Monday, September 09, 2024

Early Morning Moon...

It was just past eight in the morning. I woke up to a beautiful morning with the sun just rising at the back of the house. After doing the normal ritual at the front of the house I open the gate and enjoy the fresh air and look at the sky above. It was a gorgeous blue sky. Then I saw the three quarter moon against the background of the blue sky. It was majestic. I went up into the house and took my DSLR with it telephoto lens and snap a few images. About is one of the images that came out very well indeed, taken at 8.06 on January 10, 2015. Enjoy it folks.

Have a nice day.

Reminisce - the shop...

From the time I could remember, probably at the age of five or six years old I am always around food. For during that growing up period I live in a restaurant in town. The back of the restaurant was our sort of a home. Father made his living in the food business and it was sort of a family business, the Mama and Papa shop. We as kids had to help whenever we are not at school. And because we live in the shop we all have to wake up early to help with the daily opening of the shop. So live for us kids start at about five thirty in the early morning. Been the eldest in the family my task was to help open the front of the shop. In those day there was no such thing as a sliding door. The whole front part of the shop could only be closed by using many single plank which had to he put in place one at a time, starting by putting up the two pieces of the door first. These are the normal ritual in the early morning to open up the shop and at night pass midnight we had to put the plant one by one again to closed the shop. It was indeed a hard job to do and together with my other brother and at time with workers we would open and closed the shop every day. Most of the time dad would help with the heavy doors.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

First book Published - title From Kerala to Kuantan.

For most Bloggers getting a book published is always a dream. As for me that dream of publishing a book became a reality this month. For the last one year I have toiled through my blog trying to edit the relevant postings to get it into a book.  I have ask others to get it done and prepared to pay for it but to no avail. It difficult they all say. So determined to saved my blog if or when the host of my blog decided to pull the site away or for some reasons a glitch in the Internet may wiped the site away and could not be recovered,  I decide to saved as many of the article that  I had blog since I start blogging in 2003.  I decided to do the editing myself. At last after toiling for almost a year and with the help of my two daughters got  it published into a book. The book title "From Kerala to Kuantan + other Short stories has just been published.  The publishing of this book is a dream come true. I hope this book would reached the many bookstores in the country. Well that is still in the pipeline and In Sya Allah it would be so. Alhamdulillah. 

Have a nice day.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

My other Blog.

Folks thanks for visiting this Blog. I am now posting the latest in my Other Blog here.[click here and it would take you  there.] Please take the time to visit it.

Have a nice day.

Monday, July 27, 2015


I love gardening. Every morning without fail I would be in my Little Garden in front of my patio. To fill the Bird/Squirrel Feeder with foods and feed the fish in the small pond. Then I would weed the pots and at time change the water in the fountain. Clean the whole garden and then water all the plants. It a ritual that I love to do and am enjoying it. At time I would spend hours there and sometime got lost of times  as well. It is so refreshing to see all the greens in a lush condition and the flower blooming well. It does made my day. 

Have a nice day folks.

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Open to the Public again...

Dear folks, I have decided to reopen this blog for those who want to read my past posting. All my new posting would be in my other blog here. Thanks and have a nice day.

Friday, April 24, 2015

A New Blog...

Folks this Blog ends here. I am starting a new Blog with the same Heading. The link to the New Blog is here.  Thanks. Have a nice day.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

A break from Blogging...

On March 31st 2015 I went for a surgery to remove gallbladder-stone at the Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital. I am now recuperating at home. The first week had to do with non-solid food and then on the second week start taking solid food but without any fat.  At the same time I had no appetite to eat thus I became weak.  As of today I have not got back my full energy but gaining strength by days. I believe because of my age it would take a longer time to regain all my energy and continue to live a normal life. Well folks like if like that. Take care.