A Malaysian sharing his thoughts with the world...
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The fountain @ KLCC..
I was at Kinokuniya again to get some books and while there I took the images above showing the splendours images of the fountain in front of the KLCC. In the background is part of the sprawling greens where there is a wading pool for kids to enjoy the water and parents to relax under the tropical trees. In the early morning many folks around Kuala Lumpur would come to jog around the garden or just sit to enjoy the fresh air. This area was once the racing ground of the Turf club and now it is one of the green lung of the city of Kuala Lumpur. So for today just enjoy these images as much as I had enjoyed snapping it. Folks, its summer as usual in this part of the world. And because it is the monsoon season on the east coast, the weather is a bit cool. Most of the time it is now below 30% Celsius. Have a nice day and take care..
Pak Idrus, That is one blissful view to be found in the heart of KL. I was there last weekend, with Pak Zawi. I guess my village is turned out to be a 'pulau' again, since there is a flood there. The worst was at the end of year 2004. Good day.
Pak Idrus' You have the prowess to blog about just anything sir,be it the sun,the snow now the beautiful water fountain.Thats great.A blogger with full of interesting information and covering lots of topics indeed.Images beautifully executes. I'm really proud to know you. Bye keep up the good work. Hope to see you soon. Take care.
akmal, thanks for the visit. Not always we get the chance to snap that kind of images. I guess I was just lucky to be there at the right time. So I am sharing those images with everyone to enjoy it as well.
As for the Bah, I believe to folks in your village it is just like a ritual that happen from time to time and possibly enjoy it as well. Have a nice day
changgeh, thanks for the visit and those kind words on my blogging culture. I tried to give as much as I could in blogging and happy that you did enjoy those images.
Just call when you are in KL and we shall meet. Have a nice day and take care.
Pak Idrus, I was there twice but sad to say I never thought of capturing the image from there or did I even look at it? This is the problem with me, never to make the most out of anything. Thanks for opeing up my eyes. I will be more observant next time.
zawi, thanks for the visit and those kind words on this posting of mine. Indeed we see differently, that's what made our world so colorful. Have a nice day and take care.
Yes, beautiful pictures of our garden city. Thank you for sharing these, Pak Idrus. I didn't make it to KLCC on my trip home in Jan and have penciled it in as something I must do next year. :)
Have you seen the fountain at night? It must be really fascinating against the night skyline with its reflection in the water.
How nice to meet you at last yesterday with Kak Teh, Wan Hulaimi, Pak Adib, Pok Ku, Honeytar, Helmi, Jiwa Rasa and the cute girl (did not get her name)..ha ha..enjoyed naming everyone here.
I must say you are full of zest Pak Idrus! Kudos! You have a modern mindset too. That is refreshing in today's day. I must say you look younger in person than your photo..funny kan, as photos are just two dimensional and we do not pick the spontaneity of the person that tells on the personality that helps with the person's image. Interesting indeed.
Uhuh! Yes, I remember you were telling us about these photos you took at KLCC. They are spectacular indeed. Cheers.
Hello Pak Idrus, I have always been a silent reader of your very eloquent, exceptionally interesting postings for quite awhile, but avoided leaving my footprints behind. Ada snow on my shoes, ha ha. The noises you heard at night around 2am or thereabouts was mine, ha ha, as we are 13 hours behind your local time. Anyway, this time I have to seek an answer from you. 1/ The pictures you posted here are beautiful and very well taken. (I love photography, but more on portraits now). Is this place at one time the Ampang Race Course? I love horses (I am a horse year, prefer to say 'stallion, sounds better, ha ha) and only been inside the race track to have closeup look at the racehorses knowing a couple of jockeys those days, wayyyyyyy back in the 60's. I remember a friend's big house nearby where I used to go pluck rambutans when in season, I guess its gone seeing how big the area occupies. 2/ What camera you used taking these beautiful pics? I love your blog and your soft music. You keep well and have a nice day, Pak Idrus. Lee.
Salam Pak Idrus Nice shots. I used to jog around the park during the weekends until I find that I had to work on Saturday and Sunday. It is one of my favourite places in the city. Once, we actually had an impromptu picnic at the park, with packed food we bought at Isetan. It was blissful!
Pak Idrus, I've been at the spot in Kinokuniya overlooking the fountains many a times... didn't fully appreciate the beauty until I saw them in your photos! Thanks for sharing the pics! Take care & salam.
rita, thanks for the visit. I am glad that you like the images in this posting. Well, I would try to get the images of the fountain in the night. It sure would be a fascinating sight in the evening sky.
When you are here next, just let me know and we shall do a coffee at KLCC. Have a nice day and take care.
ruby, thanks for the visit and those kind words on me. Indeed it is flattering. As I often said, life is like that and should be enjoyed. Enjoyed I did on that special day when I met you in person at the coffee with the AG and gang at the Dome that day.
The camera did not do justice to your profile in the real world. What a gorgeous lady, so warm, well articulate and full of zest you are. One could sit for hours with you in some group intellectual discussion and the time would just pass away unnoticed.
Glad that you like the images. Have a nice day and take care.
u.lee thanks for the visit and those kind words on my posting and am glad that you enjoy my writing of things I love. Actually I just blog whatever comes to my mind and blog it the way I know best. And enjoy doing that.
Indeed a great honor to have you her Sir. When you got yourself lost for awhile, cyberfolks in beautiful Malaysia and others who frequent your blog became lost as well. From what I read they were rather sad of your disappearing act. That shows how they love your wisdom which I believe comes with getting old. As for me I do follow your blog from time to time and been in the golden age is happy of your role in cyberspace of getting bloggers happy and enjoying life. I have always advice fellow folks to give love and enjoy life as one journey on in life.
As for the images I am indeed glad that you enjoy those images of the fountain at KLCC. KLCC is just four minutes away from my home in Ampang Jaya. So it is my 'lepak' place with my spouse, we just do shopping, lunch or coffee from time to time there. It is also a convenient place to meet Friends for a get together since it is linked by the LRT.
The former race course was taken back by the government when the 99years lease expired. The then PM, TDM decided to built the KLCC complex which includes the Petronas twin tower, a Tropical garden with wading pool and the pool which you see in the images above. I believe you know Ampang Park is, the KLCC complex is just opposite about one kilometer away, so it take a large chunk of that Jalan Ampang. There are no longer any bungalows around the place. Now it is great place to be and enjoy a first world facilities. Hope you could come back for a visit and I would be glad to have coffee/lunch with you there.
As for the camera, I use a cell phone camera for the fountain images. It is the latest gadget with Mobil Window call the Dopod 838pro. The camera is 2megapixel. It is handy when I am out without my camera. I myself is surprised at the quality of image this camera gives. It is as good as my other camera an Olympus 8 megapixel. For the Setting Sun I took the images using the Olympus. The one of the Snow story is from the Dopod 838pro.
As for the music it remind us of the Malaya [semalam di Malaya]that we all grew up until Malaysia was formed in 1963.
fauziah, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts of this enchanting place, the KLCC and its garden. It is indeed a place for us to enjoy life with family, friends or just by oneself.
I believe you are at home base now. Have a nice day and take care.
dhahran, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of my posting. Indeed we sometimes just take things for granted and in that process missed all the great thing of creation. I am glad that you enjoyed the images.
Have a nice day. Do let me know where you are back home.
jiwa rasa, thanks you for visiting. Yes, it was a great discourse and get to know you as well. From cyberspace to the real world. Indeed its wonderful to live in both world.
Now that I had face to those cyberfolks, it add a new environment to my cyberspace adventure. It was indeed an exciting discourse that day at KLCC.
Hope to see you again in the real world. Have a nice day.
Hello Pak Idrus, terima kaseh for your reply. Yes, reading what camera you use, when your Olympus not available sure surprised me. So beautiful and the clarity is amazing. I love photography, used to take sceneries, but after years, got jelak, my isteri says, "balek balek sunset or seascapes'. Ha ha. So I studied and took up portrait photography, much more ahemmm *wink* interesting. I use my trusty old Nikon film SLR F601 with accesory flash, tripod and a 35mm-135mm Nikon lens. My models? Friend's wives, daughters, I make them beautiful with my camera. Ha ha. You live in Ampang Jaya. Pak Idrus, As this is an open channel, I will not disclose much, I lived in Ampang Jaya in the late 60's. And I'm sure you remember those one time Malaysia's great footballers, Abdul Ghani, Arthur Koh? Well, they were my neighbours. We became good friends too. I did post a story re my young days at Ampang Jaya. I will republish it again, unedited version next time. Later we stayed at Jalan Freeman, next to RSGC, then name was changed to Jalan U Thant. Yes, Ampang Jaya in the 60's was my fishing grounds too, so many ponds and mining pools. Used to go to the catchment area tangkup ikan haruan, Toman too...and quite often bring my girlfriends there too, ahemm. Ha ha. Yes, Ampang Jaya will always hold memories for me. By the way Pak Idrus, no need address me 'sir', ha ha, I am slightly South of your age. Only abit, ha ha. And terima kaseh for your kind invitation for coffee and lunch Pak Idrus. Yes, I certainly would want to shake your hand. Ada senang do come and grace my page, Pak Idrus. I will be privilaged with your visit. Its snowing like crazy here now, -8'c! Abit chilly. You keep well, Pak Idrus. Lee.
u.lee, thanks for the return visit and sharing your thoughts on photography and Ampang.
Ampang Jaya is now my Kampong. One my kids bought a house nearby and the grands says they are going back to their Kampong whenever they visit Nenek's home which is just two kilometers away.
As for the name you mentioned, Ghani Mihat the famous footballer is a close friend of mine as well and live at Taman TAR near our place, about two kilometer away on the side of the small stream where probably you look for fish in the era gone by. BTW is the girl friend that you use to take to Ampang is the Mrs now?. Ha!Ha! you must be smiling now..
I visited your site and could not find an email address. Appreciate if we could continue to exchange note via email. My email address is at my blog. Other then posting in my blog, email give us more freedom to discuss things in a more personal way.
BTW, how come u didnt make it for the Volvo Club Kuala Kubu Bharu run yesterday? Hub said that it was quite a good run & he was back home by lunch time.
just looking at your pictures make me wanting to go to KL soonest, this time is the longest time i didnt go to KL more than a month as i have to oversee the renovation work of my kitchen....usually i go to KL every 3 weeks or so.....love the pictures Pak Idrus and thank for sharing...
sheela, thanks for the visit and the kind words on this posting. Glad that you enjoyed the images.
Please communicate to me via email and I shall explain to you why we did not attend the KVK breakfast do at KKB on Sunday. I do need your email address for future contact. My email address is at my blog. Thanks and have a nice day.
zaitgha, thanks for the visit and the kind words on this posting. I am indeed glad that you enjoyed those images of the fountain.
Well, like you I am often at KLCC with my spouse, either just for window shop or do lunch, coffee or meet friends. And of course enjoy the beautiful architectural scene of the KLCC complex. Have a nice day.
Pak Idrus,
That is one blissful view to be found in the heart of KL. I was there last weekend, with Pak Zawi.
I guess my village is turned out to be a 'pulau' again, since there is a flood there. The worst was at the end of year 2004.
Good day.
Pak Idrus'
You have the prowess to blog about just anything sir,be it the sun,the snow now the beautiful water fountain.Thats great.A blogger with full of interesting information and covering lots of topics indeed.Images beautifully executes. I'm really proud to know you. Bye keep up the good work. Hope to see you soon. Take care.
akmal, thanks for the visit. Not always we get the chance to snap that kind of images. I guess I was just lucky to be there at the right time. So I am sharing those images with everyone to enjoy it as well.
As for the Bah, I believe to folks in your village it is just like a ritual that happen from time to time and possibly enjoy it as well. Have a nice day
changgeh, thanks for the visit and those kind words on my blogging culture. I tried to give as much as I could in blogging and happy that you did enjoy those images.
Just call when you are in KL and we shall meet. Have a nice day and take care.
Pak Idrus,
I was there twice but sad to say I never thought of capturing the image from there or did I even look at it? This is the problem with me, never to make the most out of anything. Thanks for opeing up my eyes. I will be more observant next time.
zawi, thanks for the visit and those kind words on this posting of mine. Indeed we see differently, that's what made our world so colorful. Have a nice day and take care.
Pak Idrus,
Salam perkenalan.
Yes, beautiful pictures of our garden city. Thank you for sharing these, Pak Idrus. I didn't make it to KLCC on my trip home in Jan and have penciled it in as something I must do next year. :)
Have you seen the fountain at night? It must be really fascinating against the night skyline with its reflection in the water.
Hello Pak Idrus,
How nice to meet you at last yesterday with Kak Teh, Wan Hulaimi, Pak Adib, Pok Ku, Honeytar, Helmi, Jiwa Rasa and the cute girl (did not get her name)..ha ha..enjoyed naming everyone here.
I must say you are full of zest Pak Idrus! Kudos! You have a modern mindset too. That is refreshing in today's day. I must say you look younger in person than your photo..funny kan, as photos are just two dimensional and we do not pick the spontaneity of the person that tells on the personality that helps with the person's image. Interesting indeed.
Uhuh! Yes, I remember you were telling us about these photos you took at KLCC. They are spectacular indeed. Cheers.
Hello Pak Idrus, I have always been a silent reader of your very eloquent, exceptionally interesting postings for quite awhile, but avoided leaving my footprints behind. Ada snow on my shoes, ha ha.
The noises you heard at night around 2am or thereabouts was mine, ha ha, as we are 13 hours behind your local time.
Anyway, this time I have to seek an answer from you.
1/ The pictures you posted here are beautiful and very well taken. (I love photography, but more on portraits now).
Is this place at one time the Ampang Race Course? I love horses (I am a horse year, prefer to say 'stallion, sounds better, ha ha) and only been inside the race track to have closeup look at the racehorses knowing a couple of jockeys those days, wayyyyyyy back in the 60's.
I remember a friend's big house nearby where I used to go pluck rambutans when in season, I guess its gone seeing how big the area occupies.
2/ What camera you used taking these beautiful pics?
I love your blog and your soft music. You keep well and have a nice day, Pak Idrus. Lee.
Salam Pak Idrus
Nice shots. I used to jog around the park during the weekends until I find that I had to work on Saturday and Sunday.
It is one of my favourite places in the city.
Once, we actually had an impromptu picnic at the park, with packed food we bought at Isetan.
It was blissful!
Pak Idrus,
I've been at the spot in Kinokuniya overlooking the fountains many a times... didn't fully appreciate the beauty until I saw them in your photos! Thanks for sharing the pics! Take care & salam.
rita, thanks for the visit. I am glad that you like the images in this posting. Well, I would try to get the images of the fountain in the night. It sure would be a fascinating sight in the evening sky.
When you are here next, just let me know and we shall do a coffee at KLCC. Have a nice day and take care.
ruby, thanks for the visit and those kind words on me. Indeed it is flattering. As I often said, life is like that and should be enjoyed. Enjoyed I did on that special day when I met you in person at the coffee with the AG and gang at the Dome that day.
The camera did not do justice to your profile in the real world. What a gorgeous lady, so warm, well articulate and full of zest you are. One could sit for hours with you in some group intellectual discussion and the time would just pass away unnoticed.
Glad that you like the images. Have a nice day and take care.
u.lee thanks for the visit and those kind words on my posting and am glad that you enjoy my writing of things I love. Actually I just blog whatever comes to my mind and blog it the way I know best. And enjoy doing that.
Indeed a great honor to have you her Sir. When you got yourself lost for awhile, cyberfolks in beautiful Malaysia and others who frequent your blog became lost as well. From what I read they were rather sad of your disappearing act. That shows how they love your wisdom which I believe comes with getting old. As for me I do follow your blog from time to time and been in the golden age is happy of your role in cyberspace of getting bloggers happy and enjoying life. I have always advice fellow folks to give love and enjoy life as one journey on in life.
As for the images I am indeed glad that you enjoy those images of the fountain at KLCC. KLCC is just four minutes away from my home in Ampang Jaya. So it is my 'lepak' place with my spouse, we just do shopping, lunch or coffee from time to time there. It is also a convenient place to meet Friends for a get together since it is linked by the LRT.
The former race course was taken back by the government when the 99years lease expired. The then PM, TDM decided to built the KLCC complex which includes the Petronas twin tower, a Tropical garden with wading pool and the pool which you see in the images above. I believe you know Ampang Park is, the KLCC complex is just opposite about one kilometer away, so it take a large chunk of that Jalan Ampang. There are no longer any bungalows around the place. Now it is great place to be and enjoy a first world facilities. Hope you could come back for a visit and I would be glad to have coffee/lunch with you there.
As for the camera, I use a cell phone camera for the fountain images. It is the latest gadget with Mobil Window call the Dopod 838pro. The camera is 2megapixel. It is handy when I am out without my camera. I myself is surprised at the quality of image this camera gives. It is as good as my other camera an Olympus 8 megapixel. For the Setting Sun I took the images using the Olympus. The one of the Snow story is from the Dopod 838pro.
As for the music it remind us of the Malaya [semalam di Malaya]that we all grew up until Malaysia was formed in 1963.
Have a nice day and take care.
fauziah, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts of this enchanting place, the KLCC and its garden. It is indeed a place for us to enjoy life with family, friends or just by oneself.
I believe you are at home base now. Have a nice day and take care.
dhahran, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of my posting. Indeed we sometimes just take things for granted and in that process missed all the great thing of creation. I am glad that you enjoyed the images.
Have a nice day. Do let me know where you are back home.
Pak Idrus,
Nice meeting you in person the other day. It was an exhaustive yet exciting day for me. Hope we'll meet again some other time.
jiwa rasa, thanks you for visiting. Yes, it was a great discourse and get to know you as well. From cyberspace to the real world. Indeed its wonderful to live in both world.
Now that I had face to those cyberfolks, it add a new environment to my cyberspace adventure. It was indeed an exciting discourse that day at KLCC.
Hope to see you again in the real world. Have a nice day.
Hello Pak Idrus, terima kaseh for your reply. Yes, reading what camera you use, when your Olympus not available sure surprised me. So beautiful and the clarity is amazing.
I love photography, used to take sceneries, but after years, got jelak, my isteri says, "balek balek sunset or seascapes'. Ha ha. So I studied and took up portrait photography, much more ahemmm *wink* interesting.
I use my trusty old Nikon film SLR F601 with accesory flash, tripod and a 35mm-135mm Nikon lens. My models? Friend's wives, daughters, I make them beautiful with my camera. Ha ha.
You live in Ampang Jaya.
Pak Idrus, As this is an open channel, I will not disclose much, I lived in Ampang Jaya in the late 60's. And I'm sure you remember those one time Malaysia's great footballers, Abdul Ghani, Arthur Koh? Well, they were my neighbours. We became good friends too.
I did post a story re my young days at Ampang Jaya. I will republish it again, unedited version next time.
Later we stayed at Jalan Freeman, next to RSGC, then name was changed to Jalan U Thant.
Yes, Ampang Jaya in the 60's was my fishing grounds too, so many ponds and mining pools.
Used to go to the catchment area tangkup ikan haruan, Toman too...and quite often bring my girlfriends there too, ahemm. Ha ha.
Yes, Ampang Jaya will always hold memories for me.
By the way Pak Idrus, no need address me 'sir', ha ha, I am slightly South of your age. Only abit, ha ha.
And terima kaseh for your kind invitation for coffee and lunch Pak Idrus. Yes, I certainly would want to shake your hand.
Ada senang do come and grace my page, Pak Idrus. I will be privilaged with your visit.
Its snowing like crazy here now, -8'c! Abit chilly. You keep well, Pak Idrus. Lee.
dewangga sakti, thanks for the visit. Have a nice day.
u.lee, thanks for the return visit and sharing your thoughts on photography and Ampang.
Ampang Jaya is now my Kampong. One my kids bought a house nearby and the grands says they are going back to their Kampong whenever they visit Nenek's home which is just two kilometers away.
As for the name you mentioned, Ghani Mihat the famous footballer is a close friend of mine as well and live at Taman TAR near our place, about two kilometer away on the side of the small stream where probably you look for fish in the era gone by. BTW is the girl friend that you use to take to Ampang is the Mrs now?. Ha!Ha! you must be smiling now..
I visited your site and could not find an email address. Appreciate if we could continue to exchange note via email. My email address is at my blog. Other then posting in my blog, email give us more freedom to discuss things in a more personal way.
Have a nice day and take care.
Yeah, indeed beautiful pics!
BTW, how come u didnt make it for the Volvo Club Kuala Kubu Bharu run yesterday? Hub said that it was quite a good run & he was back home by lunch time.
Take care
just looking at your pictures make me wanting to go to KL soonest, this time is the longest time i didnt go to KL more than a month as i have to oversee the renovation work of my kitchen....usually i go to KL every 3 weeks or so.....love the pictures Pak Idrus and thank for sharing...
sheela, thanks for the visit and the kind words on this posting. Glad that you enjoyed the images.
Please communicate to me via email and I shall explain to you why we did not attend the KVK breakfast do at KKB on Sunday. I do need your email address for future contact. My email address is at my blog. Thanks and have a nice day.
zaitgha, thanks for the visit and the kind words on this posting. I am indeed glad that you enjoyed those images of the fountain.
Well, like you I am often at KLCC with my spouse, either just for window shop or do lunch, coffee or meet friends. And of course enjoy the beautiful architectural scene of the KLCC complex. Have a nice day.
Salam Pak Idrus,
I was at Kino as well a few nights ago (buying GUIT) and I had enjoyed the similar views captured here, except that it was the night view.
Thanks for sharing pak.
nj, thanks for the visit and the kind words on my posting as well as sharing your thought on this subject.
I am yet to get a snap of the evening scene, one on these days I would surely get to it and would share with everyone to appreciate and enjoy.
Have a nice day and take care.
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