Monday, April 10, 2006

The Gospel of Judas...

Last night from 10 pm to 12 midnight [Sunday April 9, 2006] I watch with interest a documentary on The Gospel of Judas presented by National Geographic..I believe the rest of the world watch that too.. I love history and had always tried to follow the development in science and technology in seeking the truth.. For History is the product of the Victor.. Even if you had Time Machine to get back in time and seek the truth of our history, it would still be just too difficult to record everything that happen twenty four hours in a day...So your guess is a good as mine of how much of history are the truth, until we get more facts and in this case about another Gospel. The Gospel of Judas. For more then two thousand years we have been made to believe in so many views and for the belief of it we often then not really believed in what we have been told.. Our species have been always an inquiring man, so we never fail to seek the truth..In an era of the internet information get disseminated fast..The truth or false get to every corner of the earth in mere second..Like tonight we all watch with great admiration the amount of works and resources in the quest for the truth...If not all the truth at least we are surely getting there in one way or the other..In the case of the document of the Gospel of Judas, the documentary shows the dedicated works of those involved for years in seeking the truth and documenting the process in this great documentary by National Geographic...With that I thanks all those that made this possible for us to open our mind to other possibilities in the not too distance future..So that our history is put into a better prospective with the truth eventually prevailed.. May our species continue to progress and prosper... Have a nice day.


  1. "What A Friend We Have In Judas."

  2. fishtail, thanks.. What would it be in two thousand years from now!!!

  3. Pak Idrus,

    I've missed watching it. This is very interesting. I need to check the repeat time in the guide. You know how much I love to know the truth :) You are so ever the informative one. Thank you Pak Idrus.
