Folks, from the collection of 'duit raya' [Eid Fitri gift money] our youngest grandson Azib, six years old got himself the latest Sony PSP. He told his parents that he want to buy the PSP with his own money. I even ask him whether he want me to top up the cost of the PSP, he turn to me and said thanks and that not to worry for he had enough of money to get that PSP. He parted with his whole collection of around RM800.00 and now happy with it. As we all know too well that we boys never really grows up and that includes grandpa. That child in us is still there and getting a new toy is always in our mind. So like Azib I thought that I should get myself a new toy as well.

I have been toying with the idea of getting a DSLR camera, sort of upgrading my world of photography. And this time I just did that. I was not that sure which brand of DSLR to buy but because I got an old telephoto lens of the Nikon brand which our daughter Lin bought some years ago and is gathering dust since the introduction of the digital camera, I thought that if this lens from the conventional camera fit the new DSLR I would buy it. Out shopping for the camera I brought along the old telephoto lens and on checking found it did fit perfect, so without really thinking much I bought this camera. A Nikon D60. With that telephoto lens I would be able to be more adventurous in my photography and hope that I may be able to get a better images of those creatures; like the squirrels, birds that made the bushes around the house its home.
Above are some images of my first try with this new toy. Have a nice day.

Above are some images of my first try with this new toy. Have a nice day.
Pak Idrus,
Oh yeah, I saw this coming :)
D60 is just perfect for our basic photography need, and of course added up with creative elements by adding all the M,A,S,P functionality. Some of my photo-geek friends also use Nikon D60, and they are happy with what they get from their gear.
Now, who say big boys need no toy? :D
Oh ya, please congratulate Azib for his (emphasized) PSP. 6 years old, and he already have the thought and such maturity to own something he want by his own effort. Salute!
d60 is great! better than 40 (of course). perhaps your garden should be on subject too, esp the orchid =D
Hi, Pak Idrus!
Just saw your new post on DSLR's! I second the comments of Akmal and mutalib above! You made a great choice.
I bought the Nikon D40 early last year and took it with me to Banda Aceh for my work assignment there (http://howard-aceh.blogspot.com). I used the D40 for the photos in the blog.
I also took a series of digital photography classes last month to really learn how to use the camera! The D60 is the successor to the D40. Congratulations on your choice! Enjoy!!!
Dear Pak idrus,
Congrats to your new acquisition! Now, you can enter the klphotoawards!! am glad you can still use the older Nikon lenses.
very true la Pak Idrus. we boys are suckers when it comes to toys and gadgets. me an avid imported audio cd collector and every month i'll make sure to keep some of my hard-earned for new CDs. kadang2 tu sanggup beiikat perut...hehehe...
as for your new toy, jangan lupa snap muka saya this saturday...hehe...
Pak Idrus,
May you have a long and delightful association with your new camera and all its subsequent models.
akmal, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on this subject.
Well, I have been toying to getting a DSLR and have been window shop for sometimes already and eventually got this one. I guessed with the advance of technology we kept changing camera all the time. You got your DSLR at the age of twenty and me as you know at almost seventy. Buy the time you get to my age the camera technology would have changed so much that the one we have now would be fit for museum only. So that is why I kept telling folks to enjoy living and use technology to add value to living.
As for Azib, he has added camera to his gig and I know he read the happening in cyberspace and know what to do next. It is a generation that cannot live with all the gizmo's.
Have a nice day.
mutalib, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of camera.
Well, to enjoy living we must find ways to add value to it and one way is to have a hobby and to me photography is of it.
Have a nice day.
Howard, thanks for visit and the good words on my buying the D60 as well as sharing your experiences on using the previous model the D40.
As we all know too well that by the time we get used to one model another one would be in the market and we would go along to get a better one and I believe as technology changes we would be introduced with a better gig. The result depend on us who are behind the camera. It is us that made the difference of good or bad photography.
I visit your blog and enjoy those stories and the images that you took. Although Acheh is so near I am yet to get there myself and hope to do that in the not too distance future.
Have a nice day.
svllee, Steven thanks for the visit and the good words on my purchase of the D60,
Well I was trying to get one and in the end I got the Nikon and hope to be able to enjoy photography to another level. As for the competition I may try my hand on it. It would be my first try.
Have a nice day.
Kerp (Ph.D, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the mind of boys. We are indeed a weird species on this planet.
Well, I know we never really grow and at this age I still love all those toys and actually it add value to the quality of my life. To me life is to be enjoyed and if getting all the toys you want made you enjoy life, you must continue to do just that. No one even a millionaires have unlimited money to spend, so we all have to sacrifice some things for the other. It is alright if you are enjoying it.
Have nice day.
louis, thanks for the visit and the good words on this new acquisition of mine.
Well, we boys never really grows up do we! It is my time to just enjoy the next step of photography.
Have a nice day.
Pak Idrus,
Oh, you got urself a new gadget? I like the cup of coffee pic, probably bcos i love coffee and the idea of seeing that pic reminds me of having a quiet moment.
anyway, hv fun with the new gadget! well deserved indeed.
Ms B, thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting. Well that is my favorite cup and coffee is my first drink of the day and enjoy it all the time.
As for the gadget, well we all love new toy and I shall be toying with it as I go along.
Have a nice day and it must be cold up there now. Winter, the first day of snow is so very great. Take care.
Pak idrus,
You made the right choice as a D60 is a good buy. Moreover it is compatible with your stock of telephotos. Wonder if the autofocus (AF) works with the tele.
Enjoy taking photos of anything you fancy. have a great time with your new toy.
Zawi, thanks for the visit and the good words on my buying this brand of camera.
With so many brands actually we are spoiled with choice. It is because of the telephoto lens that I choose this brand. I have tried using the telephoto lens and like you say the focusing had to be done manually. As you know at this level of photography one have to do less of auto for a really good photography.
Have a nice day.
Dear PI,
Looking forward to see what you saw thru the D60. Some tasks to look forward daily, huh?
Have a nice day.
salam pak idrus,
good choice and looking forward to see more photo from the new gadget.
As for Azib, he's shown us that anything is possible even at a very young age.
all-in-one, thanks for the visit and your comments.
Well, first I have to understand of the how this DSLR differ from the ordinary digital camera in the making of a good images. For this I have to do it on the trial and error basic and hope to post my experiment as I go along.
Have a nice day.
JALAN REBUNG, Rizal thanks for the visit and the good words on this toy of mine.
We are actually spoiled for choice since there are many brands of quality in the market. I have decided on this model as a beginner tool for a better photography. Would surely post the result from time to time for all to enjoy.
As for Azib, I have always tell kids that everything is possible to a willing mind and I believe he has thoughts of the how and mean of getting his next toys, thus he got himself the PSP with his own money. I am glad that his message got out loud and clear for all.
Have a nice day.
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