It was a Sunday, Pokku had SMS me earlier suggesting a lunch at KLCC on Sunday with Pak Adib. I replied saying that I shall be there. So at eleven on the beautiful Sunday morning we met at the Dome KLCC, and got an outside table since both Pokku and Pak Adid still smoke. I had quit since 1981 after smoking for almost twenty four years. Well since they still enjoy smoking and enjoying life, why not!!. But then you are not allow to sit inside and that is the disadvantage. Well life is like that. We sat there and enjoy our lunch as well chat and yarns of subjects that comes to our minds, especially so of the demonstration/rally the day before [November 10, 2007], in the heart of the city where not less then forty thousand people participated despite without a Police Permit. They wore yellow T.Shirts and you could see seas of yellow. It was indeed a sight to watch. Had the police given them permit and not cordoned off the city, there would be more attending the rally, to me part of democracy in action. If I were the authority I would have given them the permit to hold the rally, after all we Malaysian are peace loving people who treasured peace and harmony. After their leaders had handed over their memorandum to the Palace, they all dispersed peacefully. Of course there are a few arrested for attending an unlawful assembly, but I found that they all have since been released.
Of course we talk about other subjects like the coming election and about the price hikes, the news of another price hike on petroleum. There was so much to talks about when blogger meet. We all know too well the reason why blogger write, it is because they love to talk, so when they meet the talks never seem to end. While they puff on I enjoyed my lunch and the company. As the day goes on the place became crowded. Hardly we knew it, it was past two in the afternoon. Well, with that we call of the lunch meeting and promise to meet again some other time. Have a nice day. [The above image shows Pokku on the left and Pak Adib in the centre].
Of course we talk about other subjects like the coming election and about the price hikes, the news of another price hike on petroleum. There was so much to talks about when blogger meet. We all know too well the reason why blogger write, it is because they love to talk, so when they meet the talks never seem to end. While they puff on I enjoyed my lunch and the company. As the day goes on the place became crowded. Hardly we knew it, it was past two in the afternoon. Well, with that we call of the lunch meeting and promise to meet again some other time. Have a nice day. [The above image shows Pokku on the left and Pak Adib in the centre].
Salam Pak Zawi,
Ahah, when the bloggers met up...
Well, I got quite confused about what happened 10-eleven. I am not really up to such stuffs. But, the day is historic. don't you think so? Well, as long as things are good for Malaysians, that should be fine.
Good day!
akmal, first I am not Pak Zawi. Anyway thanks for the visit.
As for November 10, sure it would be a day in our history. Democracy is not just about winning an Election. It is more then that.
A a demonstration like that is a civilize way to show you care for the country and this is part of the philosophy of democracy.
Have a nice day.
Pak Idrus,
Akmal must have me in his mind eye as he typed my name there. Typo error maybe?
It is nice to have a small meet at a cozy corner even among a few bloggers. If its more than 5 you will have to have a police permit otherwise you can be charged for illegal assembly. Failure to disperse the group can be showered with chemical laced water from a water canon.
Such is the law of our country and such is the fear of the authority from its own people who elected them to power. Is this fear for real?
The march on Nov 10 has proven that without an agent provocateur a massive gathering of 40,000 people (did I get the zeroes right or was it only 3 zeros as reported by Bernama?) can be very peaceful. Only the authority themselve tried to turn it into a riot which they failed miserably.
zawi, thanks for the visit and the anecdote of the historical event that unfold. Some people are even afraid of their own shadows nowadays, thus the unnecessary fear of its own people.
As for the Bernama report, I think they just forgot how to count. That is why the role of citizen journalist [bloggers] are becoming as important to get the truth to the rakyaat.
Remember the Congress Party of India and the LDP of Japan felled into hard ground and the same could happen in this country. Time would tell for nothing is impossible in today's world of politic.
Have a nice day.
Salam Pak Idrus,
So that's what you did the day after the Big Event. I couldn't go, becos I had to drive my mother to Klang for a funeral. Oh, the jam that Saturday and the day before. If you ask me, it's the road-blocks that caused the jams, not the rally.
Anyways, I want to share with you a first-hand account of the rally by a young man named Rashaad (go to kakiblog.com). His account by far was the best and most moving of all (I am an avid blog-reader). It tops the intellectual heavies like Harris Ibrahim or celebrity bloggers like rocky and all. And he's not even old enough to vote.
Go read it and be moved.
J.Ariff, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the happening on November 10,2007. I have read Rashaad in a friend's blog. He is indeed good at reporting and I am proud of that.
If I am below forty I would have been in the crowds wearing yellow, for I believe that peaceful demonstration/rally is part of democracy. It is because they all love this country that they attend the rally.
As for the traffic jam, true it is because of the road block and not the rally. As I had said earlier it would have been better if they gave them the permit. It would have cost them less to just policed the area of the rally..
Well that is our country and this is part of our history..and lives goes on. Have a nice day.
I think is more appropriate to call us Atok Bloggers;-)
Thanks for the nice company and good conversations..
mohd adib, thanks for the visit and the suggestion. But you are not as yet an Atuk, so Pak would be better, after all we all a Pak. Yes it was a great company and of course the conversations. When three bloggers meet it explode!!. Have a nice day.
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