The beauty of flowers always mesmerise me. It always draw me to get closer to one and look at the intricacy of its petals. It is the color that draw our attention to it in the first place. Once drawn we began to get intimate with it and awe with the beauty of nature. So on that cool morning in Kuantan for wanting to experiment with my new camera I spend some times wondering and admiring the wonder of nature at its best in the early morning sun. I took a slow walk around the hotel ground and captured some of these gorgeous flowers that bloom in the garden. So here folks I am sharing these wonder of nature of flowers that we often see but at time just took it for granted. It do mesmerise me with it beauty and with that loves flows like the saying ' flowers is the keeper of our joy' . How true. It did made my day. Have a nice day.
Pak Idrus,
You love flower this much, I guess you want to try macro photography :)
That's where my passion in photography is; and that's the reason I got myself a DSLR in the first place :)
Salam. My first time here and I am happy to be here. TQ
Akmal, thanks for the visit and sharing your knowledge on photography.
As you can see blogging open up new meaning of acquiring knowledge especially in the sharing of experiences, in this case of photography. You got your first DSLR at the age of 20 years and me at almost seventy and I just had to wonder what it would be when you are at my age.
Anyway thanks again for the valuable tip. It does made life more colorful. Have a nice day.
somuffins, thanks for the visit and the greeting.
I am indeed glad that you are happy with the contents of my blog. Do come again and share your thoughts. Blogging is a new media and cybersphere is a great place to be and enjoy life.
Have a nice day.
Dear pak Idrus
A picture tells a thousand words. How apt, you write and you take photos too. Happy exploring your new toy.
tireless mom, Lady thanks for the visit and the good words.
Well when one is short of ideas, one make up for it with images, like you said it do tells a thousand words. I enjoy doing both especially so in my golden age where the luxury of time is mine to use at my will.
Have a nice day and take care.
Pak Idrus,
You are going through the same phase of life after getting the DSLR. We look at things from a new dimension via our camera lens - the close up view. Now everything is fun to look at. Enjoy photography and take up Svellee's invite for the photoshoot. It will be fun.
Zawi, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on photography.
Yes with this new tool we would be able to experiment more on the taking of images as we see it. Like Akmal say with the DSLR one would be able to do more in macro photography. I am beginning to experiment with the new kind of photography and excited with the achievements so far.
Of course in all my doing I shall enjoy every moment as I go along.
Have a nice day.
Yes flowers are quite amazing sometimes; their resilience yet impermanence probably is something we could learn from too :)
The first one is a spider lily, dunno what the second one is though...
julian, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the wonderful species that gives us so much loves.
It would really be a dull world without flowers. Agreed that it is the resilience and impermanence that made it so very wonderful and of course there are so much our species could learn from this species.
Thanks to you now I now the name to that lily. As for the other flower I think t is from the family that one call 'the flame of the forest'. This is a dwarf variety.
Have a nice day.
Dear PI,
I like the shot on spider lilies. Capturing the blooms with camera is the best substitute of smelling it.
The strong colors and the cheerful bloom are so capturing.
Keep it coming. Have a nice day.
all-in-one, thanks for the visit and the good words on my kind of photography.
Just beginning to get the feel of it and of course would continue to explore and enjoy the world of nature through the lens.
Have a nice day.
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