Sunday, April 09, 2006

Goreng Pisang [Fried Banana]

Well let talk banana!!.. No, we are not talking about monkey even though the monkey and us human do love among other things, this tropical fruit the Banana... Anyway I am not talking about what the monkey like or dislike although both are of the same species...Well I am talking about is about Eating or Makan, the passion of all Malaysian...For we Malaysian love to eat, no..Not just love to eat but Enjoy to eat as well...This is a country where one could go on eating all day and night long.. Food are available all the time and everywhere across the country...If you could not find it at the restaurants, Fast Food outlets, roadside stalls, surely there are foods at the twenty four hours Mamak shop or at the coffee house at major hotels that open twenty four hours.. In another word you just could not go hungry in this country. Remember for less the US one dollar you could have a hearty and nutritious food in the Roti Canai & Teh Tarik...I could talk all day long about food but today what I had on my mine at this moment in time is about that other special of ours..The Goreng Pisang or Fried Banana..It is another favorite of mine..Hot steamy Goreng Pisang that came straight form the Frying Wok of the Goreng Pisang seller. Goreng Pisang sell fast when it is hot after frying thus the Malaysian saying "Macam Goreng Pisang Panas" which mean anything that sell like hot cakes...At tea break nothing taste better then hot Goreng Pisang..The images about is a plate full of that delicacy of ours, a traditional snack that still there to remind us of our past...The Goreng Pisang... Have a nice day.


  1. ah...i should make this someday! Although i prefer buying from road side ..hopefully next year i can !

  2. PakIdrus,
    Last week I had goreng pisang with a bonus: fried sweet potatoes.

  3. fotoaddict, thanks for the visit, hope that you get to make it and enjoy.

    anasalwa, thanks...well, like the saying 'great people think alike..'

    Have a nice day to both of you.
