It is a beautiful Saturday morning here in Ampang. With clear blue sky and the morning sun, my spouse decided to go jogging with our eldest granddaughter. She walk to our daughter's house which is just about a kilometer away and from there would go jogging with the eldest granddaughter. They are by now somewhere having a wonderful walk along the jogging path at Taman TAR about two kilometer from our home. I believed they are having a great time together walking and chatting. Grandma love to do that.
I am here alone and as usual at this hour [8.30AM] after breakfast would be here surfing the net and watch the TV for news or just making the TV as a company to lighten the day. At this moment in time our youngest daughter in Boston who is still on Friday evening [8.30PM] must be studying diligently. Our nephew an engineer with an oil company is back in Huston, Texas after a holiday in Florida with his family. It is just 7.30PM on Friday evening there. And at this moment in time Louis, a Cyberpal in Seattle, most probablely is having tea or an early dinner. It is now 5.30PM [Friday] in Seattle. He had just send me the image on the left above from the same room his is surfing the Net.
Looking at both images, one from Seattle, USA and one from Ampang in Malaysia, you would find some similarity in both images. Both scenes almost look alike. In both images there is a mantel piece . In a way, its show that we both love things of beauty and fine living. I have not met Louis in person but I think I am beginning to know him already. In a way like the saying goes 'Great minds thinks alike and that only the fool differ'. In his image the mantel piece is where his fireplace is to keep him warm and here in my tropical home, it is there as an item of deco. In a way it warmth my little cube as well. What a way to live and enjoy life in our golden age. With the Internet lives soon became more colorful like never before.
As you can see the Internet has brought all of us so near in a way. We could be thousands of kilometers away but because of the Internet the distance just disappeared. Like the other day when our nephew and his charming spouse and their children were holidaying in Florida, we were in touch on the email and cell phone. It is the same with our daughter in Boston, Her cell phone and the email became our point of contact and with that we are actually never that far away. Distance in space is gone and that what made life so wonderful if you get connected with the Internet. Cybersphere takes away that distance and time. In cyberspace we are indeed in one timezone. What a wonderful world we live in now. Have a nice day and take care.
I am here alone and as usual at this hour [8.30AM] after breakfast would be here surfing the net and watch the TV for news or just making the TV as a company to lighten the day. At this moment in time our youngest daughter in Boston who is still on Friday evening [8.30PM] must be studying diligently. Our nephew an engineer with an oil company is back in Huston, Texas after a holiday in Florida with his family. It is just 7.30PM on Friday evening there. And at this moment in time Louis, a Cyberpal in Seattle, most probablely is having tea or an early dinner. It is now 5.30PM [Friday] in Seattle. He had just send me the image on the left above from the same room his is surfing the Net.
Looking at both images, one from Seattle, USA and one from Ampang in Malaysia, you would find some similarity in both images. Both scenes almost look alike. In both images there is a mantel piece . In a way, its show that we both love things of beauty and fine living. I have not met Louis in person but I think I am beginning to know him already. In a way like the saying goes 'Great minds thinks alike and that only the fool differ'. In his image the mantel piece is where his fireplace is to keep him warm and here in my tropical home, it is there as an item of deco. In a way it warmth my little cube as well. What a way to live and enjoy life in our golden age. With the Internet lives soon became more colorful like never before.
As you can see the Internet has brought all of us so near in a way. We could be thousands of kilometers away but because of the Internet the distance just disappeared. Like the other day when our nephew and his charming spouse and their children were holidaying in Florida, we were in touch on the email and cell phone. It is the same with our daughter in Boston, Her cell phone and the email became our point of contact and with that we are actually never that far away. Distance in space is gone and that what made life so wonderful if you get connected with the Internet. Cybersphere takes away that distance and time. In cyberspace we are indeed in one timezone. What a wonderful world we live in now. Have a nice day and take care.
PI, the benefits of internet are listless. As a blogger-to-be, I believe its a great avenue to express ourselves and to hone our expressive skills. I would be very happy if my works can positively and (best still) cheerfully impressed on my audience minds.
By the way, what is the use of the bucket (-like) that is siting infront of your deco fireplace? Keep remote controls? Nice day to you, too.
anonymous[1:46] thanks the visit and sharing your thoughts on this posting.
Indeed the Internet gives us the mean to be in cybersphere and get all the information that you need to enjoy life. And blog is a great tool for creative writing. A place to express your thoughts in writing and sharing it with the world to enjoy. It could be just an idea or information from your point of view. By writing your thoughts you would in a way get it out of your chest and would surely get that satisfaction. The posting alone should give you that satisfaction. Of course when others read it, it is sort of a bonus. Anyway just use it as a place to enjoy your creative ability, like writing or photography.
As for that bucket. It is an old Chinese bucket to draw water. It came from the mainland China. Its great for a deco and of course it could be use as a containers for things. Like you said those remotes.
Have a nice day and take care.
Pak Idrus,
By chance got to know this blog and I should said "Writing with Wisdom", just spend almost an hour reading your past post.I'm now at my own office,suppose to do my work, but I find the time well spend.Had bookmark your blog and will come back more often.
You have a great week
nine3 nine3, thanks for the visit and the kind words on my kind of blogging.
I am indeed glad that you enjoy my posting. Indeed I am happy that it touches you and that you are coming back. You are most welcome.
I blog the way I know best and enjoying doing that. To me in the golden age, it is the time of giving and blogging is sort of giving back to the society that have given me so much throughout the years as I journeyed on in life.
Life has always been beautiful all through and I hope that my thoughts would inspire others to see living as always colorful and beautiful. And that we should continue to enjoy every moment of living.
Have a nice day.
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