Folks, to Malaysian Nasi Goreng [Fried Rice] is a simple dish that could be whizzed in mere minutes. This is because we often cook more rice then we would consumed. This is not wastage in our culture because we believe it is better to have more rice to enjoy our meals then short of it while we are enjoying it. It could be at lunch or at Dinner time. And another important aspect of our culture is that when someone pop up while we are having our Makan, it is customary to invite the guest[s] to join the Makan. So when we have more rice then it made it easy for our guest to enjoy the meal as well.
Coming back to the subject of this posting; with an already cooked rice, what had to been done to crate another simple dish, that not only nutritious but taste as good too is to make Nasi Goreng. With some ingenuity it is an instant dish with plenty of special. Add this and that it would turn into a work of art that not only great to look at but taste great as well. The other day my spouse asks whether I want Nasi Goreng and I said yes and within minutes she create that wonder of a dish that you see in the image above. Its magic!. It look great isn't it? Folks it does taste great too. Have a nice day.
Coming back to the subject of this posting; with an already cooked rice, what had to been done to crate another simple dish, that not only nutritious but taste as good too is to make Nasi Goreng. With some ingenuity it is an instant dish with plenty of special. Add this and that it would turn into a work of art that not only great to look at but taste great as well. The other day my spouse asks whether I want Nasi Goreng and I said yes and within minutes she create that wonder of a dish that you see in the image above. Its magic!. It look great isn't it? Folks it does taste great too. Have a nice day.
Salam Pak Idrus,
the nasi goreng looks soooo good and I'm sure it taste just as much, if not more.
we make various types of nasi goreng but then, nothing beats having it at home with loved ones - in this case Ampang Jaya is where I call home.
anak Haji Omar - all the way from Doha. :)
I have my fork and spoon ready :)
Nasi Goreng is my favorite lunch whenever I am in Malaysia.
Asmah's presentation is so enticing!
yes, so many dishes to turn rice into. And so many ways to cook one's nasi goreng - that's why the stalls are doing brisk business!!
Salam Pak Idrus,
The wonderful about nasi goreng is that there is no hard and fast rule about it's recipe. Anyone can come up with their own and getting a different taste is no problem. That is why we get so many varieties of nasi goreng. I love to experiment with new ingredients. Sometimes the simplest recipe turn out to be the favourite in the family.
The one in the picture looks delicious!
Assalamualaikum Pak Idrus
Your nasi goreng sure looks yummy. Nasi goreng is definitely a must menu in time of crisis - late mid-night supper or for Sunday brunch. Even at this end, we liked ours with some sprinkle of anchovies sauce (budu) and shredded ikan rebus, a recipe given by my MIL. Keep on writing!
Rosiecm, Lincoln Christchurch
Anonymous[1:50PM]Anak Dt.Omar, a great neighbor of mine, thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting. Your dad did tell of you visiting my blog from time to time. I told him to blog but he is still afraid of the technology.
As for the Nasi Goreng agreed it sure taste better when prepared with love. An emergency dish at time, always liken by all. Our grandchildren love it and even at midnight if the kids call, the nenek would get it done.
Have nice day and hope to CU when you are in Ampang Jaya. Have a nice day and take care.
louis, thanks for the visit and the good words on Asmah's cooking.
Well, one to go and start enjoying it in cybersphere. When you are here we would do a special on for Elena and you.
Have a nice day.
Keats The Sunshine Girl, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the wonderful dish of ours.
That's one thing great about Malaysia is that we have so many varieties of the Nasi Goreng. Malaysian live to eat rather then eat to live and that is why business on food is so lucrative.
Have a nice day.
rosie_cm, thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting especially so on my spouse creative work on this wonder dish.
Yes it is one of those dishes that you could enjoy with only a moment preparation and of course with added value items like anchovies and budu it would be just heaven. So your MIL must be from Kelantan I guessed!.
Have a nice day and take care.
Pak Zawi, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the wonderful dish liken by all, the famouse Nasi Goreng.
Agreed that there are countless varieties of the Nasi Goreng. Just visit any Asian countries and you would find there are many kind of the same things. It is an easy thing to order when in foreign land and often the price is reasonable. Yes we could experiment with various recipes or just stick to the one made by Adabi or Meggie. I did send a few package to our friend in Seattle and he did enjoy it.
Have a nice day.
Assalamu'alaikum Pak Idrus
Nasi Goreng is another way our society do not waste the left over or fresh cook rice. The left over rice when its cook with other like udang, ikan bilis etc makes the rice more delicious than it used to be......
mamadou, thanks for the visit and the greeting as well as sharing your thoughts on Nasi Goreng.
When the rice is so precious a commodity, Asian gave it due respect and never would waste it. Turning it into a value added product like Nasi Goreng make it more valuable and thus avoid wastage .
Have a nice day.
salam pak idrus,
Sedapnye....Nasi Goreng is one of the food that I would cook in case of 'emergency' simply because you can cook it almost from anything as long as you have rice.
JALAN REBUNG, Rizal thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on this posting.
Indeed Nasi Goreng is one of the plus food in our culture.
Have a nice day.
Salam Hormat Salam Perkenalan Pak Idrus,
I came to this blog from another blogger's blog. You are the first senior-who-blogs I have found and the fact you are Malaysian made me proud. I have bookmarked this blog and sure will drop by from time to time.
p/s - Nasi Goreng is one of the Malaysia's best dishes ever created. Simple and tasty !
tokeyunta min Dubai
Syamsulfaiz, thanks for the visit and the good words on me and my kind of blogging. Well at this age I thought that the best I could do is to share my thoughts with the world, thus I blog. I am glad that you like my blog and hope that it helps you to understand living and appreciate what we have got.
I shall continue to blog the way I know best and I Tweet as well and do Facebook too.
Yes Nasi Goreng is great for all occasion.
Have a nice day.
Salam, Pak Idrus! This is another good post. Fried rice is a great way of using up leftovers -- you can put anything from fishballs to long beans in it! My personal favourites are nasi goreng petai and nasi goreng ikan masin on my non-vegetarian days.
Gosh, this post has made me hungry.
Covert_Operations'78, Ee Lynn thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting.
True Nasi Goreng thought simple, yet a wonder dish by itself, that could be prepared in so many ways including a special for those vegetarian.
I am glad that the image did wet your appetite.
Have a nice day.
My eldest son, Abhijay was drooling when I showed him the culinary masterpiece. My Indonesian helper also makes killer nasi goreng Indon acompanied with yummy spicy sambal.
Sheela Jayara, thanks for the visit and the kind words on Asmah culinary works.
I supposed your son did got one made by you or the maid that day. Nasi Goreng is special in that there are many varities and all would taste good if prepared with love.
Have a nice day.
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