Another assassination, this time is in the Middle East, it is the assassination of the former Prime Minister of Lebanon,Rafik Hariri...Rafik is a friend of Malaysia and had visit this country many time and has since became a close friend of the Malaysian Former Prime Minister Dr.Mahathir Mohammad...It is indeed a bleak day for Lebanon, who was for sometime in a bloody civil war...The civil war has ended and then the country was progressing well under the able leadership of Rafik Hariri...Due to some disagreement with the present government he left the government and was leading an opposition..On the way to work yesterday his convoy was attack by a large bomb and He and a number of his body guard was killed...A large funeral in Beirut was seen on the TV screen, the people crowded the funeral in a show of support for the beloved leader...Condolence to the family of Rafik and those others that perished in this incident and hope that the Lebanese people would stand strong at this juncture of it history and move forward to develop the country as had been dream by the reformer Rafik..May his soul and those that parted lay in peace and find a place in heaven...Incidentally the word assassin originated from the Middle East according to the Webster Dictionary......
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