I have not blog for almost two weeks. It has been
rather hectic weeks with happening here and there but then life has been good.
Last week I went to meet a few friends who I have not met personally for a
long time. It has been years and month that I have met them. It looks like time
passes by fast indeed when we are busy with our affair. In the age of the
Internet it not that bad since we still could meet in cyberspace and kept in
touch all the time. But it still not the same like meeting in person.
So the last two weeks I decided to go out and meet them. First I decided to
meet two friends in one day, one happened to be sick and recuperating at his
house in Bukit Kerinch. I took the LRT and stopover at the Sentral Station and
there I met Aurelia a friend whom I had not met for years. The last time we met
was at a barbeque at the Australian Embassy in 2007. We had lunch and talk. It
was really nice to meet her again. She is from Sabah and now works in Kuala
Lumpur. Her office is at Bangsar so it was easy for her to meet me at the
Sentral Station, it just a one stop by the LRT. After that lunch I call
Pokku the friend who is sick and told him I would be there in a while. Then he calls
me if I am coming by car, if it is so we can go for lunch together. I told
him that I already had lunch and not driving. I am taking the LRT. In that case
he says what about buying lunch for him. I told him it would be OK. I then went
to get KFC for him and since it was at lunch time the place was crowded.
With that lunch pack I took the LRT to the University Station and then walk to
his apartment nearby at Bukit Kerinci. The guard took me to his place up
above the Apartment. There I met him looking good. The doctor told him that he
should not go around without the oxygen tank to enable him to breathe easily. I
give him his lunch pack and sat down to enjoy the Root Beer that he offered. I
than went to the balcony and took a snap of the view outside. The view on the
left is what I saw, a magnificence sight indeed. While he enjoys his lunch I
sat to watch the Unifi TV program while surfing the Net using my iPad.
To digress a bid, just a few days ago I chance
met a FB friend Shakirah at the Coffee Club at Kino. I was at KLCC at that time
and saw her posting saying that she is now at the Coffee Club. So after I had
finished lunch I went to meet her for the first time. She was there doing her
work on the laptop. We chat a while and I took leave happy that at last I get
to meet this single mother of seven kids. Another happening in KLCC is a few
days later at the corridor of the Kino bookstore where I met Zai, a FB friend
who had wanted to meet me but was in a rush that day for a doctor appointment.
So we just stood at the corridor in front of Kino and get acquaintance and
chat. Among other things she asks me how to gets her two teenage boys to read
books. Well I told her to start with books that they are interested and work
from there. Once they get into the reading habit everything else would be a
piece of cake. With that I now have personally met these two wonderful FB
friends in person. With parted with a hope to bump on each other again
And then last week at round 6.30PM I got a call
from a relative who wanted to meet at 8PM that night for a man to man
talk. He suggested that we met at a Lebanese restaurant at Ampang Point
for dinner and talk. I sense some urgency is his request and told him that I
would be there. At just before eight it rain with strong winds I decided to go
early to Ampang Point. With the downpour I look for a parking space and found
one. As I was about to parked my car he call saying he is already at the
restaurant. I told him I am parking my car and would be there soon. With the
umbrella I walk to the mall and went straight to the restaurant and sure enough
he is there already drinking the Arab Tea. I too love Arab Tea and took it as
well. We then ask for the menu and ordered our dinner. While waiting for the
food he told me why he wanted this man to man meeting. It seems that
his only daughter just told him and his spouse that she wanted to get
married. She is still single and in her mid-thirty. It sort of complicated and
worrisome so it jolted them for a while and has yet to make a decision and that
is why he wanted to talk to me. As usual in a case like this parents seek other parents’
advice before making a final decision. Well folks no one really have an easy formula
in marriage but I told him what wise man often said. If you think it is good,
do it quickly but if you think it going to be a problem delay that decision. As
for me I just share my thoughts the best I could thus lighten his depression a
bit. As we all know too well that parenting is not that easy. If we had play
the role of parenting well all the years of the kids growing up period in most
cases thing would come out alright but if we had failed in our parenting than
we can expect things would not be that easy. Well life is like that and we all
must accept for the fact that parenting is not that easy. We had a good chat
and I believe he wanted to get it out of his chest that has been boiling and
this talk tonight over dinner I think had in a way does him good. It was
indeed a good dinner and we had a very fruitful chat on parenting
especially when it is about a marriage in the family. Well life is like
that; colourful at time.
Have a nice day.