No they are not blogger, not as yet and I believe they would be soon. Sairah who hail from Kota Bahru Kelantan has been living at Natick with her spouse and their two grown up kids for more then twenty years already. The first time we met them was when we were living in Boston in 1998/99. Knowing that we are back in Boston, she invited us to her home at Natick, a picturesque enclave on the outskirt of Boston proper. A small town with beautiful homes nestles among greens, creek and enchanting lakes that would want you to stay away for the weekend and whilst away fishing or just ponder the wonder of nature. A place where folks make their dream homes to enjoy living. In a way Natick is a small town that has everything for everyone to enjoy life. It even could boast to have a large mall nearby, a shopping paradise that is just about 15 miles [about 25 kilometers] away from Boston city. Natick by the way is Native American language for Place of Hills.
It is a cool summer day; our arrival at the entrance of the town was greeted with the color of bloom everywhere. James, the other half of Sairah came to pick us up and soon we were on our way to their home on the outback. On arrival we were greeted by Sairah, beaming with smile and with that hug of friendships we soon got into the world of Sairah of Natick. A woman warmth of friendship and always there to give a helping hand to those in need when they first arrive in Boston and I believe many who had been to Boston to study or on a short visit would in one way or the other had come in contact with this wonderful woman, full of energy and always with that spark in her eyes. James is always there adding a color of beautiful living in this part of the world.

As usual with Sairah, there would be plenty of foods to enjoy whenever she invite folks to her home; for she love to throw party and this time is no exception. Others arrive and soon the house became a riot of a sort. Everyone seems to be talking and enjoying theirs food and drink which includes the famous Malaysian Teh Tarik. Image above shows Sairah preparing the Teh Tarik the traditional way. James as usual was busy with the Bar B Q at the patio. I went to have a look and sure enough he was busy grilling Chicken and Corn. At this party I met many other Malaysian women who have made America their home and are happy in their career as well. The images above/below show some of them in action at Sairah's kitchen.

Whenever we meet James, he is always into something new in the business mind of his. This time he has come out with an E English program that would help ordinary folks improve the quality of their communicative English. He has developed a program call the Talk Train. I had a glimpse of this program and found that it is an extremely useful program for those that want to develop an effective way of speaking English especially so in America. As we all know too well, it is the way we communicate that made the success or the failure of a deal. This program I believe would help, especially those who are involved in conducting Seminar or into Marketing or just to get along well with people. Of course if you are into teaching English, then this could be an extra input to get your teaching into another dimension. English is a world language and people who are fluent in this language are in great demand, so the program is indeed a great tool which would help in more ways to improve one’s English. Have a nice day..

Enjoying Teh Tarik with BBQ chicken + corn on a cool summer, and with old friends ....what more can you ask for Pak Idrus!
madam a, thanks for the visit and the kind words on this happening.
Sure that was haven of a sort among friends and we are enjoying every minutes of it. Indeed I got more and not asking for more but to appreciate what life has to offer.
Have a nice day and take care.
Pak Idrus,
More and more Malaysians coming into the picture and this one from beautiful Natick.
The E English as developed by James could be a useful tool for some Malaysian's who needs some brushing up to communicate in English well. Don't you see the business opportunity there?
zawi, thanks for the visit.
Well Malaysian including the Malays do go places that we never thoughts of before. No more that 'katak dibawah tempurong' syndrome. As for that E English program develop by James, I told him to market it effectively.
Have a nice day.
Good post.
velma, thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting.
Have a nice day.
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