Well, everyone loves Wedding, for it symbolizes joy and happiness, the core value of Love. It is the end of a process that loves goes through and when the wedding bell rang, it became the most waited event in any family. It is a symbol of maturity of kids who have grown up to face the reality of the real word. It is in this institution that the lover began to understand that love is not all Sunshine and bed of Roses. It likes both but with differences. Like the Sun it does not shine all the times but even in rains that sun is there somewhere and it never failed to shine again and as for the Rose, we all love Rose and we knew too well that Rose come with the green leaves and the stem with thorn all over. If not handle with care it could hurt oneself. But then Rose cannot be Rose without that thorn and we all love Roses which come in all shades, colour and sizes. Been presented with a bunch of Roses would always bring joys and happiness to the receiver. It does have that aura of a healing power that we often need on our journey of life. So in a way wedding is like that, it is beautiful and would continue to be beautiful if it is nurtured with love. For in any wedding it is love that would play an important role in the lives of the couple. Quote: C.G.Jung "For two personalities to meet is like mixing two chemical substances; if there is any combination at all, both are transformed" How true...

The bride Zalia a petite lady, the gorgeous daughter of our friends Dato Wan Shamsuddin and To'Puan Zaini. The bridegroom Arzumy is a lad who was her college mate whiles studying at a local University. Together they do made a perfect couple. In the Malay culture such couple is often referred to as "
Seperti Pinang dibelah dua".

The Wedding reception was held on December 27, 2008 at the Grand BlueWave Hotel at Shah Alam. My spouse and I were among the many guests invited to the reception. We arrived early and got a real look at the deco of the reception hall. The concept of the deco is contemporary and I believe it is the choice of the young generation of the family, probably the bride and the bridegroom themselves for it devoid of the normal traditional setting that folk of our generation would want to have. Anyway it is well done in that it did introduce an atmosphere of 'cool' of today's generation. It looks real simple but yet elegant; so pleasing to the eyes. It does fit well with the charm of both the bride and the bridegroom; kids of the twentieths century making their bond in the early twenty first century. A new generation of Malaysian who grows up in modern Malaysia and heading toward a more challenging time into the country future. It is their world and the wedding reception befits their generation's aspiration.

For both of us it was also a time to get to meet friends. It is an occasion likes this that gave us the opportunity to meet and renew our acquaintance. On arrival we were greeted by the host and been early we got the opportunity to take picture with them. The image below shows the bride's parent [dress in pink/purple on the left] together with us and another couple.
The whole ceremony was choreograph well indeed, with the two Emcees doing a pretty good job of entertaining the guests with their wits and humor; turning the ceremony into an atmosphere of joy. The good music and song add to the festive mood and it does lure the guests into an atmosphere of joy and happiness. The food spread was sumptuous and with such good company of friends at the table we did enjoy the evening. Indeed, a joyous event to all of us.
Many thanks to the host for the invitation and to the newly wed couple I leave you with these words of wisdom:" Have a joyous life together."
Selamat Pengantin Baru. Have a nice day.