBlogs. It provides a one stop avenue to get to read blogs in the other region of the world as well as the local one, without doing the Search!!!. And then we have the Project Petaling Street site [PPS] where we could ping our posting to get more exposure. The good people of
PPS were the first to organised a Get Together cum Dinner some years ago. Hay!! what about organising another one. The last time we all met it was really great!!.
Blogging is here to stay, so I hope that the authority especially the Information Ministry would realised the important of the Citizen journalists [bloggers] and works with them to get information and ideas from everywhere in the country. By doing that stories and news in the mainstream media would reflect the actual thinking of Malaysian everywhere. Well it has been great blogging all those years and I am enjoying it. So it look like the number 888 do bring happiness to me as well. Have a nice day.