It was curiosity that brought my attention to this vegetable that folks here call Artichoke. We went to the local market and bought a fresh Artichoke and went into the adventure of preparing and eating it. It is the American thing and I had been rather curious of this vegetable that we do not get often in Malaysia. Goggled for direction of how to get thing done, we followed the directions of how to cook this vegetable and found out that it is just a rather simple vegetable. This video shows the way of how you eat it. The result is that you either like it or you don't. With that it ends my curiosity of the vegetable. Above is the image of the vegetable that we prepared. Have a nice day. [click on the image to enlarge]
Pak Idrus, congrats to your daughter! Better late than never?
I'm sorry to say I don't like artichoke very much.
I know you are having a great time, so I won't wish you that! I hope you and your wife return home safely.
I'm having my summer break so I'm catching up with all your posts! You take such beautiful photos!
Take care.
Hi Pak Idrus,
I had this, grilled with a twist of butter. Nice! BUt I am the type who loves salads/ulam etc (maybe thats why I can survive living abroad. No halal meat, no problem. Vege delight will do.)
Have a nice day! The weather is brilliant here!
salam, pak
i've never even know the term of THAT thingy...as usually i'd find it in potpurris. what's more as a cabbage. it gives me an indication that i should travel and discover things!
Rox, thanks for the visit,the kind words and the wishes as well.
Well we do are having a great time here. Hope that you are enjoying the Summer as well.
Have a nice day and take care.
ms Istanbul, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on this subject.
Well, the vege is actually our first source of energy from the sun, so it is great to stick to the salad all the time. The way toward a healthy living.
The summer is great here too. Have a nice day.
mutalib, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on this thing. Now you know what Artichoke is all about.
Travel do open up your mind, so do travel. I do hope that you get to study in the west for it would surely open up your mind.
Have a nice day.
Hi Pak Idrus ... Did you like the taste of artichokes? I like it quite a bit prepared the way you did and also pickled in olive oil & vinegar.
I had a delightful surprise this week, thanks to you! An ex-colleague of mine (we were both at Astro) reads your blog regularly and recognized me from the pictures you took in Seattle. She commented and we are now back in touch. She spoke highly of you and your blog. :)
The world continues to be a small and nice place.
When do you and Kak Asmah fly out?
rita, thanks for your visit and sharing your thoughts on this posting.
Well as for the Artichoke I somewhat like it, it has the taste of our Ubi Keladi. I think if it is cheap in Malaysia, we can experiment it the Malaysian way of cooking. Anyway it sure made great cocktail's tit bits.
I am indeed glad that you get connected again with your lost friend via my blogging. Happy that your friend found my blog interesting. Well, I blog the best I could and enjoyed doing that.
We would be going back at the end of next week after a few days in NY. Have a nice day.
hmm, im not sure if iv ever had arthicoke before. michael dont really eat vege so hardly have fresh vege apart fr cucumber, tomatoes. ;)
salt & turmeric, Farina thanks for the visit and sharing your experience on this subject.
Well, that's something, I thought that your species first love is the vege or all kinds. Me I just enjoy it when it is on the table perhaps like your other half. As for the artichoke been of a inquiring mind, I had to know, so now I know how it taste.
Have a nice day.
salam pak idrus,
Very interesting and looks similar to bunga kantan. Not sure if they taste similar. Thanks for sharing the info with us.
jalan rebung, Rizal thanks for the visit. Well, it did not look like the Bunga Kantan. It is green and has no smell. To me it taste like the Ubi Keladi[Yam] and made great tit bits for a cocktails.
Glad that the information get across the world. Have a nice day.
Pak Idrus, i do love vege of all kind. even if those iv never seen before but theyv got to be prepared for me since i wouldn kno how to be prepae them. lol. like brussel sprout. i eat them but the frozen kind since i dont kno how to prepare them. hehe.
salt &:turmeric, farina thanks for the return visit and sharing your thoughts on the subjects of vege. Try ajelah and I am sure you would eventually love it. With your culinary expertise I am sure you would create something new and delicious.
Have a nice day and take care.
Hi Idrus,
I had no clue as to what an artichoke was, or the peculiar way one has to eat it, until a friend here initiated me shortly after i saw one for the first time.
It has become one of my favorite vegetables.
The largest, tastiest artichoke hearts I have ever eaten, bar none, were in Istanbul.
louis, thanks for the visit and sharing your experience on the culture of eating the Artichoke.
Well we all have to start somewhere when something new comes our way like this vegetable Artichoke. I tried and found it is OK and would try to cook it the Malaysian way when we get home.
Have a nice day.
assalamualaikum, pak idrus
new here,.. while searching for the best antioxidant food one of them in artichoke. so what is it? its good to find it here. never seen it before eventually. maybe high market ada ke? enjoying reading here. come visit me somtime, just simple mom.
Assalamualaykum,artichoke leaf extract found to be very effective for treating acute gastritis as per researched
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