Greeting is very important to me. "Good Morning". That is how I start the morning since school days. Starting with a Good Morning greeting to our teachers and later on in life I always say Good Morning to whomever I first met in the morning. So to all the good folks everywhere; Good Morning to all. May you all have a great day. Today it is not only a good day but a beautiful day as well. Indeed a gorgeous day.
I woke up to a beautiful Saturday morning in Malacca. We had been at our second home at the Bidara Putri Beach Resort for the weekend. It has been a hot and humid day all throughout the week and that morning it has been cool. Seeing the ray of sun creeping through the window's blind I walk and open the door toward the corridor which is on the east side of the apartment and I saw the glow of the morning sun behind the small hill at the back of the condominium complex. It was a majestic sight. I took my camera and wait for it to make its appearance. As usual when we wait it takes its time to come out, the seconds and minutes seem to be rather long. I have not taken any image of the morning sun as it rises in Malacca since it is the evening sun that we normally notice at the balcony. Every time we spend the days here we would watch the sunset and making it disappearing act at the horizon on the glittering sea off the straits of Malacca. It just glows and slowly disappears beyond the horizon, at time in the multitude of color of amber, gold and at time just yellow and silver. The scenes have always not been the same and a wonderful sight to watch and wonder as evening fell to darkness.
That morning it was different. It was the sunrise that I was watching at the back of the apartment since the front of our condo face west, thus the entrance is on the east side where there are corridor that leads to all the apartments. Our apartment is on the second floor so I have just to wait to see the sun creep through the hills and bushes to made its daily appearance. Indeed it began to show its glory when it slowly rises up. It was just 7.52AM and by 8AM it brightens up with a yellow ball of fire. Indeed such a magnificent sight to watch. I aimed my camera and took as much shots as possible before it became too hot to watch. And voila! I got some fine shots and the one above show a flock of birds flying toward the northwest direction. I did not notice the birds when I took the picture but when I saw the images on the live view of the Nikon D60 I was rather amazed to see such a wonderful picture of the morning sun with those birds. It is not always that one gets the chance to get such a great image. It is just like a perfect postcard picture. What a day!

The next morning while talking to friends at the corridor of the apartment a pair of white dove flew in and perched on the railing nearby. It was really nice to see such a pure white pair of the bird. In love perhaps! enjoying the day. It was so close nearby so I thought that I should take the opportunity to immortalize the event. I went in to take my camera and by that time it has flown just a bit further but still together. I took a few snaps and sharing it here for all to enjoy. This is the first time that I saw a pair of such white dove here. There are now many doves making it nest at the corridor of the apartment and most are of the normal color of gray and dark blue but these white dove are seldom seen. They say that doves bring good luck, love and happiness to the place of its habitat or frequent. The sign of peace is always the white dove, so it was with good feeling that we get these pair of white dove here at our condominium in Malacca. Indeed a good sign for our dwelling. Now that we have the doves perching around and the sound of the sea out front, it does made the place more enchanting then before. A great place to hang out from time to time and of course enjoying life as well. Have a nice day.
I woke up to a beautiful Saturday morning in Malacca. We had been at our second home at the Bidara Putri Beach Resort for the weekend. It has been a hot and humid day all throughout the week and that morning it has been cool. Seeing the ray of sun creeping through the window's blind I walk and open the door toward the corridor which is on the east side of the apartment and I saw the glow of the morning sun behind the small hill at the back of the condominium complex. It was a majestic sight. I took my camera and wait for it to make its appearance. As usual when we wait it takes its time to come out, the seconds and minutes seem to be rather long. I have not taken any image of the morning sun as it rises in Malacca since it is the evening sun that we normally notice at the balcony. Every time we spend the days here we would watch the sunset and making it disappearing act at the horizon on the glittering sea off the straits of Malacca. It just glows and slowly disappears beyond the horizon, at time in the multitude of color of amber, gold and at time just yellow and silver. The scenes have always not been the same and a wonderful sight to watch and wonder as evening fell to darkness.