Wednesday, April 12, 2006

From Causeway to Bridge, back to Causeway...

The Malaysian government today decided not to proceed with the building of the new bridge to replace the Causeway as planned... Many Malaysian have voices their concerned with the building of this bridge to replace the Causeway, joining Malaysia with Singapore that was built by the colonial government before independence. This is because the negotiations with Singapore have not been fruitful so far.

I am glad that the Malaysian government had decided to scraped this project totally and with that would save Malaysia billion of Ringgit, which I believe would be used for other economic projects in Johor... Anyway with the present Causeway and the Link Kedua Bridge, both citizen of the countries could still travel to and fro, thus it would not create a problems with the traveling Malaysian public...

Indeed a great and wise move by the Malaysian Government. In a way Malaysia has more to gain in making the decision to scrap the project totally...Thanks to Pak Lah [Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the Prime Minister of Malaysia] for the wise decision...


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  2. Doc, thank for the visit, you have removed the posting..I have read it, appreciate your thoughts, a copy is in my email inbox[every posting goes to my email for safe keeping]...Do read the Link at my blog 'Paklah'... Email Me [the address is at my blog] and I would explain to you why I said it is a wise decision, thanks.
