Friends, It has been a wonderful year of blogging...Today is the
Anniversary of my blogging and thanks to Blogger for providing the tools for making blogging that easy.... Thanks to all those good people at Blogger for the help all the way ....It has indeed enrich my life..... I am one of the folks that are from another generation, a generation that start schooling using slate as a tool to write......I went to school in the forties and at that time book have not make its appearance in my rural community , the slate is the only tool we had at that time and that my friend how I learn to read and write.....And somehow with the help of friends and my children.... I am now somewhat literate in the computer world....And now with the internet it is another world altogether , but then I would not be able to blog the way I did now without the help of those great people at Blogger......To them all I say thanks you for without your help from time to time I would not be able to come this far in the blogging world.. I am now in my golden age and on the seventeen of August this year I celebrated my sixty fifth birthday in a small ceremony surrounded by my family members, my spouse, our children and grandchildren..... It was indeed a hilarious occasion when it was the small grandchild that was eager to cut the birthday cake of their grandpa....For friends small things like this that makes life so wonderful and colorful..... The grandchildren....Careless of the world enjoying a special moment in the life of their grandpa......It is indeed a touching moment in the day of my life as I continue in my journey of life........ Not many of my kind especially in my country Malaysia that took to the cyberspace as a means of getting through our thoughts and sharing it as a contribution to the world.....Hoping to make it a better place to live and enjoy life.... I am glad that during the year of blogging I had made many cyberfriends from those that respond direct to my writing or that wrote directly to my email address.... I also know that out of curiosity many visit to my blog and I hope that they found something of interest in my writing, and in doing so had enrich their life as well...Much as it has enrich mine, for I love to write.... The appreciation shown by those that visit my site, has make me happy thus contributing toward my quality of my life. Making live so wonderful.... I have written on many subjects in my blog and most of it are from my life experiences as I pass in my journey of life and I believe that in some way it is also the experiences of most of us who live through the years and have seen the progress of mankind from one level to another, the achievement of our species in science and technology that had made our life so rich in culture, never dream of by our forefather..... We live in a very challengingly time, where war and peace seem to be just managed to coexist, but then my friend whatever it is we are going,this century had been a great century for my generation....Especially for me who have seen it all.... My country Malaysia once just a poor country in Asia had quantum leap in just forty seven years to become a prosperous country and its population enjoying a high standard of living and a great life style, that their forefather never dream of.....I would continue to write and hope that my contribution would help others to enrich their life much as I had in writing my thoughts in this Blog.......Have a nice day.....
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