Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Dip in...

So what do you do with fruits that has yet to ripen!!! Well, you either wait for it to ripe and eat it or find another way of enjoying the fresh fruits as it is just before it is ripen. Most tropical fruits have that sour salty taste before its ripen. It is only when it is fully ripen that it get that delicious sweet taste...In the old days Kampong [village] folks would gather around and enjoy a cicah session during the fruits season...It is actually enjoying the young and as yet to ripen fruits and eating it with a specially made hot and spicy sauce...The other day on our way back from Taiping, a city to the north of the country,we stop at the R & R and bought some fresh fruits and this weekend our grandchildren came over and as usual the elders among them would be at the kitchen helping the grandma.....Without been ask, the eldest girl decide on an idea of cutting these fruits and prepare a plate full, and artistically arranged it all for the dip in session...It look like that traditions do run in the family...The images above is Her works of arts...Well it did not last long. Everyone took to dip in and enjoy the fresh tropical fruits...Well life is like that...Enjoy


  1. Pak Idrus,

    Memang sangat artistik :) Like the Japanese, they believe that a good food is something that has to be artistic too because it will affect your appetite.

    I like to eat mangga muda with kicap, gula dan cili padi. Memang best.

  2. Anonymous10:43 am

    alamak terliur saya dibuatnye ... Pak IDrus boleh postkan ke Australia tak?

  3. Liza, thanks, Foods are energy that fuel us, so treat it with care and love..Arts is the works of love.

    Sampoy, thanks, I am glad the images did got it message across distance places... Well when we have the technology to transmit Atom like we do with bits now, then you shall have it at the click of a button...have a nice day.
