Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The blogger meet...

Well the blogger meet, on Tuesday the twenty first, we met, they say three is a crowd, so there were four of us at the lunch at NZ...It is indeed a crowd....Pok Ku, Pak Adib, Lias and Me, Pak Idrus... Just wait a moment, Lias did not want to be address as Pak Lias, He say He is rather young...Well that is that...All of us are happy to be address as Pak...Two of us are Grandparents and the other two are yet to be...It was my first meeting with Pok ku and Pak Adib, I had known our 'young' man Lias, who address me as uncle....Pak Adib arrived first, He had SMS me saying that he would post himself at the table near the newspaper stand, well that makes it easy for me to get connected with this stranger...I arrived just before one and after parking my car, walk straight to the newspaper stand, and immediately recognized the stranger Pak Adib...We met and there was an instant chemistry of the like we had known each other long before, in fact it is the first time, now this stranger is no more a stranger and instead has became my new friend...He was having a Teh Tarik and reading an article on blogger on the local newspaper...We chat and decided to get another table that is more comfortable when the others arrived...Since he knows Pok Ku...And I knows Lias, it would be easy for them to recognized us when they arrived for the lunch...As we chat along..Pok Ku arrived, all Smile..And got introduced..And we continue to chat like all bloggers do...For a start we ordered some more hot and cold drink while waiting for the others to arrive...Anyway with three of us it is already considered a crowd ....Many subjects come to mind in our discussion and it soon became more interesting as time passes....And then our 'young' man Lias arrived...So the number has increased to four....And now that we are no longer strangers, we continue to chat and enjoy the meeting....Then we order the usual lunch of rice and fish head curry..And other dishes and enjoy the lunch while we chat and yarn...Enjoying every minutes of this first meeting of bloggers..To me it is indeed a very useful and thoughts provoking discussion we had...Four hours just passes by without us noticing it...What a lunch!!, it was indeed a great time well spend... On subjects that of interest to the society and us...For the love of our country Malaysia...From the look of it the group is going to grow as we proceed on and it would surely enrich our life as we go by...When I put up the posting on my meeting with Pok Ku on my blog a few days ago..I did get many respond, some say they would try to come, some say they wish they could and other positive notes that really make me happy and I guess the other bloggers too....Just this morning I got comment [iskandar]on my blog on the subject of this meeting and late today I got a long note from another visitor [Derumo] to my blog, which really make me happy and I do really laughed reading it, the writer well articulate thoughts really touches me and it makes my day...Thanks Derumo ...For your great thoughts that makes me real happy... For that I would reproduce his remark on my comment column for everyone to enjoy...Friends here it is and enjoy...I believe you would enjoy it as I had...

" Derumo said...
Pak Idrus-Pok Ku- It seems that the elderly bloggers in Malaysia are using Pak - Pak Ku, Pak Adib, Pak Idrus and Pak Lias. So, as a group they can be known as Pak Bloggers (Not as PAK BLOG). The word Pak is derived from the bapa ? which is pronounced as bape (Malaysia) or bapak (Indonesia), bapok (Trengganuspeak) and bapuk (different meaning in Johor). However, the use of this word may have different meaning in different context/country. In Indonesia, Pak is used the title Mister (English) or Encik (Malaysian) and so everyone is called Pak e.g. Pak Harto, Pak Sudomee etc. It is interesting that many Indonesian in our country are creating confusion on this two term with word fusions that emerged as Pak Cik. It is not the Pak Cik/ Pokcik (uncle) in the Malaysia sense but it the fusions of Pak + Encik = Pak Cik (pronounced more as Pakcek). However, in Indonesia the leader of a group is known as Kepala e.g. Kepala Kantor ( Head of the Office) . A group of Malaysian delegation from the Coconut Division of the Agriculture Department visited the Indonesian Agriculture department. The Indonesian counterpart addressed the head of the delegation as "kami, bapak bapak disini yang terdiri dari Kepala Kantor Deparmen Pertanian mengucapkan selamat datang kepada Pak Ahmad iaitu Kepala Kelapa dari Malaysia" And in replying to the welcoming speech ,the leader of the Malaysian delegation addressed the head of the Indonesian reception committee "Saya bagi pihak delgasi ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Kepala Bapak Departmen Pertanian kerana menerima lawatan kami" And in Indonesian "Pak Blog" may mean different thing altogether."

4:15 PM

Below are some images of the meeting...

In the picture from left Pok Ku, Pak Adib and Me Posted by Hello

and the 'young' Lias... that complete the group of four.... well someone had to take the picture... Posted by Hello


  1. The pictures are better than those taken using my pda.
    Let's meet again soon.

  2. assalamualaikum uncle... don't know if you remember me... i used to be housemates with your daughter masa kat Ithaca :)

    saw your picture on pok ku's blog (which i frequent when i get a chance) and i was thinking... hmmm apsal muka pak idrus ni familiar semacam?? hehehehe

    salams to lin and aunty.

  3. pak idrus: it was a working afternoon... far from my office, camana nak join?

  4. Famy, sure I remember you, thanks for the visit..take care.

    Shidah... there would be the next time, you state the place and time and we would be would be fund to meet another blogger...take care.
