This plant comes all the way from China and it only appear in the market near the Chinese New Year. So as usual when it is available we bought a bundle. It is sold in a bundle of about ten to twenty brunches, look like a dead pieces of brunches of plant without leave or flower. As usual the buds of the flowers are already there when this plant are displayed for sale. On returning home we put it in a vase fill with water and in the morning put in a few cubes of ice. And then we wait for it to grow leaves and then flowers.
Well we did not have to wait long and in a matter of one weeks, the leaves sprout and soon we see greens all around the brown brunches. Imagine that when we first bought, it is a cut brunches all brown and now it has leaves. And after that the buds start to crack and the flowers start to bloom. It is a miracle of a sorts.
The brunches were cut and shipped to distance land and it continue to be alive and eventually the leaves sprouts and then comes the flowers. We really enjoy having this magnificent plant around and as can be seen above it really makes a lovely decoration at our patio. Well that is live in Malaysia where we get to enjoy a numbers of festival and this time it is the Chinese New Year which would be celebrated here on February 18 and 19, 2007. Enjoy!!! [click on image to enlarge]
Well we did not have to wait long and in a matter of one weeks, the leaves sprout and soon we see greens all around the brown brunches. Imagine that when we first bought, it is a cut brunches all brown and now it has leaves. And after that the buds start to crack and the flowers start to bloom. It is a miracle of a sorts.
The brunches were cut and shipped to distance land and it continue to be alive and eventually the leaves sprouts and then comes the flowers. We really enjoy having this magnificent plant around and as can be seen above it really makes a lovely decoration at our patio. Well that is live in Malaysia where we get to enjoy a numbers of festival and this time it is the Chinese New Year which would be celebrated here on February 18 and 19, 2007. Enjoy!!! [click on image to enlarge]
Pak Idrus, one of the many fascinations of M'sia is people get to celebrate their own festivals freely and openly. I would say that it is probably the only truly multicultural & multiracial contry in the world where all the major religions are represented. In many countries only the dominant race get to celebrate their religion openly whereas the minorities celebrate in private.
Let's hope M'sia can continue this harmonious way of life and be an example for the rest of this troubled world.
Have a good day.
Cliff, thanks. For this country to prosper and the people continue to live in peace and harmony we have to accept the reality of today's Malaysia. In sharing we have made what could be a liabilities now an asset. Malaysian knows too well the only way forward is to stay united. Thus the respect we have for each other culture. Have a nice day.
Today I bought four young plants to plant on my land even before the house is built! The plants are mas cotek, gandarusa putih, sambung nyawa and misai kucing. I'm keeping them in the shade under the steps leading from the bathroom to the kitchen area of my hovel.
Zaharan, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.
All those plants that you have bought are great to start a herbal corner at you new home.
Have a nice day.
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