Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Sunday, June 26, 2005
To know...
How I wish I had met all those bloggers that attend the PPS bash the other night and remember the names of those that I met, but then it was just impossible to get to know all those great man and women of the Malaysian blogger world, mostly young people with great mind...The future of Malaysia in their hand... At this age, remembering names became rather difficult for us old folks...Anyway I hope those good people that I have met would seek me in the internet through my blog..I did not have the opportunity to think of what to do on arrival at the avenue...First there were the parking problem and as usual after the hassle of getting one, I did got one in a no parking area near the Bank Rakyaat parking entrance...A police patrol car arrived just about the time I was about to park my car, I went out and ask the cop whether I just could park there...He down his window and say that it would be just OK if I park without obstructing the road, a narrow one indeed...Well thanking the cop I just park my car there and went in search of the others at the party...On arrival..I saw so many people, the bloggers already in the mid of their party...I do not know where to start...So I phone Pok Ku, who earlier had phone me saying that he had already arrived...He took a taxi and that solved his transport and parking problem...Why didn't I think of that, just leave the car and take a taxi....Well that's me I guess..For I just love to drive...Well in just a moment before I got connected with Pok Ku, I saw him sitting among the young bloggers, enjoying himself...Well..I wave to him and got there before he could answer the phone and was soon introduce to Mack and the others, mostly young man and ladies bloggers. A pretty young lady stood up and say that she is Mack's wife..We shake hand and got start to talk..Chat...Yarn..Or whatever.. I took a chair and sat down and was for a moment lost among the mid of the those young man and pretty ladies that all seem talking to each other enjoying themselves....I guess all bloggers love to talk, that is why they all love to write..To blog in today's language...Amazing the young were so articulate and sharp in their thoughts, so the chat or discussion became so interactive and thought provoking that the dialog continue on and on with only the subject changes...I forgot the name of the young man sited beside me, what I know is that He is from Kuching...A bright and intelligent youth indeed and the many others that come and go, butting in with their curiosity and chat a while..A young youth with a short hair cut, almost ball, a Malay I supposed...Were another that I wish I could have known more and then the other guy that talk about the book title 'Saturday' sat beside me and continue to listen to my talk and discussion that seem endless...Beside me sat Pok Ku who seem to be in his own discussion group and enjoying himself and at the same time always asking where is his dinner, that does not seem to arrived...As for Me I had ordered a coke and just forgot about ordering dinner, for in the confusion I never got my coke but then it does not matter..The evening was so full of 'fire' and excitement that I forgot about food and the only thing that I need at that moment was a cold drink...Mack's wife tried to get one but was not successful as well...Anyway it is not a big problem...The evening was so spirited and full of energy that nothing else are important, except meeting and talking to all those great Malaysian young bloggers.. In the mid of the discussion two young ladies butt in and introduce themselves that they are for Sisters in Islam .. I am indeed happy to meet them, for I have always find their organization fascinating, an NGO by those ladies of Islam who brave move do makes the difference in the way Islam is being viewed in this multi religious country and to correct the wrong impression that are done by the over zealous 'religious' leaders and organization who try to monopolized Islam their own way...This organization have in some way became an agent to propagate the true teaching of Islam...The two ladies, Yati and the other I forgot her name [old folks often forget things and I apologized for that]...Anyway in the small chat that we have had, I did convey my support for their endless pursue for justice and hope that we could meet again....And then Pak Adib came, this time without his skull cap, he look much younger without those cap...When someone ask him why he is not wearing the skull cap, his answer was that He would feel out of place wear that at this party...I have written about this subjects at length before and it is in the archive....Well He sat there, took his toys...His PDA and a collapsible keyboard and was blogging from the site...To the amazement of the young bloggers.....At least the young bloggers should not underestimate the knowledge of this old bloggers, for they have somehow quantum leap themselves in the world of cyberspace just like the young bloggers...As the night is getting late and I had not got my dinner...Well at last my friend Pok Ku managed to get his dinner and me still without my coke.....I thought that I should call the night off, thanking everyone including Pok Ku, Mack and his spouse...Good bye to the many others....I parted with great satisfaction that the night was worth the trip....What a night the bash was...I hope there would be another one at a place much bigger and the parking much easier....Thanks friends blogger for the great time....From the Pak Blogger....
Friday, June 24, 2005
The PPS Evening...
Oh!! What a evening the PPS anniversary turn to be last night at the Charlie Place.. It was indeed a great get together of bloggers... Hundreds of mostly the young bloggers from all over the country gather for this bash... We the Pak blogger were there just to add to the color of the event, making it a gathering of the elder and the youth...Exchanging ideas and yarning about old time, in a way trying to pass down the knowledge and the wisdom of the old to the new generation of Malaysian...I had the opportunity to meet some bright young bloggers who were full of great thoughts and were prepare to listen to the wisdom of the old that I tried to part...The respond by those bright young Malaysian delighted me, since I now could see the fruit of our labor in early days of Independence, where we introduce various social engineering programs in nation building and today in these crowd of young Malaysian I saw the wonder of the Malaysian society in action...Their enthusiasm were just like us before, eager to do changes of the society and wondering why thing do not seem to change fast enough,in politic and culture....I told them that it is alright to be impatient for we are just forty seven years old and in time changes would happen and we would be as great a nation as the other first world countries.... Of course I met Mack and his charming spouse...The blogger who has cause quite a stir in the blogspere...There are so many others that were as great, but it would not be possible for me to mention its all here. As for me I am indeed happy that I attend this meeting of the mind of bloggers. Pok Ku and Pak Adib, the other bloggers of my generation were there too and like me they do really enjoy the evening.... Congratulation PPS...Carrying on, for it is the start of a great revolution in the 'freedom of speech' in this country....Through blogging...Thus it would surely change the scenario of the dissemination of information to the society at large...It is a small steps but then every journey start with a small steps...Carry on we are with you all the way...Syabas... The images below tell the whole story of the evening.... 

Wednesday, June 22, 2005
The blogger meet...
Well the blogger meet, on Tuesday the twenty first, we met, they say three is a crowd, so there were four of us at the lunch at NZ...It is indeed a crowd....Pok Ku, Pak Adib, Lias and Me, Pak Idrus... Just wait a moment, Lias did not want to be address as Pak Lias, He say He is rather young...Well that is that...All of us are happy to be address as Pak...Two of us are Grandparents and the other two are yet to be...It was my first meeting with Pok ku and Pak Adib, I had known our 'young' man Lias, who address me as uncle....Pak Adib arrived first, He had SMS me saying that he would post himself at the table near the newspaper stand, well that makes it easy for me to get connected with this stranger...I arrived just before one and after parking my car, walk straight to the newspaper stand, and immediately recognized the stranger Pak Adib...We met and there was an instant chemistry of the like we had known each other long before, in fact it is the first time, now this stranger is no more a stranger and instead has became my new friend...He was having a Teh Tarik and reading an article on blogger on the local newspaper...We chat and decided to get another table that is more comfortable when the others arrived...Since he knows Pok Ku...And I knows Lias, it would be easy for them to recognized us when they arrived for the lunch...As we chat along..Pok Ku arrived, all Smile..And got introduced..And we continue to chat like all bloggers do...For a start we ordered some more hot and cold drink while waiting for the others to arrive...Anyway with three of us it is already considered a crowd ....Many subjects come to mind in our discussion and it soon became more interesting as time passes....And then our 'young' man Lias arrived...So the number has increased to four....And now that we are no longer strangers, we continue to chat and enjoy the meeting....Then we order the usual lunch of rice and fish head curry..And other dishes and enjoy the lunch while we chat and yarn...Enjoying every minutes of this first meeting of bloggers..To me it is indeed a very useful and thoughts provoking discussion we had...Four hours just passes by without us noticing it...What a lunch!!, it was indeed a great time well spend... On subjects that of interest to the society and us...For the love of our country Malaysia...From the look of it the group is going to grow as we proceed on and it would surely enrich our life as we go by...When I put up the posting on my meeting with Pok Ku on my blog a few days ago..I did get many respond, some say they would try to come, some say they wish they could and other positive notes that really make me happy and I guess the other bloggers too....Just this morning I got comment [iskandar]on my blog on the subject of this meeting and late today I got a long note from another visitor [Derumo] to my blog, which really make me happy and I do really laughed reading it, the writer well articulate thoughts really touches me and it makes my day...Thanks Derumo ...For your great thoughts that makes me real happy... For that I would reproduce his remark on my comment column for everyone to enjoy...Friends here it is and enjoy...I believe you would enjoy it as I had...
" Derumo said...
Pak Idrus-Pok Ku- It seems that the elderly bloggers in Malaysia are using Pak - Pak Ku, Pak Adib, Pak Idrus and Pak Lias. So, as a group they can be known as Pak Bloggers (Not as PAK BLOG). The word Pak is derived from the bapa ? which is pronounced as bape (Malaysia) or bapak (Indonesia), bapok (Trengganuspeak) and bapuk (different meaning in Johor). However, the use of this word may have different meaning in different context/country. In Indonesia, Pak is used the title Mister (English) or Encik (Malaysian) and so everyone is called Pak e.g. Pak Harto, Pak Sudomee etc. It is interesting that many Indonesian in our country are creating confusion on this two term with word fusions that emerged as Pak Cik. It is not the Pak Cik/ Pokcik (uncle) in the Malaysia sense but it the fusions of Pak + Encik = Pak Cik (pronounced more as Pakcek). However, in Indonesia the leader of a group is known as Kepala e.g. Kepala Kantor ( Head of the Office) . A group of Malaysian delegation from the Coconut Division of the Agriculture Department visited the Indonesian Agriculture department. The Indonesian counterpart addressed the head of the delegation as "kami, bapak bapak disini yang terdiri dari Kepala Kantor Deparmen Pertanian mengucapkan selamat datang kepada Pak Ahmad iaitu Kepala Kelapa dari Malaysia" And in replying to the welcoming speech ,the leader of the Malaysian delegation addressed the head of the Indonesian reception committee "Saya bagi pihak delgasi ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Kepala Bapak Departmen Pertanian kerana menerima lawatan kami" And in Indonesian "Pak Blog" may mean different thing altogether."
4:15 PM
Below are some images of the meeting...
In the picture from left Pok Ku, Pak Adib and Me

and the 'young' Lias... that complete the group of four.... well someone had to take the picture...

" Derumo said...
Pak Idrus-Pok Ku- It seems that the elderly bloggers in Malaysia are using Pak - Pak Ku, Pak Adib, Pak Idrus and Pak Lias. So, as a group they can be known as Pak Bloggers (Not as PAK BLOG). The word Pak is derived from the bapa ? which is pronounced as bape (Malaysia) or bapak (Indonesia), bapok (Trengganuspeak) and bapuk (different meaning in Johor). However, the use of this word may have different meaning in different context/country. In Indonesia, Pak is used the title Mister (English) or Encik (Malaysian) and so everyone is called Pak e.g. Pak Harto, Pak Sudomee etc. It is interesting that many Indonesian in our country are creating confusion on this two term with word fusions that emerged as Pak Cik. It is not the Pak Cik/ Pokcik (uncle) in the Malaysia sense but it the fusions of Pak + Encik = Pak Cik (pronounced more as Pakcek). However, in Indonesia the leader of a group is known as Kepala e.g. Kepala Kantor ( Head of the Office) . A group of Malaysian delegation from the Coconut Division of the Agriculture Department visited the Indonesian Agriculture department. The Indonesian counterpart addressed the head of the delegation as "kami, bapak bapak disini yang terdiri dari Kepala Kantor Deparmen Pertanian mengucapkan selamat datang kepada Pak Ahmad iaitu Kepala Kelapa dari Malaysia" And in replying to the welcoming speech ,the leader of the Malaysian delegation addressed the head of the Indonesian reception committee "Saya bagi pihak delgasi ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Kepala Bapak Departmen Pertanian kerana menerima lawatan kami" And in Indonesian "Pak Blog" may mean different thing altogether."
4:15 PM
Below are some images of the meeting...
In the picture from left Pok Ku, Pak Adib and Me

and the 'young' Lias... that complete the group of four.... well someone had to take the picture...

Sunday, June 19, 2005
Saturday, June 18, 2005
A blogger meet..
Pok ku invite me in a chat room for a TT, I replied that that I would be happy to meet and then he say why not lunch and I agreed...Well I have never met Pok ku, a blogger that I guess many people know. We would meet this Tuesday the 21st at NZ Melawati for lunch and the time is One in the afternoon...He say he would get other bloggers to come along and I would also try to bring someone that I know....I hope other bloggers who happen to visit my blog would be able to spare some time to join us for the lunch as a meeting among bloggers...Well it all start in cyberspace and like I had said before...The internet is a Godsend tool for us to communicate and make friends...Remember strangers are friends that we have yet to meet....So friend bloggers do find the time for the lunch planned on Tuesday the 21st of June, 2005 at the NZ Restaurant....This is an open invitation...The more the merrier...Lets make it an interesting meeting of bloggers...
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
We went for a short holiday last week to a local holiday resort...We rented a bungalow with private swimming pool so that the grand's could have a great time..As we all knows too well that kids take the swimming pool like duck take to the water...I guess it is in our gene to love water....Well as I enter the bungalow I notice this Sign on the wall and would like to share it with all just for the fun of it...Here is what this notice say..
"Dear guests,
Our bungalow does not provide telephone. Please call 06.5xxxx for any request"
Well friends, that is today's world..Technology changes the way we communicate...How interesting....
"Dear guests,
Our bungalow does not provide telephone. Please call 06.5xxxx for any request"
Well friends, that is today's world..Technology changes the way we communicate...How interesting....
Monday, June 13, 2005
The little creatures..
Sunday, June 05, 2005
One of the greatest thing about blogging is that you get to know more people in cyberspace then your realized...As a person that love meeting people and exchanging ideas...I an indeed happy that in the course of my blogging I have met many people who share the same interest or need information...So now I have cyberfriends all around the globes and a few of these good people have eventually land on Malaysian soil and we met in person...What a world we live in now...For we soon have to find a new meaning of the word reality...Remember Matrix...What is reality ?...Well I am beginning to realized that this word now have new meaning to me...Communication on the internet and blogging add new dimensions to this 'old' meaning of the word reality, so what is actually reality...To me it is actually what we see in our mind, the information that our mind process and what we actually see ' so what is real and not real...Look..We could not touch the sky, but it is there and it is real...In cyberspace it is like that, we can seen but could not touch and yet is real...On the other side of the blogging world, recently I receive an email from a young lady in the UK, requesting information, for She is now looking for her root that happen to be in this country...I told her that I shall do my best to help her in her personal quest,'searching for her root'...Most of us as we matured and gain wisdom would want to know more about ourselves, so the search for the truth start from there and would continue for the rest of one's life...Personally I am still searching and along the way in the journey of life found what I had been looking for and like any thing in life, the truth would prevail and we all should take its in stride for life is like that..Of course there are people that do not want to search their root for they are either do not want to know or are not prepared to get to the truth...Well in real life many things happen on the way and as such whatever it is, it is part of one's life...Have a nice day...
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Living environment..
I had not been blogging regularly lately, the reasons being that my daily life schedule have been somewhat disrupt because of a small renovation works being done to upgrade one of the bathroom...I guess there are no end in improving one's living space as we journey on with life...I believe that if we are to continue enjoying life, we have to continue to live in a changing environment, thus the upgrading of one of the bathroom, making its to look different then before...The bathroom is a very important space in the home since we spend a considerable numbers of hours in it every days in our life...It is part of us now. So for us to enjoy the time we spend in this little cubes, we must find the means and ways to enhance the quality of our live, thus the renovation and redecoration of the bathroom became real important...For live would be dull indeed if we keep seeing the same scene days in days out, throughout our life..So the change to our living space to me is very important indeed...It is these changes that would enhance our quality of life, thus continue to add color to our live as we proceed on our journey of life, making it more beautiful as we proceed on... Doing a renovation works in a home that you live is no joke, because many things happen when the works began, like the old tiles had to be hack out and this my dear friends is a jobs that would introduce noise and dust pollution to your living environment. So as not to disturb the other part of the home, this part where the renovation is in progress had to be closed off...That mean it would be no more our living space for a while....I believe that for the contractor to do a good job they had to be given the freedom to works...That means without us the home owner budding in all the times while they work...Doing that would not create a good working environment to those people...Remember when we renovate and redecorates,it means some elements of the Arts are being put into practice...For these workers are in a way artisans and they must be give due respect if we want the job done properly....During a time where skill artisans are not easy to get,we just have to take chance when we get contractor to do the job, for it is not just a simple job...Actually it is a sorts of the works of Arts.. So for the first few days and hours I had to spend times to talk and see for myself works being done and once I am confident that these workers could do the job well, then I can sleep with a peace of mind...Because of this renovation works our daily ritual are disrupt, not only that we had to live in another part of the house but the dust that had accumulate all days had to be cleared and this all begin after the contractor leaves after their daily works....For this my spouse and me had to start cleaning the house as soon they left...It is not that simple....So we had to sweat out for hours to get that parts of the living space clean again for the day...So for the last few days the daily ritual of our live have change a little....That is why my blogging had not been regular...I am dead tired after getting the place in order after the contractor finish his day's works.... That my friends is the reality of life itself.... Interesting Eh!!!
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