Well it is the end of the year again... As usual at these time of the year we get plenty of rain...If you live on the East coast of Peninsular Malaysia, in the states of Pahang, Terengganu, Kelantan and Johor, or the West coast of Sarawak and Sabah which faces the South China Sea, than you are subjected to the strong winds of the North East Monsoon....It brings strong rain and wind and the sea would be a dangerous place to be at that time of the year, high waves all throughout the three months from now to the end of January.....I was born and bred on the East Coast, a small town of Kuantan, a coastal township that nestle along the mouth of the Kuantan River....It is indeed a beautiful small town, at that time in the forties it had two streets, one the Main Street and the other the Wall Street [now renamed Mahkota].... Well talking about rain always bring me memories of my childhood on the east coast...The river, the sea, the mountain ranges, the jungle, the mangrove swamp are all sorts of playground to us kids....And of course the rain that comes at the end of the year...It rains cat and dogs and it would keep raining for days and weeks without stopping. Sometime the coconut oil that we use then, would turn semi solid....In the tropic the monsoon would actually cool down the tropical weather, which is normally hot and humid...For us kids at that period of time, it is indeed a welcome period, where we could swim on the swelling drain and ponds, care less about the world around us...Get wet everyday was just normal and playing in the rain were a real wonderful experiences....Drenched and shivering at time does not deter us from playing in the rain,... It was really fun and we kids really enjoy it...What a day in our childhood....Last week we were at our Malacca's home and outside it was raining cats and dogs as well...The beach which is just two hundred meter from our front window were bashed with strong waves on and on and we could hear the bashing that far... And I found out that the same is happening at this moment in time to the weather on the east coast, where a close friend spend half a month there throughout the years.. And in his email today, He say that he is enjoying the rain as well... Well friends that is living, for whatever comes we should continue to enjoy life as usual.... take care.
zaman kekecik, time like this, sebok nak mandi hujan :)
You did that once when your dad's car got stuck, remember!...take care.
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