Sometime ago a yet to be blogger wrote to me saying that he was inspired by my way of blogging and enjoyed reading my posting. I thanks him for those kind words and encouraged him to blog. Gave him some ideas of how to start going with his first posting and wait to see the progress. From time to time he left comments in my blog. With every comments I visited his blog to see whether he has start blogging but saw that he has yet to do so. I kept encouraging him to do his first posting, like just post a picture of beautiful Terengganu, a state on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia with its picturesque beaches. He kept procrastinating for reasons only known to himself. Well, guess what!!. Today I received an email from this blogger saying that he has just did his first posting and wanted me to be the first to read it. Read I did. And I am indeed glad that he did well in his first posting. Changgeh is his blogger name, so Changgeh welcome to the blogging world and enjoy blogging. Friends bloggers, I hereby introduce to you the new blogger from the east coast. Here comes Changgeh A blogger from beautiful Terengganu. Have a nice day.
Pak Idrus,
How are you? Well, this posting sure reminds me of my earlier days in blogsphere. I've made my visit, and hey the posting is good.
Keep well pak.
akmal, thanks for the visit and the greeting. I am very well indeed. Agreed his first posting is good. Have a nice day and take care.
Hello Pak Idrus,
Yay! Changgeh has done it! Congrats to him and congrats to you too for encouraging him. Well done.
I still remember our GUIT coffee at Dome with Kak Teh and AG and gang. You mentioned Changgeh and how you really hope he would make his first blog entry debut. The day has arrived. Nice feeling kan?
Anyway here's me wishing you and loved ones:
Thanks for the introduction.
ruby, thanks for the visit and your wishes on the introduction of Changgeh. Well, I am indeed happy that he start blogging and I believe it would be another informative blog, this time from the east coast.
Happy New Year to you and the family as well. Take care.
Pokku [bustaman], thanks for the visit. I am indeed glad that Changgeh has at last start to blog. Have a nice day and take care.
Pok Idrus Sir,
Here it goes again. I dont really know how to thank you. I'm lost for words.I was in cloud nine when I open my blog and saw Pokku,Ruby, Akmal visited, penning their comments.They're all my favourites bloggers you know.My source of inspirations.You too.Thanks again for the grand introduction.Such an escalation. You're a gem of sorts. Have a nice day.
changgeh, thanks for the visit and the kind words, on this special posting introducing your blog. Well, friend that is what bloggerhood is all about.
Indeed a pleasure to be the first to read your posting, as well as the opportunity to introduce a blogger to the world. Have a nice day.
dear pak idrus,
i have been reading your blog about fruits.i love mangosteen a lot.there is a type of fruits that looks similar like mangosteen but instead of purple..this fruit is yellow in colour.it's also yellow inside intead of white like normal mangosteen.
i found it only once in segamat.somebody selling it by the roadside.abah borong abis.
amri, thanks for your visit and sharing your thoughts on fruits. I am not sure what the fruit you are talking about, probably it is buah Tampoi.It is similar to the mangosteen but yellow in color. If ever I get some images of such fruits I am sure to share it with everyone in my blog. Have a nice day.
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