Fellow bloggers, I have been approach to help and spread the good words on this campaign. Personally I do believe there is a need to do something to save these inhabitant of our planet especially those that live close to us. In Beautiful Malaysia. So let us do our bit to help in this campaign. For further information please visit this site. As the saying in the blogger's world 'One blog might not do much but a thousand, ten of thousand of blogs would surely made an impact'. So fellow bloggers let us join in this campaign and help in any ways we could.
I love animals big or small. How would our world be without those gorgeous, beautiful and cute animals, it would surely be a dull world indeed. From time to time I posted images of animals that made its presence in my little garden. It presence in my garden do color my life. I felt real good when seeing these animals, birds and insects enjoying it selves in my little green world. Just like me I believe you all enjoy the presence of these animals. Like our species the animals in the wild do have the right to live in this blue planet of ours. The animals are part of our eco system. Together we made a wonderful world. So let us join in this campaign and do our part in protecting this species that share our planet especially so in our country Malaysia. Have nice day.
I love animals big or small. How would our world be without those gorgeous, beautiful and cute animals, it would surely be a dull world indeed. From time to time I posted images of animals that made its presence in my little garden. It presence in my garden do color my life. I felt real good when seeing these animals, birds and insects enjoying it selves in my little green world. Just like me I believe you all enjoy the presence of these animals. Like our species the animals in the wild do have the right to live in this blue planet of ours. The animals are part of our eco system. Together we made a wonderful world. So let us join in this campaign and do our part in protecting this species that share our planet especially so in our country Malaysia. Have nice day.
Pak Idrus,
Thanks for the link to the campaign. Yes, the nature may seem Ok, but it is not. You enjoyed the elusive squirrel eating apple on your patio, and I enjoyed the woodpecker in action at my backyard. All people out there must somehow, somewhat related and enjoy the presence of the other beings in their life.
For the endangered species, we human are to be blamed. I am sure eeryone are aware of this, but little took action. We cannot do much, but to educate people out there will definitely help.
Keep well, have a nice day.
Pak idrus,
I will do my small bit to help this good cause. I am trying to collect some suitable pictures to use as illustrations.
My son Azuan and his wife has left for KL just now and now there is just the two of us left in the house. The good news is my daugter Azini will be coming back from Labuan with her hubby and daughter Balqiss. Balqiss will be left with me while her mum attend a six month KPLI course in Keningau Sabah. Her ambition to become a mathematics teacher will soon be realized.
Have good day.
akmal, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. Indeed we all must play our parts to ensure that all other species that inhabit this place have a place as well. Let us help in any way we could. Have a nice day.
zawi, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on this subject. I am indeed glad that you are going to contribute a special posting on this campaign.
As for your family event. Nenek and you must be real happy to get one of the grandchildren coming to stay with you for a while. They are fun to have around. Have a nice day.
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