Arrived back in Boston to a foggy Sunday morning. The Jet Blue aircraft touch down on a soft landing at Logan and we are back home in Boston, after a five days wonderful holiday in Seattle, a city on the northwest of the US. It is actually on the other side of the US and we had to fly across the continent to get there. The flight back was just five hours whereas the flight to Seattle took six hours. Seattle is in a different time zone. It is three hours behind Boston, so in a way we gain three hours while staying there. We left for Seattle on the evening of July 1, 2008 and stayed there until yesterday.
Before leaving Malaysia at the end of May I thought that it would be a good idea to 'kill two bird with a stone' like visit this city in the Northwest and as well getting to meet fellow blogger. In the exchange of notes with each other the motivation to meet gets stronger and without much ado we make flight arrangement and inform the blogger friends that we are coming their way. They were delighted with our decision and both offer their homes for us to stay. Just imagine that we had never met before and yet these two blogger are already willing to takes us into their home. That shows how close we blogger are. Cybersphere in a way was our common home and with all the notes that we had exchanges; we soon began to know more of each other although we all actually had not met in the real world as yet. It was indeed very nice of them to make such offer. We appreciate the offer and thank them very much for their generosity.
But then we thought that it would be best that we live like tourist while there, thus we choose to stay in a hotel in town. The next time if ever we are there we would surely be staying with them but for now we would just play tourists. After making ourselves comfortable at the hotel I call them and made arrangement to meet. And friends, that is where the fun begin, the start of a wonderful stay in enchanting Seattle. Folks I shall write more of those wonderful moments we have had with Louis and his spouse Elena, with Rita Ho and his spouse David as well about another couple that we met and enjoyed our day in their home at Bainbridge Island, while holidaying in this enchanting city in the northwest.
To all of you, my spouse Asmah, our daughter Lin and me do had a great time. You folks are simply fantastic. You do make our holiday in Seattle so wonderfully colorful. Thanks so much and do have a nice day.
Before leaving Malaysia at the end of May I thought that it would be a good idea to 'kill two bird with a stone' like visit this city in the Northwest and as well getting to meet fellow blogger. In the exchange of notes with each other the motivation to meet gets stronger and without much ado we make flight arrangement and inform the blogger friends that we are coming their way. They were delighted with our decision and both offer their homes for us to stay. Just imagine that we had never met before and yet these two blogger are already willing to takes us into their home. That shows how close we blogger are. Cybersphere in a way was our common home and with all the notes that we had exchanges; we soon began to know more of each other although we all actually had not met in the real world as yet. It was indeed very nice of them to make such offer. We appreciate the offer and thank them very much for their generosity.
But then we thought that it would be best that we live like tourist while there, thus we choose to stay in a hotel in town. The next time if ever we are there we would surely be staying with them but for now we would just play tourists. After making ourselves comfortable at the hotel I call them and made arrangement to meet. And friends, that is where the fun begin, the start of a wonderful stay in enchanting Seattle. Folks I shall write more of those wonderful moments we have had with Louis and his spouse Elena, with Rita Ho and his spouse David as well about another couple that we met and enjoyed our day in their home at Bainbridge Island, while holidaying in this enchanting city in the northwest.
To all of you, my spouse Asmah, our daughter Lin and me do had a great time. You folks are simply fantastic. You do make our holiday in Seattle so wonderfully colorful. Thanks so much and do have a nice day.
Idrus, if you, Asmah and Lin had a good time in Seattle, that is thanks enough for us! We were really hoping you would enjoy this corner of the USA.
Come back soon.
louis, thanks for the visit. We really had a great time. Ordinary tourist would not get that special attention, taking us around and that sumptuous dinner of fish with that picturesque window scene. What else that anyone could ask for but for that precious friendship from Elena and you, indeed a colorful episode on our journey of life.
Hope to see you in KL. Have a nice day.
Pak Idrus,
I can only dream of going to the US at the moment. God willing I will be there one day.
Thank you for the lesson that you gain time and lose time by flying east and west due to the rotation of the earth on its axis. Never accepted this before. Thank you again. It took me 58 yrs to learn this hahahaha.
Salam Pak Idrus,
Your story and the photos have shown to me that it helps to have many friends. Like Zawi, I wish I could be there but for now what you've shared with us is more than enough.
RIZAL (that's my name ...)
zawi, thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting. First you have to dream and then work toward realizing the dream. With determination you would surely get there.
Well, we all learn something new everyday and I am glad that you do learn fast.
Have a nice day.
jalan rebung, Rizal thanks for the visit and the kind words on this posting.
As I had always stressed that strangers are friends that you have yet to meet. For me friendship is very important, for as a species we could never enjoy life alone. It is the friends and relatives that could made our life as beautiful as ever. So take the chances and makes as many friends as possible and do it with all sincerity. It is only with sincerity that friendship lasted.
Have a nice day.
Hey Pak Idrus ... I am glad you, Kak Asmah and Lin had a wonderful stay here. David and I enjoyed ourselves very much. We had already planned to meet up with you on our next trip home, so being able to do so here and earlier, was special.
I look forward to seeing your pictures taken at Julia's place because I had no people pictures, food only! Haha ...
As Louis said, do come back soon for a longer stay. :)
Dear Pak Idrus, I lagi jealous...after reading your escapades.
I am enjoying my last week here in KL.
Rita, thanks for the visit and the kind words on our visit to Seattle.
It was great having dinner with you and David and met both of you for the first time. It was just like meeting old friends. I believe blogging did that to us, we are a new species that live in both world. Like your other half David, Asmah did have a great time too. And of course Lin our daughter as well. It was indeed a special event for my family and hopes very much to see you both in KL in the not too distance future.
As for the photos, I would get it to you soon.
Have a nice day
svllee,Steven, thanks for the visit. Well life if like that. Not to worry just jump into the next plane and get to Boston and I would take you around and have fun.
Have a nice day and take care.
hmm....tempting, but US visa takes ages to apply..
svllee, Steven. It just take one day to get a visa. It is done on line and you choose a date, go on that date for an interview and they would ask you to collect the passport with the visa the next day. It is that easy.
Have a nice day.
Idrus glad you are having a good time there ..Mmm I am here running around the resort everyday to get them to repair the piping...Just pulling your legs.
Nice pic of you and your friends. Have a good holiday friend.
Pm, Yap thanks for the visit and the kind words. Yes we are having a great time here in the US.
Have a nice day.
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