I was enjoying a TV program when suddenly my thought was trigger to this view of a section of my home. Without thinking much I took a few snaps of it, photographing it the way I know best. And voila! I believe I got a good shot. Happy with it, I am sharing it here for all to enjoy. Have a nice day.
Hi Pak Idrus,
What a charming interior.
The curtain above the door stirred my memory. At first I had no idea why. After some time I guessed the reason; I hastily looked up the few photos I have from my childhood home, and there it was in a family portrait: the lacy curtain hanging above a door off the livingroom.
Hi Pak Idrus!
Ur home is truly lovely & well decorated! We truly enjoyed visiting both of u & fly. My fav place is the serambi where the lovely orchids bloom!
louis, thanks for the visit and the good words.
Actually I am still tired with the raya celebration and had not taken back to writing as yet, so on just a thought I took that scene and posted it. As the saying goes a picture tell a thousand words.
I am indeed glad that this image did trigger your thought as well. Nostalgic, a great memories of your past.
I believe the color of fall are all around you now.
Have a nice day.
Sheela Jayaraj thanks for the visit and the good words on my home.
Interior deco is a passion of mine, so I just did what I like best and glad that you like what you saw. I am happy that you and family came for the raya. One need no invitation for a visit during the raya and you did just the right thing and we appreciate it very much. We did enjoy your company that evening. Do come again.
As for the Serambi it is my own creation and most folks love it. Indeed it is nice to hear that you love it took.
Thanks for that gift. It do blend well with my deco.
Have a nice day.
Pak Idrus
All I can say i you have got a good eye for photography. nice angle. and that lace mini-curtain.. itu classic betull.. I LIKE it!
puteri kama at-tarawis, Thanks for the visit and the good words on my kind of photography.
I am one of those guys that think outside the box on most things and that includes photography.
As for that lace mini curtain, it was the idea of my spouse who happen to love interior deco too.
Have a nice day.
I miss seeing a Malaysian house. Somehow the houses here are different.
Anyway, am waiting to see your raya pictures. ;)
Salt N Turmeric, Farina thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on home here and there.
The space could be the same but because of cultural differences the way houses are done up might be different. We love interior deco, so we just did what we like best to turn our house into a home.
BTW tak balik kampong ke. Have a nice day.
found your blog from other blogger. so lucky, and i enjoy it. pak idrus, salam perkenalan.
Rozlan Mohamed Noor (RMN, thanks for the visit, the greeting and the good words on my kind of blogging. Glad to get to know another blogger.
Welcome to blogsphere and do have a nice day.
salam pak idrus,
You do have multiple gift !!! And now I know that ID (Int Design) is one of them. Probably I could learn few tricks from you.
Selamat Hari Raya.
jalan rebung, Rizal thanks for the visit and the good words on me and the blogging world.
We all should continue to learn not only in school but by reading as well. I am never without a book and enjoy reading. You can only do that if you know the English language for there are no books of knowledge in BM. Books are the mobile university and by that it made it easy to acquire knowledge.
I am glad that you are proficient in English and only with this language as a tool that we could change our mindset for the better.
Have a nice day
Salam Pak Idrus,
Just dropping by to your blog after watching yourself appear on tv this evening on RTM 1. Very interesting to know that there are senior member actually following the technology especially in eastern country. Looking at your blog, I should be ashame of myself that I'm still struggling on how to blog properly and in customizing my blog which might be news worthy or interesting to read by all age of groups.
This picture here really beautiful and it's just nice to look at. Owning a house would be the best one to achieve, after achieved my other big dream in life (wife, sons & daughters).
Sure I'll be one of the person that like to follow up your blog.
Great one....
bsa, thank you Sir for the visit and the kind words on my kind of blogging. It is just a humble contribution from a person in the golden age.
On TV I tried to talk about the culture of blogging and thankful that RTM gave me that opportunity. Blogging is a new media and a good one for us to change information and ideas. I tried my best to give as much info but as your know one can never have enough time when in cyberspace and that includes the TV. Anyway I am happy that they give me space during prime time to talk about the New Media.
As for that picture, it is my way of turning my house into a home and enjoy my retirement the way I know best.
Sir, my email is at my blog do communicate if you feel comfortable to discuss things of common interest.
Have a nice day.
Could not find a suitable section so I written here, how to become a moderator for your forum, that need for this?
Anonymous[9:43PM], thanks for the visit but I do not really understand what your are talking about.
My email address is at my blog if you want to discuss further.
Have a nice day.
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