.... These are the Durian that was served to us at Tampin.... It is the King of Fruits.... It is call Durian because the skin is thorny, thorn in Malay is 'Duri', thus it is call Durian, it is in season now....

.... This is the fleshy fruit inside the Durian....It is yellow or golden yellow in color... It smell great to us Asian and we all love it... Malaysian would never refuse an offer of this great fruit... Visitors to this country should try this King of the Fruits... Once you get use to the taste and the smell, you would surely want more of it... That is the magic of this tropical fruit Durian... Never leave Malaysia without experiencing this wonderful fruit of the tropic..... You would know when this fruits is in season, it smell!!..... Wonderful!!..... Have a try and I am sure you would enjoy it...... And would eventually love it.... The mystic of the Durian....
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