Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka...... That is the shout of Freedom on Independent Day... In a single word Merdeka mean Independence.... Today the thirty first of August two zero zero four we celebrate the forty seventh year of Malaysia Independent.... It was on the thirty first of August in nineteen fifty seven that Malaya now Malaysian gain it independence for the colonial rule.... The country was colonized for almost five hundred years, starting from fifteen eleven what the Portuguese invaded Malacca... Last night at the stroke of mid night thousand throng the Merdeka Square or the Freedom Square to watch the clock tick at midnight to welcome the thirty first of august and at the stroke of midnight, all those thousand shout Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka, for at this site at the Merdeka Square forty seven years ago the Union Jack was lower down for good and the Malaysian Flag was raised and today a large Malaysian Flag proudly fly above a tall pole at this square......And in Kuantan, the east coast town of Pahang, the official Merdeka celebration took place with pomp and splendor, watch by the King and the Malaysian Cabinet members lead by the Prime Minister and thousand of the Malaysian public.....The picture shows the King and the Prime Minister at this year celebration......

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