Karen Armstrong, the famous British author of our times was here in Malaysia, to participate in a conference on ' Islam and the West: Bridging the gap., organised by the
Institute of Foreign Relation and Diplomacy Malaysia. At one of the forum, to a packed crowd of about one thousand five hundred people, at the Ballroom of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Dr.Karen Armstrong gave a very informative talk. She handle the delicate and sensitive aspect of the subject on religion in a lively ways, despite the subject been rather dry: History and Religion. I was there and it was really good to get the opportunity the see her in person, after having read almost all her
books that she has written so far. At present I am reading her latest book entitled '
The Great Transformation..'. As an avid reader of her books over times I have accumulate knowledge which I would not have got otherwise, especially those of the religions of the world. Reading her book help me to get to understand the teaching of the many religions of the world. In a way she has enlighten many as to the true teaching of all religions. That single message: Peace and Love to all mankind on this planet of ours.
It was great indeed to have in Dr.Karen, a person who took upon herself to do research on all the religions of the world and to look for resources for the contents of the books in the dark and dusted corner of those many archives in libraries of the world. And to do so with all the correctness she has also took to the studying other languages as well, which includes Arabic. Which let her to write many books on Islam and related subjects. Had it not been for her diligence in getting these book published, I doubt that we as readers, would have got that knowledge of our past history by just reading one or two books. We would have to read thousand of books before we could reach what she had complied in those few books that had been published so far.
It was great indeed to see so many people of all faiths, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, Tao and others congregate in one room to hear her speak of the role that religions should and could play in preaching peace and love in the world now and that hatred should not have a place in the hearts of peace loving people. She talk on the history and the role of all faiths throughout history and that it has one common role, that of Peace and compassion to all mankind. In her talk she relate the many times that works for peace and compassion has taken place throughout history. She even explain the special meaning of the word Love and that it means more than just giving love but of compassion, understanding and unity as well.
I arrived early to the forum which start at ten in the morning. It was held on the first floor of the
five star hotel situated adjacent to the KLCC. On arrival I met many people enjoying the coffee, tea and the snacks that were provide by the organiser. It was an opportunity to meet strangers and friends before the formal function. After the forum that lasted until past twelve noon, we again were served with coffee and tea. During this time I got the opportunity to meet some strangers which later became friends. We soon talk on many subjects like old friends. The two persons that I would like to mentioned here is Tian Chai and Peter Wong who continue to chat with me until the place were deserted. For me meeting these two young articulate persons was indeed an opportunity to exchange view that of common interest. It was indeed great to get to talk to them on subjects that are close to our hearts, especially so on subjects that concern religions, social interaction of the society and the progress of the country, to the subject of raising children in these ever challenging period of our country and the society. These two persons are knowledgeable in many subjects, thus the chats became a sort of a social discourse, that add color to the already colorful event of the day. Indeed it is a meeting of the minds of like minded people, in an atmosphere of harmony. Enriching each others minds with more knowledge, that comes so unexpectedly. Continuing to make lives so wonderful and beautiful. And of course making my life as colorful as ever. Have a nice day. [KL mean Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia]