Monday, June 03, 2013

A Gorgeous day in June...

All of a sudden it already June; I check and  check the calendar and it is true folks that it June 2013 already. And today is June 3, 2013. It looks like time passes by fast indeed. So let not waste our time but to continue to enjoy life as it goes. For today enjoy the above image of my little garden. Have a nice day.


  1. Assalamualaikum Pak Idrus,

    Have a nice day too.

  2. Cheqna, thanks for the visit. Do enjoy the day and take care.

  3. Your pitcher plant doesn't seem to worry at all about the very hot weather now. It is growing so well, bearing so many pitchers! You certainly will enjoy the plant better, watching it while sitting on your new toy bike. Have a nice day, Pak Idrus.

  4. Temuk,thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    It look like it like the place and willingly grow with many of it pitchers. I lost one before since I am not sure of how to take care of it.It a rather sensitive plant and had to be taken with care. So for now I let it grow and watch it. Even the small grass that grow in the pot I let it be there. Maybe it help each other to get food to grow well.

    Well that bicycle is just a toy and I am not sure how long I would use it. Anyway it always great playing with a new toy. The boy is still there in us. Have a nice day.
