I took the above image at the new sprawling garden at the waterfront, off Quincy Market in Boston. I like that signage with its cool message that for a few moments in time would want to make you Smile! Indeed the message is loud and clear, the ingenuity of those wonderful folks of City Hall, getting the message across with a great sense of humor. I enjoyed it and I believe everyone does.
The area has been transformed into a well manicured garden. It was not there when I was living here some ten years ago. Indeed a great place to be with family members, to wonder in the open space and enjoy the gorgeous environment as well as breathe that fresh air.
After wondering in the market place cramped with tourists, we stop to enjoy a snack of that great pizza. The best pizza that I had every tasted. I had tasted it when I was living in Boston and now I am coming for more and found that it still taste as good. With a cup of coffee in hand like most American do we took a slow and lazy walk to the waterfront and enjoy the cool sea breeze. Indeed a picturesque sight; with the sea as the background, the like of a living postcard. Tourists like us are everywhere and like us enjoying the day. Care less of what's happening in the world at that moment in time. A beautiful summer day; what else should anyone do but to enjoy life. And enjoy we did. Oh! What a wonderful day. Have a nice day as well.
The area has been transformed into a well manicured garden. It was not there when I was living here some ten years ago. Indeed a great place to be with family members, to wonder in the open space and enjoy the gorgeous environment as well as breathe that fresh air.

Concentrate to the things that could give information to the people.
sweepstate lotto, thanks for the visit and encouragement on this posting. Thoughts that it is wise to share this information with others, thus this posting.
Have a nice day.
Very humorous sign to curb the Litterbugs:)
On my cruise to Alaska there was a blind passenger with a seeing eye dog. Not wanting to offend, but still trying to alert others that a seeing eye dog isn't supposed to be distracted by strangers, she had put this sign on the dog's collar:
"Please don't pet or flirt with me" :)
Too bad about Rita's Lola, but her husband has posted an upbeat note about Lola's condition.
The weather here couldn't be more pleasant, in anticipation of your visit, no doubt.
louis, thanks for the visit and the kind words on this posting, as well as sharing your experiences on this subject.
The sign do made my day and I believe that it did to others as well.
As for the weather here in Boston, as a person from the tropic I am still try to acclimatized to the changing temperature that seem to change as it likes.
Hope to see you soon. Have a nice day.
I luv the music u put in today... will get the cd for myself if i can find one.. very soothing...
nina, thanks for the visit and the kind words.
It is a great music from the fifties and it is evergreen. I believe you still can get the Cd's somewhere.
Have a nice day and take care.
Salam Pak Idrus,
Good to note that you and wife is having great dejavu at Boston ... refreshing good old memories.
Thanks for sharing too.
jaflam, thanks for the visit and the kind words. Yes it was refreshing to be back in Boston and enjoy living.
Happy that you too enjoy this posting.
Have a nice day.
We had a lovely tea with you and your family, thank you. Robby and I look forward to seeing you in KL next summer.
The sign is very, very funny.
Salam Pak Idrus,
I'm a Celtics and Red Sox fan based in Malaysia (Meru, Klang to be precise ..). Good to see that you're enjoying yourself in Boston. Really appreciate all the photos that you've shared in your blog. Indeed like you've said earlier that's the awesome power of blogging.
hi, pak
what kind of pizza was that? chicken, or else? is it halal?
AND, can halal foods be easily found in Boston, MA? (Sorry if i'm a little bit schema)
georgia, thanks for the visit and the kind words.
Indeed it was a great meeting over tea yesterday. We all did had a great time. Do come over and we would take care of everything when you are in KL.
The Petronas Twin Towers await you both. Have a nice day and take care.
jalan rebung, thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting as well as my blog.
I am indeed glad that you did enjoyed all those images that I had posted. Like they say photos do says in thousand words.
Yes, this is Celtics and Red Sox country and it is indeed a fun culture to see them dress in the color of green and red.
As for blogging, it is a new media that are changing how ideas and information get to the people.
Have a nice day.
mutlib, thanks for the visit and the comment. Well Boy, It look like you got lots to learn. I shall explain to you when I see you in KL. Until then do have a nice day and take care. Salam to Mom and Pa.
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