Friday, June 24, 2005

The PPS Evening...

Oh!! What a evening the PPS anniversary turn to be last night at the Charlie Place.. It was indeed a great get together of bloggers... Hundreds of mostly the young bloggers from all over the country gather for this bash... We the Pak blogger were there just to add to the color of the event, making it a gathering of the elder and the youth...Exchanging ideas and yarning about old time, in a way trying to pass down the knowledge and the wisdom of the old to the new generation of Malaysian...I had the opportunity to meet some bright young bloggers who were full of great thoughts and were prepare to listen to the wisdom of the old that I tried to part...The respond by those bright young Malaysian delighted me, since I now could see the fruit of our labor in early days of Independence, where we introduce various social engineering programs in nation building and today in these crowd of young Malaysian I saw the wonder of the Malaysian society in action...Their enthusiasm were just like us before, eager to do changes of the society and wondering why thing do not seem to change fast enough,in politic and culture....I told them that it is alright to be impatient for we are just forty seven years old and in time changes would happen and we would be as great a nation as the other first world countries.... Of course I met Mack and his charming spouse...The blogger who has cause quite a stir in the blogspere...There are so many others that were as great, but it would not be possible for me to mention its all here. As for me I am indeed happy that I attend this meeting of the mind of bloggers. Pok Ku and Pak Adib, the other bloggers of my generation were there too and like me they do really enjoy the evening.... Congratulation PPS...Carrying on, for it is the start of a great revolution in the 'freedom of speech' in this country....Through blogging...Thus it would surely change the scenario of the dissemination of information to the society at large...It is a small steps but then every journey start with a small steps...Carry on we are with you all the way...Syabas... The images below tell the whole story of the evening.... Posted by Hello
 Posted by Hello
 Posted by Hello
 Posted by Hello

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