Yes I am talking about snow. No, we do not have real snow in Malaysia but just a made believe scene like the one you see in the images above. It is actually a deco in the concourse of a shopping mall call the Curve at Damansara, Kuala Lumpur. It look so real isn't it!!, Just like the real one. The nearest you could see artificial snow is at the Theme Park at Genting Hingland. That's the way it is in Malaysia, come the festival time like Christmas, the whole shopping complexes would go mad with the deco of Christmas atmosphere. One thing about this country is that you get to enjoy all the great festivals of the races and religions. So now it is the Christmas season, thus the deco changes to meet the occasion.
Reading Ana's blog, a Malaysian lady professional living in Boston, bring me back memories of the great times that our family had while living in Boston, US. Especially so of the changes in the landscapes during the Fall and Winter. In the Fall the area in this New England's state turn into a sort of a paradise, the leaves of trees soon turn into amber and gold from the normal shades of green. With that kind of color scheme the whole landscape turn into a scenario of a wonderful strong and vibrant colors of brightness. Someone quips that when God created heaven a piece of it fell down and it became the New England states. Anyone who have seen these scenes of Fall [Autumn] in the New England states would agree that the scene of those leaves turning from the various shades of green to amber and gold is simply fantastic. A wonder of nature that only happen during the Fall. It is indeed a sight to watch and enjoyed. And when winter comes the whole scene changes into a totally different mood beginning with the falling of the first snow flakes.
To me the first day of snow fall is the best scene of the moment on our blue planet. The snow flakes drops bit by bit and slowly covering everything on its ways like a sprawling white carpet. At that moment in time, it shows how clean, peaceful and innocent the good earth is. Everything turned white as the snow flakes continue to falls. As night begin, with the background of the evening sky the falling of the snow flakes became majestic. The falling white snow flakes against the gray background of the evening sky makes the scene more astounding. I have walk in the snow before but all those times the snow has already fallen on the ground or still falling as you walk.
My first experience of the first day of snow fall is simply awesome. For someone who had never seen the first snow fall, its indeed a sight to wonder. When I first saw that first day of snow fall some years ago I was simply fascinated with the changes of the scene, from the normal color of the fading rainbows in the last days of fall to that simple pure white when winter arrived. Never had I thought that white and whiteness is so beautiful. The first day of snow fall is a day that I felt is such a wonderful and unique day of the year. So very clean in every aspects. For once the whole world look so clean and innocent. The blue marble is tranquil and at peace with itself. All of a sudden white became so beautiful. A color that we normally took for granted soon became so grand in that moment in time. The first day of snow fall is yet another piece of heaven fallen to the ground for us to enjoy. A rather short moment in time indeed. The first day of snow fall is indeed a glimpse of the wonder of nature. The scenes of the days after as the snow been tramped is a different story all together. Have a nice day.
Reading Ana's blog, a Malaysian lady professional living in Boston, bring me back memories of the great times that our family had while living in Boston, US. Especially so of the changes in the landscapes during the Fall and Winter. In the Fall the area in this New England's state turn into a sort of a paradise, the leaves of trees soon turn into amber and gold from the normal shades of green. With that kind of color scheme the whole landscape turn into a scenario of a wonderful strong and vibrant colors of brightness. Someone quips that when God created heaven a piece of it fell down and it became the New England states. Anyone who have seen these scenes of Fall [Autumn] in the New England states would agree that the scene of those leaves turning from the various shades of green to amber and gold is simply fantastic. A wonder of nature that only happen during the Fall. It is indeed a sight to watch and enjoyed. And when winter comes the whole scene changes into a totally different mood beginning with the falling of the first snow flakes.
To me the first day of snow fall is the best scene of the moment on our blue planet. The snow flakes drops bit by bit and slowly covering everything on its ways like a sprawling white carpet. At that moment in time, it shows how clean, peaceful and innocent the good earth is. Everything turned white as the snow flakes continue to falls. As night begin, with the background of the evening sky the falling of the snow flakes became majestic. The falling white snow flakes against the gray background of the evening sky makes the scene more astounding. I have walk in the snow before but all those times the snow has already fallen on the ground or still falling as you walk.
My first experience of the first day of snow fall is simply awesome. For someone who had never seen the first snow fall, its indeed a sight to wonder. When I first saw that first day of snow fall some years ago I was simply fascinated with the changes of the scene, from the normal color of the fading rainbows in the last days of fall to that simple pure white when winter arrived. Never had I thought that white and whiteness is so beautiful. The first day of snow fall is a day that I felt is such a wonderful and unique day of the year. So very clean in every aspects. For once the whole world look so clean and innocent. The blue marble is tranquil and at peace with itself. All of a sudden white became so beautiful. A color that we normally took for granted soon became so grand in that moment in time. The first day of snow fall is yet another piece of heaven fallen to the ground for us to enjoy. A rather short moment in time indeed. The first day of snow fall is indeed a glimpse of the wonder of nature. The scenes of the days after as the snow been tramped is a different story all together. Have a nice day.
Salam Pak Idrus,
I bloghopped from Ruby Ahmad's, and just finished reading thru your train of thoughts. What Ruby Ahmad says is very true, your blog is very informative, it covers a very diverse aspects of life, and most importantly it projects the positive image/thinking of blogging and living. Will be back to read more of your thots.
Thankyou for the link. Wow, they did a great job at the mall. It's pretty windy and chilly today but sunny and beautiful all the same.
Brought back memories of Connecticut when I was there 20-odd years ago. Aslmkm Pak Idrus, new blogger from Melaka, you already know me. Silalah jenguk ...
nj, thanks for the visit and the kind words on my blogging. I was indeed surprised with Ruby's posting of me and thankful for that. It in a way give my blog more exposure and with that others may share my knowledge and experiences in life.
To me blogging is a media that gave us Malaysian the opportunity to share information and ideas with the society in Malaysia and the world. Never before we had this kind of tool to talk to the masses via blogging, so do go on blogging and at the same time enjoy doing it.
I blog the way I know best. Giving love and compassion as much as I could. Been in the golden age has it advantages, I think we have more wisdom to share, and with that trying in a small way to help society to enjoy life to the fullest.
Have a nice day and take care.
anasalwa, thanks for the visit and the comments on my posting.
Your posting on the snow flakes coincide with what I was about to write after a visit to the Curve last week, so I thought that it would be great if I put a link to your blog. It would give visitors the opportunity to visit your blog and enjoy those pieces that you often posted.
Glad that you are enjoying the beautiful weather in Boston. I do miss Boston. Have a nice day and take care.
puteri.., Thanks for the visit and the comment on my posting.
I supposed you are Nazli a/k Pak Abas but I did not know that your are the Putri Hang Li Poh!!!. I look around at your profile but did not see any name but after going through your blog, I think I got you!.
I am indeed glad that you are now a blogger. People of our generation have plenty to share with the present generation, so blogging in the best way to do that.
Did not know that you were in that part of the world twenty years ago. Anyway it is a great place to be and enjoy life.
Have a nice day and take care.
Pak Idrus,
The Curve eh? They did very well on the deco. I wonder what the did at other malls. Should go check it out sometimes later.
I have no experience with the fall or winter....yet. A natural tranquilizer, people said. Thanks for sharing(",).
Good day(",).
akmal, thanks for the visit.
Well in due course you would be roaming the world and walk on snow, taste the white snow and enjoy its tranquility.
Snow is neutral. Yes, it is a natural tranquilizer. A wonder of nature and it come without fail every year during winter.
Have a nice day.
pak idrus,
Despite of some other people's problem of having no idea on what to blog next, you seem to have to have no problem at all. Your sharp observations and knack of putting your various pespectives of things into words amazes me. I hope this great gift from God will rub off on me after the meeting with you at KLCC recently.
Have a good day sir.
I have yet to experience a snow fall but the way that you have just described it made me feel as if I have. Thanks for sharing your snow thoughts. Regards.
zawi, thanks for the visit and those wonderful words of me and my blogging.
Well as I had often said, I blog the way I know. There are so many things to write about and as for me I just takes it easy and write my thoughts as it goes. I tried to narrate on what I saw so that others may understand the subject well and enjoy it as well. Only with understanding that one could really enjoy.
As usual with us writers, we get carried away once a while in trying to do justice to the subject. From the feedback I am happy that others do enjoy my thoughts.
Thanks zawi for the compliment. Do have a nice day.
wiz, thanks for the visit and glad that you enjoy this posting and more then that you managed to visualized yourself in the snow.
One of these days you would surely get the opportunity to sample the reality of winter and snow. In order to understand and appreciate what I had written, be there before winter arrived, since the first day of snowing is special, an experiences that would be with you the rest of your life, just like me.
Have a nice day and take care.
Salam Pak Idrus,
Nice picture... and true, in Malaysia we get to "celebrate" all the major festivities, including Christmas - that's one big plus for any country. Here in Dhahran, Saudi, despite huge Dhahran & Rasheed Malls and substantial population of expats. (at least in the Eastern Province), we don't get to see the "colors of the human race"... kind of miss old Malaya lah (again, the backgrounder, Semalam di Malaya, is really nostalgic). Take care & salam.
dhahran sea, thanks for the visit and the comments on this posting as well as your thoughts on the celebration of festivals in Malaysia.
Indeed we are blessed with the understanding that all these festivals gives us so much in understanding about humanity in this country. Where everyone has the opportunity to celebrate and enjoy each others culture.
I am indeed glad that the background music 'Semalam diMalaya' do trigger your memory of good old Malaya.
Have a nice day and take care.
Salam Pak Idrus
My first experience with snow was in New York in 1993. It rained first. Then it came in small flakes. Two hours was all it took to cover the grounds of the garden next to the hotel I was staying in.
When it settled, I joined the kids scrapping snow off the cars and making them into balls for a snow ball fight.
It wasn't as cold as I thought it would be but it certainly was slippery and wet.
Your posting brought back fond memories of winter in New York, Washington DC, Detroit and Tokyo.
fauziah, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the topic of my posting. It sure add color to this posting.
As you had experience the first time folks from this region saw snow, it sure is special, especially when you see the first drops of the white snow flakes. Yes, it is not that cold as we all expected. It is later on that the days and nights became cold.
I am indeed glad that it brought back memories of your times in winter at all those places.
Have a nice day and take care.
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