Friday, June 14, 2013

A Wedding in Muar...

We were in Muar last Saturday to attend the wedding of our niece's daughter. With my nephew driving I just enjoyed the ride. Left KL at just past nine on that Saturday morning with a stops over for a late breakfast at the Jejantas Rest Area at Air Keroh. After refreshing up we proceed to the house in Muar using the GPS. Just before 12 noon we arrived in good time and met the other relatives who have come from near and a far to attend this wedding reception. We did had at great time there. 

Here are some images at the wedding reception. 

Have a nice day.


  1. Tak putus putus berjalan kesana kemari dengan penuh semangat. Iri hati kalaulah dapat saya mengikuti jejak Pak Idrus.

  2. Al-Manar, Pokcik Hassan thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. Well I love to travel and this wedding was a opportunity to do just that and meet the other relatives at such an honourable function.

    There is nothing stopping you to follow my ways of life. Get into you car and with Salmah go and travel and see our beautiful country.

    Have a nice day.

  3. Salam, Pak Idrus
    Fortunately the kenduri was held earlier, before the unkind floating particles and smoke came over to Muar, with such rudeness and great desire to stay on apparently for a long time!

  4. Temuk, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. Well we were lucky it late this year. Anyway the Haze is of our making, The concoction of the pollution in our atmosphere were just waiting for another ingredient, the smoke. The Haze did not start from Indonesia, only the smoke is from there. The other pollutants like emission from vehicles, Jet Engine that ply the route and the industrial pollutant are already in our atmosphere. Campor the smoke Viola it became the Haze.

    Have a nice day.
