Monday, August 02, 2010

Of Bicycling @ Blogger Zaharan Razak...

Now folks this is no ordinary story. It is a story of Adventure, of Endurance and Challenges. When I was just a boy still in school I love adventure. In search of that a few friends and I who are members of the Kuantan Boy Scout troop would go on an Expedition of sort almost every weekend and during school holidays. We call this an expedition because we are actually going on an adventure to the unknown territories. Like hiking along the stretch of the beaches near Kuantan and cycling from Kuantan to Kuala Lumpur that no one had ever thought of before. We did it and enjoy. It was hard; it was fun and most of all it was an adventure that we never forget. The endurance and challenges that we went through on such adventure taught us many aspects of leadership, which later on in life proved to be very useful indeed. Especially useful in diligently carrying out our official duty in administration or business, as well in managing the family lives.

In this posting I want to highlight a friend Blogger Zaharan Razak, a retired teacher of journalism in one of our university, who was once a journalist. At 64 years he says he is still young and I do agree with that statement for I am much older than him. Sometimes ago he relates to me that he wanted to go on an adventure by bicycle to China and ask me to come along. Had I been younger I would have gone and join him on this adventure of a lifetime. He insisted that I should come along and even willing to give me a handicap from time to time along the route. Like allowing me to take the bus or other mode of transports if ever I felt like not cycling along with him. Anyway I told him thanks and hope that he would be actually make the trip. He even plan to take a dog along to accompany him on the travel but Pat, another Blogger friend and I advise him to think seriously about the implication of taking along this man's best friend. For there are regulations when animal is brought along to another country and crossing boarders which may hinder his cycling schedules. He eventually drops the idea and now he is going alone on this cycling adventure come this September, 15 2010.

This is not the first time he has done cycling adventure. In the past he has cover many places in the Asean region. With the experiences and the training he has had I believe he would go through this adventure with flying color. So come this September 15, 2010 he would fly to Taiwan and starting from there he would cycle to Mainland China then to Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand and back to Malaysia. When he completed that journey he would have had cycled for four thousand five hundred kilometers. That folks would be a great achievement for a cyclist of his age. Perhaps would be an envy of many in the golden age and a shame to the youth. Like my motto, there is nothing impossible to a willing mind, I know his mind is willing and his body is as healthy and fit as ever. The image on the left shows how healthy this man of sixty four years old is.

As usual on such an expedition he would love to meet like-minded folks in those countries where he would be traveling. So to those who read this do spare some of your times to meet this Blogger friend of mine Zaharan for a friendly chat. BTW he is on Facebook too. Have a nice day.


Anonymous said...

Now that you've helped me to throw my cap over the wall, I cannot back off! Shudder my timber!

Pak Idrus said...

Zaharan Razak, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on this adventure of yours.

I truly believe that you could do it, thus I blog.

Have a nice day.

TK said...

Wah..Iam impressed. At 64 he can still do that..I have not reached 40 yet but dah sakit2 badan..
But like you said nothing is impossible..

Pak Idrus said...

TK, Thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

Yes agreed, folks should be impressed with this man achievement. The last time he came over to my house in KL, he drove his Kapcai a light motorcycle all the way from Dungun on the east coast. He has train well so I am confident that he would made it on this long trip.

He pratice Yoga and mediate and excise regularly, so if we want to continue to be healthy, our mind and physical body must be healthy as well.

Have a nice day.

louis said...

That's a huge undertaking at any age! All the best, Zaharan.

Would you want to reconsider your decision not to go along on that adventure, Idrus? Think of all the exciting blogs you could post every night as you nurse your aching muscles!

Pak Idrus said...

louis, thanks for the visit and your suggestion.

Well I may reconsider if you are willing to come along. It would then be a slow ride dragging Zaharan along. And the headline would be Three crazy old man on a craziest journey on bicycle.

Eventually Zaharan would give us up and we would have to fend for ourselves for the rest of the journey on bus or plane.

BTW, agreed with you it is indeed a huge undertaking by Zaharan but I believe he would come through it with flying color.

Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Dear Pak, i really enjoy following blogs of retierd man. well, only those whe has good things to do. high motivation, positif mind...

very very interesting.

anyway, do u have any retired woman blogging to recomend?


Pak Idrus said...

Anonymous' Wani thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

First it is wrong to say retired for retired folks just faded away. It is folks in their golden years that had not retired that are doing creative works like Blogging and Facebook.

Sure there are many women in the golden age who now blogs. Here a few:-

Have a nice day.