It was a beautiful summer day here in Boston. The weather was great and cooler then the previous day. It was indeed a great day to go for another adventure. So this time we decided to go Whale watching.
Whale comes often to the shore of the New England states. It is one of their favorite grounds to raise their young or just to come home to and enjoy the warm water of the Atlantic off the coast of Massachusetts. There are regular boat service that plies the whale home or playground and the Boston harbor. We board one of the boats, a huge one with cafeteria and seating like in the wide body aircraft and off we went. There are two daily trips now, one at twelve noon and the other at six in the evening organized by a local company. We took the twelve noon trip. It is a three hours program. The going trip take one hour, one hour the boat would just drift slowly while we watch the whale at its best and the one hour trip back to the shore.
The Service by the Boston Harbor Cruises come with a guarantee, if you do not sight whale, you get to come again for free. As tourist we took it easy and enjoy the trip on the boat. The ride at time was smooth and at time choppy, like most of the time if you ever had an experience been at sea. Anyway it was a good boat ride and I enjoyed it, what we a steamy hot coffee and some snacks to go. As usual with me I took the time to take photos as the boat speed on and when the wind is too strong I would get back in the cool comfort of the boat and just enjoy the ride.

Soon the first whale was spotted and everyone rushes out with their cameras and snaps whatever shots they could and I did just that with a stop to change batteries. It was an exciting moment for me and the family and I believe for everyone on board. Before one excitement end another group of whales appears, making a spectacular show. And with that come the running commentary by the boat's people [see image below]. It gives more information of the species of the whale that just emerged. It was indeed a majestic sight to watch those whale made it usual appearances, first you see the hunch back and then it sprout gushing fountain and then all of a sudden it just jump and got back into the water. Before you know it, you could only capture the tail in your camera. Well it was not that easy to photographs all those exciting sighting but I managed to get a few good shots which as an amateur cameraman I believe I did well. How I wished I had a telephoto lens and just wait for the right moment to get the best shot. Well, what is the best shot!!, I sometime wonder. Anyhow I am happy to get whatever images on that wonderful summer day in the middle of the Atlantic sea and sharing it here with all to see and enjoy.

Indeed an exciting and colorful day at sea, somewhere in the Atlantic ocean. Thanks whales for that great show. We all had a great day. What a Day!. Friends do have a nice day as well.
Whale comes often to the shore of the New England states. It is one of their favorite grounds to raise their young or just to come home to and enjoy the warm water of the Atlantic off the coast of Massachusetts. There are regular boat service that plies the whale home or playground and the Boston harbor. We board one of the boats, a huge one with cafeteria and seating like in the wide body aircraft and off we went. There are two daily trips now, one at twelve noon and the other at six in the evening organized by a local company. We took the twelve noon trip. It is a three hours program. The going trip take one hour, one hour the boat would just drift slowly while we watch the whale at its best and the one hour trip back to the shore.

Pak Idrus,
What a day. Sound like you, Kak Asmah and Lin had a whale day :))
ana, thanks for the visit. Yes we did had a great time. Thanks to the whale for the great show. BTW have you been there!.
Have a nice day.
Well Idrus, with those magnificent and exciting whale sightings you just had, I'll have to eliminate the cruise to Alaska that I was going to include on your next visit to the Northwest :)
louis, thanks for the visit and the kind thoughts.
Well, it look like we got a great show by the whales on that day and we all did enjoy it.
Have a nice day.
Well! Time to get one of those megazoom cameras, I'd say!!
svllee, Steven thanks for the visit and the suggestion.
Yes, true and I would surely need your advice.
Have a nice day and take care.
wow. spectacular, pak.
is there any kind of such trips you've ever gone in M'sia?
Yes, Pak Idrus. It's one of those moments when we marvel over how awesome nature is and how blessed we are to be living on earth - the garden of Eden in this barren universe. Richard Dawkins may be laughing at God but do God really care when a mere man mocks him?
mutalib, thanks for the visit. Yes there are others but this one is awesome and one of a kind. Have a nice day.
rox, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the wonder of our blue planet. Yes it is awesome. Like you said it is a paradise and I believe we all should take care of it and continue to enjoy life.
As for Richard Dawkins works, I do enjoy his books, so let us ponder and continue to wonder.
Have a nice day.
Bestnya! whale watching is 1 of the things that we wanna do besides going back to disneyland and going to the san diego zoo. lol.
salt & turmeric, thanks for the visit.
Whale watching is one of those wonderful moment that you get to see the wonder of our world. Since you live in the States, I would suggest that you do make a point to see those wonderful whale.
Have a nice day.
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