Back home it is call Convocation Day and it is a day every students and their parents waited for. It is a day of joy for both and a day where lives really begin for those students. It is a day that would be etched in their memories. It is a day where the youth realized that there is the real world out there. For those who are getting the Master Degree or the PhD it is a day of extra special for it is from here that they would have more wisdom then ever before. For the PhD they get to be address as a Doctor. With that now we have three doctors in the family. To me as parent who look at education as a never ending endeavor, I am indeed happy for the world that we have so many great institutions that provide for good education. And one of which is the world prestigious and famous Harvard University in Boston. And today it is the commencement day at this university. As for us we are one of those proud parents watching this historical event unfold. A great moment in time for us. Indeed a joyous day for the families.

At Harvard the event was carried out in all its pomp and splendor befitting its greatness. It was organized at the University green in the open, under the trees and surrounded by those historical building that is Harvard. As can be seen in the images those are the students and parents congregating to attend this auspicious ceremony, where the young man and woman were conferred their respective degree. To make it easy to watch giant screen were erected here and there. The ceremony went well; preside by the first lady president of the University. Among the many events that went on are the two speeches by the representatives of the students. One speech was done in Latin. Although I know nothing and could not understand Latin, the way the student articulate, made it a very enjoyable speech to listen to. She was a great orator and presented her ideas and information in a very affective way. How I wished that I had learned Latin. The other speech is by a young former soldier who had served in Iraq. His speech was as good and because one could understand of what he was saying, it made his speech more meaningful. He narrated his time in the war torn Iraq and I could see the sadness in him when he told of the lost comrades in the battle field, in a war that no one wanted and without cause. He came back as a great soldier and now a graduate of this prestigious university, Harvard. Perhaps he would be another senator in the year to come. Like the first speaker he is indeed great in his oratory. For both speakers you indeed did a great job in delivering your messages to the world. I am sure their parents are doubly proud and happy with their performances in this university. To me I saw the making of future PhD and leaders in these two, in the not too distance future.
After this main event, small events were held for the Master Degree and the PhD at the various colleges and we attended the one held at the Sanders Theatre Memorial Hall where diplomas were handed to the respective student and one of the many were our daughter. At this theatre we were seated at the balcony in a cozy theater, the architectural of which are all of woods. The interior shows the splendor of woods in it greatness, a well crafted work of art indeed. I love this interior of all woods. We sat there and watch as the event unfolds. Like all those parents proud that one of theirs receiving their diploma.

The whole events of the Commencement day started at 6.30Am on Thursday June 5, 2008. It was a cool day with the temperature of 14 degree Celsius and at time drizzling. We left our home just fifteen minutes before that and took the T to Harvard Square. Attend the breakfast that was prepared for all and this gives the opportunity to meet the other parents as well. We found a nice table and get acquaintance and enjoy that early breakfast and chats along. The whole day events ended with a dinner where we again get to meet the other parents including another proud parent of a PhD from Malaysia. As usual with Malaysian we talk about home and end of with a photo taking, another stranger that became our friends.
We whilst the end of the event away and was later introduce by our daughter the many friends that she had made during her time at Harvard and this includes a family from Seattle who on that instance invited us to come over to visit them in Seattle. I like this family and believe would be another of the family that we would visit when we get to Seattle. We also get to meet a young Malaysian professor who hailed from Penang. He is Engseng Ho [image on the left], the professor at our daughter's faculty. A young learned man of my children generation. As usual with me we sat to chat on many subjects endlessly but with that time constrain, we had to part and hope to meet again like all friends do, somewhere, sometime in the future. We that we parted for home happy that we were part of this historical moment in time. Have a nice day.

After this main event, small events were held for the Master Degree and the PhD at the various colleges and we attended the one held at the Sanders Theatre Memorial Hall where diplomas were handed to the respective student and one of the many were our daughter. At this theatre we were seated at the balcony in a cozy theater, the architectural of which are all of woods. The interior shows the splendor of woods in it greatness, a well crafted work of art indeed. I love this interior of all woods. We sat there and watch as the event unfolds. Like all those parents proud that one of theirs receiving their diploma.

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