One of the beauty of my little garden with it small jungle and a fishpond is that it has became sort of an ecosystem of its own. Small insects and animal comes as it please turning the garden into its playground. This little garden is part of my patio and it is a place that I did my gardening or just sat at the Kopitian table to enjoy my coffee. Most of the time when I am there I could see small creatures enjoying itself in and around the greens. That folks brings peace to my mind. It does made me appreciate the greatness of nature more than ever.
At time I would just flirt in my mind about all the possibilities that this little world could offer to enlighten our lives. Sometimes I would just daydream and enjoy those beautiful moment in time. In the midst of that daydream I saw a little spider perched on the delicate web that it has spun, careless of what's happening to its surrounding. It is in a world of its own and I am enjoying watching it doing its jobs creating that web, where it would live for a few days. Laying it eggs and then would vanish into its hiding place somewhere around there. This time I took the opportunity to photograph it with my macro lens and here I am sharing what I saw. Much as I had enjoyed snapping those images I believe others would enjoy it as well. Have a nice day.
[Click on the image to enlarge]

Folks, this posting also appear in Buzz and below are some comments:-
Howard Yamaguchi - Beautiful pictures, Pak Idrus!Feb 27
idrus abu bakar - Howard. It was one of those days that I get to snap such an image. Happy that you like it. take care.Feb 27
lias y - Incy Wincy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out,
Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain,
And Incy Wincy spider climbed up the spout again.
Little Miss Muffet,
Sat on her tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey,
Along came a spider
And sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away.Feb 27
idrus abu bakar - Wow! Lias, your still remember all those wonderful nursery rhymes. Folks nowadays never had the opportunity to enjoy those wonderful days in school. Many thanks for reminding us.Feb 27
lias y - Uncle, ............ yes, they never have the opportunity ............ they all want to score as many As ........ many never even got educated in the process.Feb 27
And it also in Facebook. And the comments are as follows:-
Teh Lian Chye
Lovely...& fascinating. thanks for featuring this.
Yesterday at 10:24am ·
Thamrong สมชาย ธำรง
Many beautiful things hidden in small world around us...amazing spider..
Yesterday at 3:06pm ·
Thamrong สมชาย ธำรง
Spider is a solitary predatory leopard. I think most local spiders are harmless..
Yesterday at 3:11pm ·
Idrus Abu Bakar
Thanks for the visit and that additional knowledge on this amazing creature.
3 hours ago ·
Salam Pak Idrus
Amazing shot! The spider could be mistaken as Princess Diana's pendant! Really beautiful.
Temuk, thanks for the visit and the good words on my kind of photography, as well as sharing your thoughts on this wonderful creature.
This spider is just the size of half of a matchstick and yet it is so elegant and beautiful. A wonder of nature for us to appreciate and enjoy.
Have a nice day.
Gorgeous photos, Pak Idrus! You could send these in to nature journals! Such richness of colour! Such lighting! Such detail!
I agree with you that your little garden and fishpond has become a self-contained ecosystem. I love your garden and verandah, it is lovely and peaceful to sit there.
~Covert_Operations'78~. Ee Lynn thanks for the visit and the good words on my kind of photography. And thanks for the suggestion as well.
Venturing into photography has enriched my life and I would continue to post images that would enriched the lives of others as well.
Yes that little garden of mine has indeed became an ecosystem of sort and I am enjoying the presence of the other species there. It does made living beautiful.
Have a nice day.
Hello. And Bye.
Anonymous[6:49AM], thanks for the visit and the greeting.
Have a nice day.
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