We are in Malacca, not at our condo at Pantai Putri but at the AFamosa resort, just about an hour drive from KL. We are spending a holiday at this resort with our grandchildren and their mom and dad. It is the school holiday now and once a year they would come here for a short holiday. It is a different kind of a resort. Here that are many type of accommodation like condo living and bungalow. We got a bungalow with four rooms and a private swimming pool. It is because of the private swimming pool that our daughter and son in law rented this place. It is the pool that became the mean to an end. It is the pool that those kids love to spend their times. This time the kids want grandma and grandpa to come along, so here we are, tag along and soon this bungalow became crowded with the three generations of us. Us the grand, our daughter, the son in law and their five kids. Actually it’s the kids who are having a field day here, enjoying their kind of holiday in the pool all day long and even at night. What! With the pool nothing else matters to them. Enjoy playing with water. Our species love for water never end. Remember we evolved from there once.
To me it is a break from monotony of home living, so this place is a change of environment. A bungalow with a swimming pool to ourselves. This place is packed to capacity during the holiday season, with neighbor Singaporean coming in drove as well the Arabs, who find this a tropical paradise!. So you would see people of many nationalities holidaying here. As for us it is also a sort of a celebration for the changes the election brought, as well to celebrate the success of our eldest granddaughter in her final year Secondary School examination. She got 9 A1. Indeed a straight A's student. She did very well in the examination beating everyone in the history of our family. Now she is heading to the University and wanted to pursue a degree in medicine like her mom and dad. Looking back it was just like yesterday that we got news that her mom got a good result in her Secondary Examination. That was in the mid eighties. Now it is her kid that just got the best examination result that any parents would be proud of.
Now our grandchild is going to the University, what a day in our lives. I had always told our children and grandchildren that education is their future and they are doing just that. So these few days we would be enjoying our days celebrating their achievement. What better gift then this at this moment of our lives. It is the happening like this that made our lives so colorful and beautiful, as we journey on in our golden age.
I am blogging this at the resort and got connected to the Internet using the latest gadget by Maxis Malaysia. A small broadband modem, the size of a credit card and it is wireless. Just plug it to the USB port and you are on your way. So with this connection I could now get connected to the Internet anywhere and anytime. What a way to go blogging. Image above shows the grandkids enjoying themselves at the swimming pool. Have a nice day.
To me it is a break from monotony of home living, so this place is a change of environment. A bungalow with a swimming pool to ourselves. This place is packed to capacity during the holiday season, with neighbor Singaporean coming in drove as well the Arabs, who find this a tropical paradise!. So you would see people of many nationalities holidaying here. As for us it is also a sort of a celebration for the changes the election brought, as well to celebrate the success of our eldest granddaughter in her final year Secondary School examination. She got 9 A1. Indeed a straight A's student. She did very well in the examination beating everyone in the history of our family. Now she is heading to the University and wanted to pursue a degree in medicine like her mom and dad. Looking back it was just like yesterday that we got news that her mom got a good result in her Secondary Examination. That was in the mid eighties. Now it is her kid that just got the best examination result that any parents would be proud of.
Now our grandchild is going to the University, what a day in our lives. I had always told our children and grandchildren that education is their future and they are doing just that. So these few days we would be enjoying our days celebrating their achievement. What better gift then this at this moment of our lives. It is the happening like this that made our lives so colorful and beautiful, as we journey on in our golden age.
I am blogging this at the resort and got connected to the Internet using the latest gadget by Maxis Malaysia. A small broadband modem, the size of a credit card and it is wireless. Just plug it to the USB port and you are on your way. So with this connection I could now get connected to the Internet anywhere and anytime. What a way to go blogging. Image above shows the grandkids enjoying themselves at the swimming pool. Have a nice day.
Sounds like an idyllic holiday! I have often seen references to A Famosa Resort...now you have provided me a glimpse of it.
Congratulations to your granddaughter on her tremendous results in her exams and on her admission to University. I wish her great success.
Salam Pak Idrus,
I dream of having a typical and happy family.I know how hard we have to work to have a happy family.Is it true that the key to family happiness is working smarter rather than harder.Anyway,Congratulaions to your granddaughter and I wish her great success.
Salam Pak Idrus,
Conratulation to your granddaughter for the 9 1A. With that kind of result, she has the right to ask for any university.
Have a nice day.
From me too, Congratulations to your granddaughter. She is setting a very good example to her siblings. And to her parents too, congratulations. And to you and Kak Asmah too - congratulations. Yes, time to celebrate!
louis, thanks for the visit and the greeting/wishes re our granddaughter success in her Examination. Like you we are happy of her success. Its the beginning of the real world for her.
As for this resort, it is a great place for a family get together. Have a nice day.
awang, thanks for the visit and the greeting/wishes for the success of our granddaughter in her examination. As you know SPM is a very important examination for the future of a student. I hope she would do well in her future endeavor.
As for happiness, we must treat happiness as a culture and I believe you would gain happiness if you live your lives as a good person always. It is the philosophy of our family to give love to all in the family and to others as well. Love is a power of binding and the result would be happiness.
As for working, I have always advice others to work smart instead working hard, for working smart would help you to get there with satisfaction. In order to work smart you must have knowledge, so get as much knowledge as possible and I believe you would get what you hope for at the end of the day.
I believe my spouse and me are enjoying life at this period of our lives is because we have given so much loves and now we are be showered with loves again and again. With that life continue to be as beautiful as ever.
Have a nice day.
akmal, thanks for the visit and the greeting/wishes regarding the success of our granddaughter in her SPM examination. Well I hope that should would do well when she get to the U. Have a nice day.
putri, thanks for the visit and the greeting/wishes on the success of our granddaughter in her SPM. Like you we hope that she would continue to do well in all her future endeavor.
Sure with that kind of election result and this good news, agreed with you that it is a good time to celebrate.
Have a nice day as well.
Pak Idrus,
What a wonderful way to spend your time with your family. And congratulations to your granddaughter.
salam pak idrus,
still remember me? yeap, i've started lurking around again :)
congratulations to your g/daughter. been to AFamosa before and second you that most reason people go there is due to the private pool. Nice holiday!
ana, thanks for the visit and the greeting/wishes on my granddaughter success. Yes it was a great way to enjoy living with the family. Have a nice day.
shidah, thanks for the visit and welcome back to blogsphere. I am indeed happy to 'see' you again and hope that you keep on blogging from the faraway land you are living now.
Thanks also for the greeting/wishes of my granddaughter success in her SPM.
As for AFamosa, yes it is the private swimming pool that made the resort so different from the other. We did enjoy that family gathering, it was just like home in another place.
Have a nice day and do come over again.
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