It is one of those day that we get to meet the friends of our daughter and their family. They had flown from California while her mother from New Jersey. On this hot summer day it was a good idea to have tea in the comfort of a five star hotel in the heart of Boston financial District. We took the T to South Station and then had a good walk along those buildings where the roads and pathways has been upgraded when those steel infrastructure was torn down after the big dig was completed. Now there are trees and landscape garden with bloom everywhere, turning the whole area into a garden of sort. A place where you could just sit and enjoy the fresh air or just watch the crowd rushing toward South Station. We took our time to walk along the seafront and enjoy the panoramic view of the Boston waterfront, where ferry boats are anchored for a cross the bay crossing to the other side of Boston. It was indeed a magnificent sight to watch and while there we saw a sail boat full of tourists just pass by and it jolted us with the firing of a cannon. In a way it disturbed the peace of the seafront. I believe it do this often when it arrived at this seafront. We enjoyed the breeze and eventually arrived at the Boston Harbor Hotel.

We took our seat at the lobby and wait for the party to arrive. Just as we were getting comfortable at our seat they arrived. We placed an order and then wait while they got us a table big enough to accommodate all of us. We whilst the time away while we wait. Take some photos and exchange notes. The waiter came and usher us all to a table setting with petals of fresh roses strew all over the table turning it into a pleasant freshness that fresh flowers often do to us. It refreshes us and made us feel real good.
We then sat and indulged in the fine culture of the Tea. With varieties of cakes, indeed another world of enjoying tea at its best. We chats and yarn on things that came to our mind in the atmosphere of friendship. In a time like this time passes fast and we ended that wonderful gathering with a promise from the couple to meet again in Kuala Lumpur next summer. Have a nice day

Pak Idrus,
The setting looks sweet! Simply love the petals on the table. The tray reminds me of a cafe in Harrods (I only go there on weekdays. Weekends are always packed).
I have visa to the states (requested by the firm to apply). Tho unsure when will I go, not tempted as I have the whole europe to enjoy first. There is one place I'd love to go... Disneyland. *smiles* I'm sure my daughter will agree.
Pak Idrus,
Must be quite an experience to have tea in such places like hotels.
My only worry is when the bills come, it could be prohibitive for small income pensioner like me.
Have a good time in Boston.
Flower petals strewn on the table: now, that must have appealed to you, given your love of flowers and that you yourself have often placed a bowl of petals on the table in your patio at home.
I trust you will be reading this Comment at your hotel just a few miles down the road from my house.
Looking forward to meeting you later today. Hard to believe.
We missed you, Kak Asmah and Lin at the cookout (at one of those Soldier Field Road parks) last Saturday.
ms istanbul, thanks for the visit, the kind words, as well as sharing your experiences on fine living. Indeed the idea of 'the petals' on the table is real sweet and I love it, for flowers always bring happiness.
You should get here in Boston; it is just six hours away. In the fall the New England states are simply fabulous, the fall is heaven full of the color of gold, amber and all shades of yellow. I am sure you would love it. There are many friendly Malaysian here to make your visit more enjoyable.
Disneyland, yes the child in us would surely enjoy it. We have been to the LA and Paris Disneyland and had a great time.
Have a nice day.
zawi, thanks for the visit and the kind words.
Well, that kind of Tea, once a while would be great. It is fine living in an atmosphere of richness.
Have a nice day.
louis, thanks for the visit and sharing your experiences on things of fine living.
Yes that rose petals indeed create an atmosphere of beauty and freshness. They thoughts of everything do they. Great we did enjoy the setting.
Yes, I am reading this in a hotel room in Seattle and hoping to meet you today.
Have a nice day, indeed a gorgeous day here in Seattle.
ana, thanks for the visit. I am told you all had a great time that Saturday. We had other plan so was not able to be there, maybe some other day.
Have a nice day.
Wow..this MUST be the famous Boston Tea Party we read about! Ha..Ha..! Dear Pak Idrus, when are you coming back to KL. Boston seems like really far away.. I am here till 15th if we can cross paths again.
svllee, Steven thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on this subjects.
Well, indeed a Boston Tea Party of sort but we did not throw those fine tea into the sea like those folks in the era gone by does.
We are scheduled to be back at the end of July. Hope we get to see each other in time come. Hey! Boston is just six hours away; why not join me here in Boston. It would be just great.
Have a nice day.
High-tea. Tht sounds so foreign to me now. I think the last time i went to one was maybe 12yrs ago back in KL. Here in the US, its very foreign indeed.
salt & turmeric, Farina thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on this subject.
Well it look like they do have fine tea here in Boston, unlike the one we are used to in Malaysia. It is just a great way for folks to get together in a fine living tea culture.
Have a nice day and take care.
Thanks for posting about the tea. we enjoyed it too. Hope to see you in KL.
salam pak idrus,
enjoy reading your updates, you and family sure are having a great time meeting 'virtual friends' all over the states.
i'm already back, thanks for your help.
btw, is your daughter going to stay on in Boston?
hope to see you one day, salam to you and your lovely family.
georgia. thanks for the visit. We too had a great time. Really hoping to see you in KL. Have a nice day.
aminahsj, thanks for the visit and the kind words.
I am glad that you had a great time in Europe. We are enjoying our golden age as we go
Have a nice day.
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