Great, it is the best news for the world. Barack Obama did it and was elected to became the next President of America. A new dawn of an era not only for America but the world as well.
To Obama, congratulation Sir for taking the challenge and You did change history. Indeed A bright future for democracy. We hope that you would provide the world with a quality leadership in this turbulent time.
The Full speech of Barack Obama from the Star Malaysia.
Have a nice day.
salam pak idrus ,
The cheering is over. Now it's back to serious matter, will he deliver whast has been promised. Will the world see any significant changes in the way USA communicate with the rest of the world ....
Pak Idrus,
in response to your previous entry, I too love America. partly the people and and in terms of entertainment, they provide quality stuff that we have enjoyed for years now. most musical bands in my fav list comes from the US. even the good quality wheelchair i'm sitting on right now produced by the americans. the only thing we dont like about them is their government policy. Barrack may be everybody's choice to make that change but will he have the guts to make major changes and in the process become unpopular?
jalan rebung, Rizal thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on this subject.
Like you I hope for the best for Obama. He inherited a mess America which was created by the previous administration. A momentous task to undo what bad has been done. He has to move forward and bring America to the fold.
It is not gut but intelligent thats what he need to change America for good. His success is already a change.
We did on March 8, this year and now it get contiguous. Its America turn and Obama must provide that leadership of change. It would surely be good not only for America but us as well.
Have a nice day.
Kerp (Ph.D)thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts of good America.
Yes we do benefit much from the quality of goods and services that America provides. I have live in America and enjoy its hospitality, its freedom of expression that we hope for but yet to get.
In America you do not go to jail for sharing your thoughts or get your books ban. Its that freedom and liberty that made America so great and it is that value that we all want for our country.
A quality leadership especially from Obama would surely translate into change to the other Democratic countries including Malaysia.
Whatever it is America must provide leadership to the world and it could only be done if the President of this great country is someone who dare to made change. I believe that Obama would do changes and it would surely benefit us all.
Have a nice day- CU on the 29th.
Pak Idrus,
Our friend Louis will be very happy to have Obama as the next President of USA. Hopefully Obama will bring about a change not only to the Americans but also to the world at large.
First he must stop the wars which was started by his predecessor who lied through his teeth.
zawi, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on this subject. Yes I am sure Louis is delighted on Obama success. He is at present somewhere on the high sea off the gulf of Mexico enjoying his holiday on a cruise.
As for Obama, everyone want him to put a stop to all the killing in the Middle East, a tall order indeed. I hope he would be able to do better then the previous administration.
Have a nice day.
Glad to see that you and Zawi include me in your circle of friends.
Yes,I was delighted that Obama won the election. Watching CNN in my cabin as the results came in was very exciting. I took a screen shot as Obama was declared the winner.
The usual nightly entertainment in the largest lounge of the ship was cancelled so passengers could watch the news projected on a large screen.
louis, thanks for the visit and the good words as well as sharing your experience on this historic moment in our history.
As for our friendship, we started as a cyberpal first and I did progress to meeting you and your wonderful spouse in person. Indeed we are friends, that I believe goes beyond just the term friendship. The Internet did that and I sure when you are next here you would get to meet the other Malaysian blogger and that would surely includes Zawi and Nazli.
As for the Obama, for the first time in the world history the world stood still to watch an election. It is not just an American Election anymore it is the world election. I was in Singapore at that time and we were as excited to see the result and thanks to the Internet and the TV we get the news around lunch on the next day. Our whole family was happy that Obama won and I believe most of the people of the world was happy with it too. This is historic and for Obama it is indeed a tall order to lead the world at this juncture of it's civilization. Let us give him a chance and hope for the best.
Have a nice day. Getting colder now I supposed. Take care.
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