As plans, I was at the studio of RTM [Radio and Television Malaysia] as a guest speaker on the Blog Program of RTM 1. It start at 8.40PM on Sunday October 19,2008. In that twenty minutes program I talk about the culture of Blogging in Malaysia. That this New Media would eventually take over from the Old Media. In it infancy Blog has already made an impact in delivering messages from the Rakyaat [the people]
Before Blogging the venue for the ordinary folks to get their voices heard was rather limited. It was always a one sided affair, one had to write to the Newspaper or magazine or write a book if one want to share information and ideas with the society. And as we all know too well it is not often that one could get one opine heard all the time in the Main Stream Media unlike what blogging could do. In Blogging one could share information and ideas all the time and this to me is good for the society, especially so for Malaysian who for the first time in its history had a tool to do that.. disseminate information to the masses which before that was the prerogative of the MSM [Main Stream Media] only. Now with Blogging and to a certain degree You Tube, the Rakyaat have a tool/mean to do just that. And today we see thousand of blogs in the Internet and in some ways do make its impact on the government as a feed back as well as providing info to the ordinary folks in making their political decision.
The host of the program also took the opportunity to ask me of my opinion on the political situation in the country now and as I had blog on this subject before..to me there should be a mindset change if the present political party want to get back the confidence of the Rayaat.
There was so much things to talk about but I believe I managed to drive the point that the New Media is here to stay and should not be taken for granted. I also stress that blogger should be responsible of what they blog and that freedom of expression has its limit especially so in the contact of the Malaysian society.
According to a poll taken during the show, at present only 21 percent of folks in their golden age in Malaysia blog, whereas the rest of the blogger are from the younger generation. I think more elderly folks should blog because it is healthy to blog, since by blogging the mind is always active. A healthy mind made a healthy body. I am happy that more and more young Malaysian has taken to blogging and hope that they would continue to contributes information and ideas which would eventually translate into a productive Malaysian society.
I thanks RTM for giving me this opportunity to talk about the culture of blogging and hope that those who watch the program would get some ideas of the power of blogging in a democracy.
Have a nice day.
Pak Idrus,
Congratulations and well done. I am really proud of you.
zawi, thanks for the visit and the good words on the show.
As pioneer, we are in this together. I believe history would look back and say we did the right thing in encouraging Malaysian to Blog. The future is the New Media and we are in it already.
Have a nice day.
Congrats Pak Idrus! Maybe soon we'l see a surge in the number og golden age ppl blogging. ;)
salt n turmeric, farina thanks for the visit and the encouraging words.
Hopefully more folks of my generation take to blogging. Anyway I am enjoying it and in a way it kept me healthy.
Have a nice day.
Hi Pak Idrus! Television! Wow you are now famous and a celebrity! Is it on YouTube? Does RTM website have the archive videos? Well done and I hope your statement will encourage more people to blog.
svlee, Steven thanks for the visit and the good words of the show.
Well, RTM gave the opportunity to me to talk about the culture of blogging in Malaysia and I hope after this more and more Malaysian especially those in their golden age blog. I have send you a link of the show and hope you get to see it. Anyhow I got a copy and you can have a look when you are here next.
Have a nice day.
Pak Idrus,
I was not watching for the reason you-know-what. But still, I believed you did it great. Congratulation :)
And oh, the t-shirt fits me like it was made just for me haha. Thanks :)
akmal, thanks for the visit and the kind words on my contribution on the RTM's talk show.
As for that t-shirt, it is a thought, who knows you would one day study at that famous University.
Have a nice day and take care.
Oh dear, u look different in that suit! And what t shirt did u give to akmal? Harvard? oh boy, akmal is one lucky guy.
u asked "BTW do you in any way know the real name of Ms b." Were u asking what's behind my name? It is a short form for Birkin i.e. hermes birkin handbag. It is said for a woman, for one to be able to own one reflects that she has already made it (financially speaking).
I suppose it is similar to getting that luxury sports car for men. for me, it is a mere tool to motivate me to achieve more. Besides, it's easier to remember. *smiles*
Enjoy the long weekend Pak!
ms b, thanks for the visit and the good words.
I hope you get it right, the person looking at the camera is the host and I am the one on the right. This image was taken before the show, They did not allow to take any picture during the show. Well, I not into wearing coat now that I have retired but that was the dress code of RTM. As for the Akmal's gift, well you guess it right and I believe that he would get there eventually.
Your anecdote of ms.b do gave me a loud and clear message and I think I could visualized the person of sophistication in you. You are the generation of my children and I am glad that you made it. Life is to enjoyed and I am happy that you are doing just that.
Yes I know very well all these culture of fine things that ladies love and that includes the handbag. I live with one for more then forty five years and she loves shopping and enjoy doing it. Now even the two teenager grandkids are using branded handbags that grandma got for them while on a shopping spree in the US.
As for me once I did drive a Mazda Savanna RX 7 as a second car and I did enjoy it. I still believe that the 'toy' are an extension of one self and since I love car even at this age I am alive when in my Honda Accord.
So lady do make hay while the sun shine and keep on enjoying life.
Have a nice day.
I am very proud of you, Pak Idrus! Great job!
I hope you and your family are doing great. By the way, thanks a zillion for your kindness in sending us the yummy malaysian kueh through Hamdan. We enjoyed it very much! And today we have nasi dagang at our Hari Raya gathering too..I guess tomorrow I will have to walk at least another 10 miles to kill calories!
Have a great day!!!
Salam from Boston,
Anonymous[10:18AM], Wan, thanks for the visit and the good words. Well we all have to try our best in getting the message across and I just did my best on RTM.
As for that kueh raya, it is just a token of thanks for friendship. I wished I could send more and glad that you enjoyed it. That Nasi Dagang is a sure must and I wished I were there to enjoy it.
Have a nice day and take care, Salam to Ginny.
Congratulations Mr. Idrus!
georgia, thanks for the visit and the kind words. Best wishes to you and the family.
Have a nice day and take care.
I can't believe that I missed it. Anyways.... congratulations for representing bloggers on TV1!
liza, thanks for the visit and the good words on me. Well it is an opportunity and I did what I could to give more exposures to blogging. Have a nice day.
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